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  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    So. yeaaaaah. What was up with that pet thing? :/

    edit. daaaang. I just realized that rorshach was without his mask in a few of the scenes standing in the background ;o

    Yup, just like the comic - he walks past The Comedians badge twice.
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    pior wrote: »
    SNAP I fell asleep during the ending!! I enjoyed it, but I was just very tired hehe.
    I loved blueguy, surprisingly he was the character I grew the most attached to/and the most human of all (weeeeeird...)

    Now I need to find a link to a stremed version of the movie just to get back the last 15 minutes!! I think stuff explodes but I'm not even sure hehe.

    I enjoyed the characters, except the lips of the batman guy.

  • dolemite
    Did anyone else have to watch it with people's degenerate kids running through the aisles? Who takes their kids to see this stuff anyway?

    Great movie. I will see it again this week for sure.
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    dolemite wrote: »
    Did anyone else have to watch it with people's degenerate kids running through the aisles? Who takes their kids to see this stuff anyway?

    Great movie. I will see it again this week for sure.

    No unfortunately I had to watch the film with a bunch of assholes that couldn’t stop making penis jokes every time Dr. Manhattan showed up! It seemed to me like these guys have never seen a piece of fine art that had nude figures. Sad really.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    ya, the guy behind me keep saying "Would pants have been THAT hard to put on?!"
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    No unfortunately I had to watch the film with a bunch of assholes that couldn’t stop making penis jokes every time Dr. Manhattan showed up! It seemed to me like these guys have never seen a piece of fine art that had nude figures. Sad really.
    Yeah same thing when I saw it. But thats part of what was so great about it. Its like Zack Snyder said, "O whats that? you don't like male full frontal nudity? Well too bad, heres a face full of cock anyway!!"
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    I saw it Saturday, loved it!

    I didn't mind the few dialog rewrites, or the new ending. I didn't agree with his choice to make the ally fight be a deadly fight. Those two are not killers, yeah break your arms and legs sure but not killers. I also missed the dialog with the psychiatrist and how Rorschach twists him over time. The scene i felt was truly lacking was the death of Hollis as a result of the jail break.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    dolemite wrote: »
    Who takes their kids to see this stuff anyway?

    A dad and his sons sat in front of me when I watched it yesterday. Not a sound from them. My gf commented that she felted ashamed for the kids having to see so much sex and nudity. But when you think about it, the film has plenty of violence, blood, and shattered bones. What's worse, right? Giant blue cock?

    During one of the sex scenes, someone's phone rang. And not just ringing sound. It was loud vocal audio that said "RING RING PICK ME UP RING RING!!!" It took the guy nearly a minute to finally turn it off. Ruined it.

    Overall, I thought the film was good. I haven't read the graphic novel, but now I think I will. The story has depth.
  • robioto
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    robioto polycounter lvl 19
    For anyone interested you can get the novel at Target. It's currently 20% off. I picked it up yesterday.

    I really don't understand why people take their kids to movies like this, it's rated R for a reason. I also don't understand the cell phone thing, who wants to get a call during a movie?
  • [Deleted User]
    Thegodzero wrote: »
    The scene i felt was truly lacking was the death of Hollis as a result of the jail break.
    Snyder said he cut specifically that scene to take 7 minutes off the runtime to please the studio, so it should be in the director's cut.
  • FunkaDelicDass
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    FunkaDelicDass polycounter lvl 18
    Anyone here check out the Watchmen Motion Comic on DVD or Blu-Ray yet? It's a great way to experience the novel if you don't like reading. 5.5 hours of delicious Watchmen narrated audio book style and set to a great original score (better than Tyler Bates' music, IMO). I did some work on chapter's 3, 9, 10, 11, 12 and animated the entirety of chapter 6. /end shameless plug.

