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Killzone 2 is finally out, whats do you think!?

veteran polycounter
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PixelMasher veteran polycounter
So sonys most hyped up game finally hit store shelves today. I picked it up 1st thing this morning and have had the day off to play it. I have tried both single and multi and both are pretty fucking awesome.

multiplayer is intense and the on the fly objective switching is awesome and keeps switching up the flow which i can see it helping keep it fresh for a long time down the road. It does take a while to level up though, tooke me a couple hours to unlock a new gun, but it seems pretty rewarding. all the maps seem well thought out and have nice variations in playstyle.

Singleplayer: seems like the action is non stop and every set piece seems to top the previous one. AI is pretty decent, I have had my ass handed to me a couple times now. Im actually glad its supposed to be shortish (9-10 hours) as I will probably actually finish it.

Graphics: the game looks great, tons of semi reflective surfaces...dunno if everything would be that reflective in real life but damn does it look like sex to the eye. most of the world normal maps seem to be based off textures, doesnt look like too much highpoly work for most objects, obviously there is some and you can proabbly see where it was done but personally I like the look, everything has crisp edges and doesnt look too blobbly and roundy like some stuff you see derived from HP work. texture work is great, nothing is amazingly high res but it all looks ace and the overall impression is bangin'
oh yea and the particle effects and sense of atmosphere are probably the best I have ever seen.

anyone with a ps3 who enjoys killing things pick this game up now. anyone who grabs it and wants to hook up some multiplayer add me to friends list , psn id is TS_Falcon

also...anyone who contributed to the game amazing work...and if you like post up some work from it :D pretty please

cheers dudes.


  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Picked it up this morning and our art team played through for about an hour or so today to look at it and man it is awesome. Visually it is very impressive and just playing on easy was awesome enough and filled with action.

    Can't wait to try out multiplayer tonight or this weekend.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    need to grab this and street fighter 4 :( but i must wait until i finish some projects.
  • bounchfx
    was a little disappointed, but I think I overhyped myself. it's still a lot of fun and beautiful.
  • Bryan Cavett
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    Bryan Cavett polycounter lvl 19
    I just played about an hour of the campaign and I feel drained. The constant sensory overload is a bit much but it is nice to look at. The controls need some work and aiming with the ps3 controller for me is kinda tough. I'll give it some more time it just needs some breaks from the constant action.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    The controls need some work and aiming with the ps3 controller for me is kinda tough.

    I switched to 'Alternate 2' control scheme, try that. Also, I turned off the HUD and crosshairs. Way more fun that way.

    Single players is great, MP is also quite good. Feel free to add me: stereo-kid
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I think the graphics are nice but the gameplay is generic as hell, and if they don't fix the controller input lag (Press button..................Fire) that everybody has then its going back to the shop for a game with just as bad controls (Resi 5) but no lag :p
  • Davision3D
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    Davision3D polycounter
    I already have it since last saturday and finished it yesterday. Overall its fun and the graphics are awesome, I love the lightning though the light effects are sometimes a bit much. I dont like the design of the Helghast world, for the most time it looks almost like a boring fucked up place here in germany. ;)
    The controls are really awfull, Im also useing the "Alternate 2" control scheme because i couldnt handle zoom with pressing the stick but useing the button makes zooming while behind cover even more pain in the ass! So I end up useing cover very rarely, i wish they let you setup the controls by yourself, also the FOV because i have the felling im always in a zoom mode which makes the controls even harder.
    There were some very frustrating moments in the campaign but its very satisfying killing those intelligent enemys.
    Multiplayer is also very fun with the changeing missions, i just wish the classes wont need to be to unlocked.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Classes and weapons need to be unlocked in MP I hear...?

    Doesn't that, ya know, make it a bit stupid?
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Eh no, y'know, it doesn't, like, y'know, make it stupid.

    It makes the game more addictive, it provides something to work towards and look forward to without having to hope for DLC. It is just a bit different. It doesn't have to be exactly like TF2.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    odium wrote: »
    Classes and weapons need to be unlocked in MP I hear...?

    Doesn't that, ya know, make it a bit stupid?
    Yeah totally stupid. Like that other stupid game that came out last year sold over 10 million copies and which has been one of the most popular multiplayer shooters ever made and is now brought up as an example of excellent shooter design practically everyday. Something about Duty and yelling, I think. Hard to remember because it's so stupid. No one likes unlocking stuff. Blizzard is also going bankrupt, last I heard.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    odium wrote: »
    Classes and weapons need to be unlocked in MP I hear...?

