Ok Blender seriously dude. I heard you are a student or someone striving to get into the industry. If you want to act like a total fucking douchebag then fine but do you really think an industry as tight knit as this is going to be accepting to that. Sure you might get a job but you will be weeded out when you asshatery surfaces.
So with that. End this gay love quarral and move on to what this thread was originally intended for. I think people have been pretty open so far but I can tell that you are really statrting to just be annoying. Not like the cute chick in high school that has a crush and always has to sit next to you in class but more of the boil on my ass so big that I swear there is an alien using me as a host before he pops my skin open and crawls out of my body.
indian_boy: Yeah, Don and I attempted that..and there has been some rumors of the a challenge between us being revived. A few other guys did it over at GA as well...and i think dur was involved with something like that on CGTalk a few years back
I'm still up for the mini challenge and prefer it some kind of bastardized 2 man mini-comp inside of the dom war, but whatever, I think its long over due that he put up or shut up or at least put his mouth away and pull out the polys.
Ok enough derailing on my part. Anyway back to the PC way of handling these things:
aye aye, lets not get those Manties ruffled mates! Just sat and read this amazing chronicle of a soap opera whilst all the while nearly pissing myself with laughter. all I can say is:
Blenderhead, I know you haven't been here long, but if you think this is bad you should have seen the dom war 1 hazing threads between PC and CGchat. Those actually got brutal and locked for the protection of all involved.
Well the show down is in a few weeks when we stick his sad little Dom War entry in a cage against mine, to see which is better. Those are the conditions he wanted to play by, so I'll honor them. I'd much prefer pistols at dawn but he choose a pillow fight a few months from now. Cowardly, yes but I can smother him with his own pillow all the same.
I'm still up for a some guy on guy action if he wants to switch it over to a mini comp and get it over with before Dom War starts. We can do "dumpsters by dawn" and have it over in a few hours. At this point I'll let him pick any awesome piece of art he has ever done, and I'll recreate it from scratch and use it strangle him. But he's probably hoping that this all blows over by the end of Dom War and probably plans to nonchalantly slip out the side door when this thread slips to page 2.
Blenderhead, I know you haven't been here long, but if you think this is bad you should have seen the dom war 1 hazing threads between PC and CGchat. Those actually got brutal and locked for the protection of all involved.
NO Vend. I need that pussy primed for March 12th. I don't need him giving any more excuses that he's too tired from just finishing off another challenge.
Where does six days equate to a few months? You on Saturn or something
You choose DW4 did you not? It ends 1-2 months from now not days. The specs won't be released for another 5 days so how do you expect to finish a comp before it starts?
We can do a mini comp that starts today and ends on Monday. We can do whatever, but you choose Dom War. So when dom war is fini, we'll take your entry and put it in a cage against mine and see who wins. Unless you're trying to back out of the challenge all together and say "no no vig you never challenged me personally I meant its PC vs GA". Just to clear that up,
I challenge you Blenderhead to a min comp. Accept and start a post in contest and challenges with your theme and specs, include animation if you want. Make it plant, rock, object, human or animal or any amalgamation there of, it doesn't matter. We can even dig up a sound clip and animate some simple lip sync on a base head mesh provided by someone else. I'll even do the rig for you if you want.
Or if you want to show your lack of creativity and lose out on a chance to tailor make a contest just for you, use the Dom War specs when they're released, that's fine. Which is what I took you to mean when you said "lets make it dom war". Which doesn't end on March 12th by the way...
I need that pussy primed for March 12th. I don't need him giving any more excuses that he's too tired from just finishing off another challenge.
Lets be clear fruit basket. If you want to make this a mini challenge before dom war I'm game. If you want to make it DW4 specs when they're released I'm game. If you want to do both, bring it. Just don't forget to stretch.
My only condition is that you start a thread in Contests and Challenges outlining the specs before Dom War starts. Otherwise you've backed out of the challenge.