    On the movie, I thought it was about as good as you can get with time they had. They kinda blew it on Rorschach's origin, leaving out the fire and his soliloquy. Loved the way they handled Manhattan's origin. I thought it was funny that they used Philip Glass music for that part, probably was a huge ego slap for Tyler Bates. And the actress they got for Laurie needed bigger boobs.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    fuckin A tbh

    edit: (i was terribly drunk at this point)
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    that was pretty cool. I went with 3 girls, one of which kept giggling every time manhattan showed minimanhattan. lol

    I read the book a while ago and actually kinda prefered the ending in the film to the ending in the graphic novel, it just seemed more solid and veidt was a little more likeable for me than the novel.
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    i cant believe everyone was critsizing the music in this movie so much. Personally i loved all the music choices and thought it fit the scenes and mood of the movie. There was only 1 spot that i thought had a horrible song choice....hallelujah........nuff said.
  • Nilium
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    Nilium polycounter lvl 18
    Loved the movie. Nothing I can think to really complain about. I could probably nit-pick, but that's all it would be. I didn't read the comic, so perhaps that's the difference between happy and unhappy, though.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Saw it last night--very awesome!
    I am intruiged to read the books now, but not to the point of running to the nearest bookstore and grabbing it.

    Two of the characters were my definite favourites, and helped make the movie for me: Rorschach and (wait for it) Ozymandias. Rorschach was just so much badassery that it was amazing. Every prison scene was a delight. But why Ozy? I'm not sure. Something about his whole "I'm the smartest guy alive and I'm very calm and collected about it and I have to destroy the world's main cities but I'm cool with doing that and btw I've got bad-ass fast moving skills and I'm the prettiest Watchman, too (Prettier even than Silk Spectre).
    Yeah, something about that I really liked :P Lol Am I the only one..? Maybe? I'd love to read the books to get more b/g on his character in particular.

    My least favourite character? Silk Spectre (The second, cause the first was cool in a messed-up '50's way. :P) Her character bored me to tears, and she just seemed useful as a way of 'motivating' other characters. Her existence is what made Dr. Manhattan care about humans? Really? Her? I'd be more 'meh' if she's the best humanity has to offer. Hopefully she's got more interest and depth in the book, cause like I said, she did nothing for me as a character. (But her hair was purty... :P)

    And finally, I was glad they kept in the blue wang. Ok, so maybe I giggled a little over it, but the fact that it was there as what felt more like art than something sexual I thought was very awesome. (And did any animators catch the sweet secondary action on his doodle?? :P Very well done. :thumbup:)

    Overall, awesome movie! Wouldn't mind seeing it again sometime. :)
  • EVIL
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    EVIL polycounter lvl 18
    Mezz wrote: »
    *offtopic*and I'm the prettiest Watchman*offtopic*
    this made me realize you are a girl, no guy would call anything pretty :P

    Anyway I loved the movie! and Rorschach was so much win!
  • Tad Ghostal
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    Tad Ghostal polycounter lvl 8
    I really enjoyed this movie, easily my favorate movie I've seen this year.

    I was a fan of the novel, but not as hardcore as my brother. He reads the thing every couple of months and he left the theatre dissappointed, too much material cut out. He's gonna wait to see it again to see if he doesn't like it enough to give me the 27x40" official movie poster that he scored from the theatre.

    So I kinda hope he hates it, to be honest.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    And did any animators catch the sweet secondary action on his doodle??
    I wonder if they mo-capped that...
  • aniceto
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    aniceto polycounter lvl 19
    Just got back. SO AWESOME. I loved the characters
    [SIZE=-3][SIZE=-3]especially Dr. Manhattan's penif[/SIZE][/SIZE]
    . I Just ordered the novel online(haven't read it yet)
  • StrangeFate
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    StrangeFate polycounter lvl 18
    aniceto wrote: »
    Just got back. SO AWESOME. I loved the characters
    [SIZE=-3][SIZE=-3]especially Dr. Manhattan's penif[/SIZE][/SIZE]
    . I Just ordered the novel online(haven't read it yet)

    Im sure you can order your favorite's character member too!
  • Mark Dygert
    Jackablade wrote: »
    I wonder if they mo-capped that...
    I'm not sure an elephant would sit still long enough or make the right movements on cue...
  • Talbot
    I was just reading this article that was posted on CGSociety about the effects in Watchmen.