    Doesn't that, ya know, make it a bit stupid?

    Uhhh what? Uhhh what? I had to ask that twice because seriously?

    I think others already drove the point home but this is the same formula in Call of Duty 4 and World at War and if no one liked it then it wouldn't sell so well and you wouldn't have people going to the 5th level of prestige losing all their weapons over and over again if they didn't like that challenge.
  • Quokimbo
    I have not played the campaign, but have gathered over 8 hours in the multi player. I can not wait to play the campaign though.

    Quokimbo is the PSN ID if anyone wants to squad up in MP!
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Im not a fan of FPS on consoles, I wont be getting this one, but I'll probably persuade a friend with a PS3 that its the best thing since slice bread so he can buy it so I can see what it looks like.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Roommates picked it up... and as pixel stated before, the particle effects are fricken awesome, it seriously brings everything together, the sound design is really nice too.

    The one thing that I really love, is the animations. I think I've gotten use to looking at very static movements in games as of late, but I;m loving the flow of your characters actions, it feels loose, but in a good way in my opinion.

    Its a beautiful game.
  • dolemite
    this game is great. The graphics and production design are top notch. I love everything about the characters, environments, guns, etc. All super. Death animations, omfg.... Such a great game. The explosions and blood in this game are the best I've seen.

    that being said, I probably wont be playing much more of it. That controller lag is ridiculous. "They did it on purpose" is what people are saying now? If this is on purpose then it was a bad decision. If this is not broken game play than no game has broken game play.

    I've seriously been stewing over this since I played it yesterday. How on earth can a game be perfect in every respect and then drop the ball on something like this? Is it a practical joke? I'm expecting a "just fucking with you guys LOL" patch any time now.

    I'm finding that you either have to set the controls to be super sensative (giving you an advantage up close) or very unsensative (giving you an advantage far away, as it is impossible to nudge your aim with normal settings). It's deliberately gimped and it results in shootouts where you are circling around and bumping into baddies. Mostly you have to stand completely still if you want to hit anything.

    I get about 30-40 kills in a given match. I'm holding my own. It isn't that I am not able to Pwn bitches in this game. I can. But after I finish a session I'm completely stressed out. I'm beginning to notice new muscles on my forearms that previously did not exist. That's from the walking-on-eggshells controls in this game.

    I guess having 1 to 1 screen movement for your control stick is passe these days. I will be going back to COD4. Until then I'm ruining my diet, getting drunk, and giving up on life. What's the fucking point in getting out of bed anymore? KZ2 ruined my outlook on the world.
  • bounchfx
    yeah, controls are my biggest gripe probably because it just feels beh. I keep saying I need to get more used to it, but every time I pop it in now it feels like a chore. which makes me sad.

    I'm going to try swapping to control method 2 and be able to zoom aim with LT instead of left thumb click, which is annoying to use. but aye, it always seems like i have to stand still to aim, and even then it's really obnoxious to actually aim, and I'm usually not a slouch at shooters, then the whole fact of them just going behind cover for 20 seconds at a time and me just waiting..

    and of course when I say fuck it, ill aim at someone else, as soon as I get to them they go into cover and the other guys pop out. rinse and repeat. DOH

    I do plan on beating it though, and hopefully ending with a more positive impression. I'm disappointed in myself for not liking it more.

    then again maybe it's because SF4 is so fucking ace.
  • ZippZopp
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    ZippZopp polycounter lvl 12
    it is cool so far, but yes, the controls and FOV are really bugging me. maybe if the FOV was better I'd be able to control things better. It just feels like tunnel vision, I can't get a feel for what is around me. it is unfortunate because for me it really hinders gameplay
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    dolemite wrote: »
    "They did it on purpose" is what people are saying now? If this is on purpose then it was a bad decision.

    No, it is an excellent decision. You are in control of a 200 pound male, with probably 70 pounds on top of that between his gun and gear. And this is not making excuses for the developers, it makes perfect sense and is far more realistic than any other shooter. The only people that have a problem with it are people who play unrealistic (in terms of player movement) PC FPS twitch shooters; Unreal, CoD4, every PC game has players that move at least twice as fast as regular humans.