What? I said I never agreed to any guy on guy action. :poly122:
And I don't like how you are going around claiming I'm backing out just because the terms don't suit you entirely. Even before you decided to post in this thread, I had posted the terms. The terms where I was gonna show up a few mouthy polycounters, of which you became one when you decided to stalk me on several forums and then slag off whatever W.I.P's you found. This is just you trying to back out of our challenge, because you even said you didn't really plan on entering DW. If you wanna back out, or if you don't have the stamina, I understand.
1) Woa, I checked out your profile on GA, because you can't even scrape a sorry portfolio together. Not stalking, just looking for anything that would show me you're as great as your mouth says it is. I haven't posted anywhere but this thread, and you can claim I'm stalking you but its not happening, you flatter yourself too much to think I would stalk you. And buddy you can make this go away by either walking away or starting the thread.
2) Start a thread in Contest and Challenges and name whatever specs you want.
3) I didn't plan on joining Dom War, character art isn't fun. I animate them all day long, I get my fill. I don't need to eat up my free time with work. I have plenty of side projects that are much more enjoyable. BUT if that is where you want to take the challenge, I'm all for it, I'm in, lets do it already. Use DW123 specs if you want it doesn't matter. Just make the thread. If you want to an Unearthly and a Dom War back to back I'm in. Just put up or shut up.
I'm not the greatest artist, and anyone that knows me, knows that. You're backing down from a junior member of PC how sad is that? If you want to pick a fight with the bottom of the PC talent pool, you found it. If you can't kick my ass you can't beat any PC'ers. Lets go. Start the thread.
I may down right suck at some things but you know what, I can kick your loud mouth ass all over whatever contest you decide on, just start the thread.
seriously guys, cut the shit. it's good to have team spirit but when it comes to this stuff it isn't needed. save the personal attacks for pm's if you really feel the need to continue.
It's just a simple challenge bouncy, no need to cry. If you don't like reading it, you know what to do.
And Vig, I ain't backin down from nothing. Never gave any impression that I was As soon as the DWIV specs are released, I'll make the thread. I'm thinking it's gonna be 12K this year. Was it 4096* texture space last year? And seeing as none of us know the theme, how do you know it will relate to the characters you've worked with recently?
Oh and I do actually have an online portfolio...you just can't find it.
seriously guys, cut the shit. it's good to have team spirit but when it comes to this stuff it isn't needed. save the personal attacks for pm's if you really feel the need to continue.
we'll make a poll after each War model is done and vote on who's better.
because it's clear that this is the only mutual competitiveness that will be happening.
we'll make a poll after each War model is done and vote on who's better.
Because it's clear that this is the only mutual competitiveness that will be happening.
seriously guys, cut the shit. it's good to have team spirit but when it comes to this stuff it isn't needed. save the personal attacks for pm's if you really feel the need to continue.
Yea, I'm ruining Dom War, ok you can have your thread back. I've been trying to move this to its proper place for a while now... He said he would start the thread. I'll take it to PM if I feel the need.
So with that. End this gay love quarral and move on to what this thread was originally intended for. I think people have been pretty open so far but I can tell that you are really statrting to just be annoying. Not like the cute chick in high school that has a crush and always has to sit next to you in class but more of the boil on my ass so big that I swear there is an alien using me as a host before he pops my skin open and crawls out of my body.
lol i concur.
nutsacks > trolling
or at least end it with a 1on1 comp?
Gavin vs. TheDon or something?
i remember animals, like tigers and stuff.
Would be fun to see, to be honest. Inspirational for the less experienced, and seeing workflows always helps.
on a more important note:
oh my fucking god, this is why i love calling myself a polycounter!
the nutsack-avatar, and the gameartisans dong-logo will be engraved in my mind for years to come
we are making internet history
dont forget the childish drama and name-calling!
i actually don't plan on changing it. its priceless.
you Pcounters aren't all bad i guess. you got jokes
this will never end
Ok enough derailing on my part. Anyway back to the PC way of handling these things:
Blenderhead, I know you haven't been here long, but if you think this is bad you should have seen the dom war 1 hazing threads between PC and CGchat. Those actually got brutal and locked for the protection of all involved.
