As the title state, Ive been looking around for a good 3d painting app. Wanted one that I could either combine (easy) with PS, or be that "all-in-one" solution.
Tried different demos bodypaint/deeppaint/mudbox etc., but none of em really have that WOOW effect. What do you guys use?
For the patient -> Question for mudbox'ers!
1) Can I paint on a texture plane (like in ps), or do I always need to paint on 3dmodel? I know you can export to ps, just wondering if its possible inside mud
2) Any way to attach UV display (wireframes) when exporting to PS?
3) Cant you re-arrange the texture layers?
Thanks =D
and I am not really happy with any of them,- instead I suggest making readable UV's or get a structure in them so you know better how to paint them.
edit: renderjhs, you worked at Appeal?;header;more
appeal was one of its kind that actually pushed new ideas in technology and had great art
It's worth trying out but don't be surprised if it doesn't work out your kinks.
Oh yes, forgot modo. Didnt think the paint tools would be worth a dagm, but compared to others apps, they're acually fairly good.
Thanks for the list Renderhjs. Would love to use photoshop (3d wise), but CS4 looks like the new vista. Im running on a fairly decent rig, and still have .5-1 secs delay after every brush stroke.
I would recommend hiding all other layers except for the 3d layer, it puts a checkerboard pattern behind it but it came close to doubling my frame rate when rotating the mesh. I also recommend setting up an action that turns off all the lights but one and sets it to white because doing that every time you open a mesh will make you hate life.
I also used Adobe configurator to make my own panel for 3d that had all of the rotation tools, import button and hide/unhide polygon button plus my scene setup action. This is a really cool feature of CS4.
They should just make the visual bling*bling*blong de-selectable. PS must be considered a "pro" app, dont know many who would trade performance for dropshadows and a animated zoom >.<. Im even using the old WinNT interface in xp just for that little ++