    Another thing about gamers who play those kind of games...they hate innovation or 'the new'. They want to spend $50 every month buying what they bought last month. It's different! Shouldn't you people think that that's good?
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    First of all Blenderhead, wrong. The controller LAG is different to controler FUNCTION. They made the controls that way for a reason, and I'll stand by them for that. But the controller actually LAGS. You press fire and it doesnt fire right away. Its not by design because even the menu's do it as well.

    And my point about the MP was that I heard you start the game in MP with a pistol/machinegun and have to unlocker the bigger/better weapons with lots of hours play. That sounds a tad odd to me, because doesnt that mean the better players get the better weapons, giving newb players a harder time? Then again there is ranked matches...

    I was never a big COD4 player online TBH.
  • dolemite
    You are in control of a 200 pound male, with probably 70 pounds on top of that between his gun and gear.

    I have used a shotgun to shoot skeet. When I do, I start with it down at rest, the pidgin is thrown and I raise it up to ready, aim, and take a shot. After the pidgin is thrown, the process of shooting takes about 1 to 2 seconds. If you didn't get it by then it is usually too late. In KZ2 shooting a large human that isn't moving might take 5-10 seconds. And a confrontation will often end with both of us emptying our clips, and then running away to reload. and SOME confrontations are 4 guys twirling around each other struggling to get a shot. Why do I have to wait for every single shell to be reloaded into my shotgun before I can start firing? Can't I put two in and start shooting again?

    COD4 has the most realistic controls of any shooter. Why? Because after 1 hr of game play I have forgotten about my controller. If we're receiving fire, I get down. I try to crawl away and flank the attacker. Your character can run, jump, squat, crawl, and climb. All of this leads you to move through the world in a plausible manner.

    I love trying new things, and that's the only thing that will keep me playing KZ2 for a while. But man they need to patch this. If they patched it, I might be playing it for another 4 months.

    And btw, i love having to unlock guns. It doesn't give the advanced people "better" guns. The guns you start with are just as "good" as the ones you unlock. The ones you unlock are just more specialized.
  • dolemite

    and thats a demo of the lag for people who don't already know.
  • Michael Knubben
    Aren't the enemies dumber than a sack of bricks? I've only seen someone play the demo, so I'm obviously not entirely capable of judging it. Well, not in a way that would hold up in court. This being the internet, however, here's my opinion: They're seriously literally the dumbest sacks of god damned shit ever in any videogame ever and whoever made it should be shot in the nuts and die painfully.
    Feel free to strip away the internet-hyperbole in that before you even begin to process it in earnest.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    About the lag - couldn't that be because of heavy post processing effects? Not trying to say this is acceptable. But that could very easily be the case, right?
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Its possible, but then, it does it in the main menu as well, before you even load the game...

    I think its just GG cocking up, but not being man enough to admit they made a mistake somewhere. The fanbase can only seem to say one thing, which is "Its not COD4, fuck off back to that, the controls are just different thats all!" without being able to grasp the simple fact that its not so much the controls that are an issue (they are poor yes, but thats not the worst thing), but the LAG thats an issue.

    So yeah, you have laggy control, with really piss poor stick control, coupled with totally random button layouts, and it makes for one hell of an up hill battle that to be honest didn't have to be there at all...
  • Quokimbo
    I do not understand how everyone is griping about the controller lag...So what? It is like learning a new game...Is that not what everyone here bought it for? For the new experience? I got used to it pretty quickly, it is not broken like Gears 2 was(Kind of still is, but have gotten used to it)...

    Also on the controller I use button layout 3, controller layout 1 was janke!!

    Anyone griping about having to unlock better weapons, must be a big Halo 3 whine bag...IMO.

  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Because I guess you don't fully understand what controller LAG is. I'll tell you what its not... The game "feeling" different to COD4.

    The input lag even happens in the menus, as I said. Its down to how there is a delay between action and command. THere is about a 0.5 second delay between doing something, to it showing onscreen.