This is still very um.. inoffensive.
nice ballz dreamer.
no one has any of these left anymore?????
I'm still up for a some guy on guy action if he wants to switch it over to a mini comp and get it over with before Dom War starts. We can do "dumpsters by dawn" and have it over in a few hours. At this point I'll let him pick any awesome piece of art he has ever done, and I'll recreate it from scratch and use it strangle him. But he's probably hoping that this all blows over by the end of Dom War and probably plans to nonchalantly slip out the side door when this thread slips to page 2.
Haha good to know.
Where does six days equate to a few months? You on Saturn or something?
Just to let everyone know, I never agreed to any guy on guy action.:poly122:
if blender won't, then Vig i challenge you. Let's throw it down in the arena. lol
We can do a mini comp that starts today and ends on Monday. We can do whatever, but you choose Dom War. So when dom war is fini, we'll take your entry and put it in a cage against mine and see who wins. Unless you're trying to back out of the challenge all together and say "no no vig you never challenged me personally I meant its PC vs GA". Just to clear that up,
I challenge you Blenderhead to a min comp.
Accept and start a post in contest and challenges with your theme and specs, include animation if you want. Make it plant, rock, object, human or animal or any amalgamation there of, it doesn't matter. We can even dig up a sound clip and animate some simple lip sync on a base head mesh provided by someone else. I'll even do the rig for you if you want.
Or if you want to show your lack of creativity and lose out on a chance to tailor make a contest just for you, use the Dom War specs when they're released, that's fine. Which is what I took you to mean when you said "lets make it dom war". Which doesn't end on March 12th by the way...
Lets be clear fruit basket. If you want to make this a mini challenge before dom war I'm game. If you want to make it DW4 specs when they're released I'm game. If you want to do both, bring it. Just don't forget to stretch.
My only condition is that you start a thread in Contests and Challenges outlining the specs before Dom War starts. Otherwise you've backed out of the challenge.
What? I said I never agreed to any guy on guy action. :poly122:
And I don't like how you are going around claiming I'm backing out just because the terms don't suit you entirely. Even before you decided to post in this thread, I had posted the terms. The terms where I was gonna show up a few mouthy polycounters, of which you became one when you decided to stalk me on several forums and then slag off whatever W.I.P's you found. This is just you trying to back out of our challenge, because you even said you didn't really plan on entering DW. If you wanna back out, or if you don't have the stamina, I understand.
2) Start a thread in Contest and Challenges and name whatever specs you want.
3) I didn't plan on joining Dom War, character art isn't fun. I animate them all day long, I get my fill. I don't need to eat up my free time with work. I have plenty of side projects that are much more enjoyable. BUT if that is where you want to take the challenge, I'm all for it, I'm in, lets do it already. Use DW123 specs if you want it doesn't matter. Just make the thread. If you want to an Unearthly and a Dom War back to back I'm in. Just put up or shut up.
I'm not the greatest artist, and anyone that knows me, knows that. You're backing down from a junior member of PC how sad is that? If you want to pick a fight with the bottom of the PC talent pool, you found it. If you can't kick my ass you can't beat any PC'ers. Lets go. Start the thread.
I may down right suck at some things but you know what, I can kick your loud mouth ass all over whatever contest you decide on, just start the thread.
And Vig, I ain't backin down from nothing. Never gave any impression that I was
Oh and I do actually have an online portfolio...you just can't find it.
disregard this; continue.
we'll make a poll after each War model is done and vote on who's better.
because it's clear that this is the only mutual competitiveness that will be happening.
Also Dreamer I think a poll in this place would be a bad idea. The winning entry will be pretty clear, we can all judge with our eyeballs.
Who run bartertown?
Can I see it please?