    Just thought I would share it.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Awesome movie!

    Loved the movie ending more than the comics. Ties in so many more themes.

    How the hell did they cast someone who looks EXACTLY like the drawings of Rorshach?
  • 00Zero
    well, when this group of actors were born, they were destined to become the lead characters in a movie ithat was to be released when they were adults. it was kept hidden from them until some guy made the watchmen novel and put their future likenesses into it. luckily they didnt find out their secret fate. when 2008 came, they started filming their destined movie. and so , their lives were fulfilled. many killed themselves later.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    EVIL wrote: »
    this made me realize you are a girl, no guy would call anything pretty :P

    Anyway I loved the movie! and Rorschach was so much win!

    AHAHAH!! My secret is out... not that it's a secret?

    lol Mo cap... Sooo that would mean they had to put those little balls on it? (Can't remember the real name of those light-reflecting little ball things.) How did they stay on? Lots of tape? Or maybe they made a specially tailored suit to fit the area with velcro...
    Ok I'm thinking way too much into this now.
  • easterislandnick
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    easterislandnick polycounter lvl 17
    ****spoliers in this post********

    I thought it a little obvious and stupid. The comic alludes and hints at things such as the Comedian shooting JFK but in the film it's all so bloody obvious, the same for the music, the mucisal choices almost seemed like a parody. I also didn't understand the neeed for all the gore, it distracted from the atmosphere and felt very out of place. It almost seems that to make any thing interessting these days you have to make it dark and gritty, are all the creative minds that boring now?

    The comic has this overriding feel of dread from nuclear war that makes you care for the characters but I couldn't give a shit about them in the film. Also did anyone else think some of the acting felt really hammy, some of it seemed as though it was out of a fan film and the effects were terrible.

    The big Ozymandias reveal as super villain was really badly handled, I remember being blown away by it in the comic but in the film it's so obvious he's the villain. The casting and general staging was very good, it looked like the comic and felt very authentic but I think that was it's downfall, by sticking too closely to the source material it didn't have enough room to breathe as a film in it's own right. It's not a total disaster, and I enyoyed much of it for what it was though!
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    I just got back from seeing this tonight.

    Not too shabby! I read the graphic novel several years ago and am a fan, though not an avid one.

    I think VFX-wise my only complaint is that Dr. Manhattan's lips didn't seem to synch correctly or quite right.

    Also there were a few scenes where the performances were a little more wooden or stilted than I find acceptable.

    Anyway, nit-picking aside, very enjoyable.
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    Ha! I just took a look at imdb and noticed that David Hayter, aka Solid Snake co wrote the screenplay! Bad-ass
  • Mike_Carlyle
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    Mike_Carlyle polycounter lvl 17
    just got back from seeing it.. i loved it...

    big ol' grin from to ear to ear at the ending scene... :-)
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Wife and I really enjoyed it. About the music, pacing-- I feel that it was scored and paced more like a movie made in the 80's, and I thought that was awesome.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    I was pretty happy with this film, I was glad they didn't make it for kids but for adults. I could sort of tell about Ozymandias mostly because of how freaking arrogant they made him in the film. That said he kick some major butt. I really didn't like parts of the ending, but whatever. I thought the music fit really well with the film.
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    Shit i loved it! agree it had a bit too much blue wiener, but damn good film! glad they didnt use the alien octapus thing...
  • dolemite
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    Want some awesome music to listen to while reading the Watchmen? Listen to the score from the M. Night Shamaylan film, The Village. When I first read Watchmen I was listening to this the whole time and now I only associate this music with Watchmen.

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