    As for you last comment... You just came over as a HUGE Sony fanboy lol.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    dont have a ps3 but i am itching to check it out in the flesh .... input lag is probably something that doesnt really detract from the campaign experience. It looks like movement physics in general carry a sense of momentum and weight ..

    multiplayer could be a different story though..

    good looking game, those Guerilla guys definitely deserve a vacation :)
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    Great game, takes some time getting used to the controls as I am so used to playing BF2. The graphics are really nice, campaign is good but the MP is great. At the moment its a case of finding the hotspots in the levels and using the best tactics. PSN id: d_unique

    It would be cool to get a Polycount clan together.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Well, you could argue the same as GG have, that the soldier is on a new planet, he is 3x as heavy as on Earth, and that he has large weapons. But its the same with no weapons, with a knife, with a rocket launcher.

    Just so we are clear... Remember playing Quake 3 with 500 ping? You press fire, and.... It doesnt fire... And THEN it fires? Thats what happens here. There is quite a large delay, that isn't in the XMB, but is in the menu's of the game, the weapons and movement/aiming. Its not "by design", its actual lag.

    Now couple this 0.5 seconds delay in firing, with ACTUAL lag while playing on a server... Can you see the head aches...?

    I'm up to the part where you first the ATAC on the roof, and let me just say this lag in aiming is kicking my ass :( Its a good game. Yes as I said, its generic, it doesnt do anything. But its a good game, its hardly Quake 4, lol. But damn, i hope to god they release a patch :(

    EDIT: Which reminds me... Is it just me, or is the player 4 foot tall?
  • Quokimbo
    odium wrote: »
    You just came over as a HUGE Sony fanboy lol.

    Whatever you say, the game play is fun and keeps me entertained, as Gears of War 2 does...I actually had to switch to Gears 2 yesterday when my PS3 controller died...
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    The gameplay is fun, but nothing new at all. You only came over as a sony fanboy because you went straight to the old "halo 3" come back ;)
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    This is the best looking game I have ever played. The art direction is just awesome. I died so many times just because I was busy looking at all the awesome vistas.

    I wouldn't say this game plays as well as CoD4 though. The control sticks for aiming feel terrible. I have never had so much trouble aiming in a console fps before. Maybe its just the ps3 controller, because I had the same problem with R2. Also they went a little over board with lense flares...I mean really overboard.

    Those are my only gripes with Killzone 2. The multi-player is just fun as all hell. The class based system, with squads, and upgrades, makes for a multi-player experience that keeps me comeing back. Props to anyone here on polycount who's was on that dev team. You made a really kickass game. Grats!
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Oh and someone play some KZ2 with me. We should make a polycount clan lol...

    PSN: Cojaxx
  • glib
    Thank you everyone for quantifying what bothered me so much about that demo. Switching it to alternate 2 and jacking the sensitivity helped a bit, but I still felt completely unable to aim properly (which is weird because I did fine in MGS4 and battlefield bad company). The controller lag is what was killing me.
  • dolemite
    I played Resistance 2 and thought the controls were spectacular.

    I'm not a controller nazi, played COD4 on 360 and CODWAW on PS3. KZ2 has tons going for it. I love the way you can nudge the sniper rifle around with the sixaxis. I love the art direction. I love the environment designs. I love the weapons. This would easily be game of the year for me, because I'm an online shooter junky. But Jesus the controller lag just sucks my soul away.

    Maybe slower controls would be cool to have in an FPS. Hard to say, because with the lag it is broken. If GG patches that problem then we might get a chance to find out.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    odium wrote: »
    First of all Blenderhead, wrong. The controller LAG is different to controler FUNCTION. They made the controls that way for a reason, and I'll stand by them for that. But the controller actually LAGS. You press fire and it doesnt fire right away. Its not by design because even the menu's do it as well.

    It doesn't lag, it's by design. The PS3 has six fucking cores.
    odium wrote: »
    And my point about the MP was that I heard you start the game in MP with a pistol/machinegun and have to unlocker the bigger/better weapons with lots of hours play. That sounds a tad odd to me, because doesnt that mean the better players get the better weapons, giving newb players a harder time? Then again there is ranked matches...

    Wrong. Ever actually played KZ2 online? New players are as deadly as ranked up people.
    odium wrote: »
    Remember playing Quake 3 with 500 ping? You press fire, and.... It doesnt fire... And THEN it fires? Thats what happens here.

    Errr....no it isn't. It isn't a performace issue. It is completely intentional. EVERY MOVEMENT IN THIS GAME OVERLAPS. It grounds the characters, and adds weight.

    Look at that fucking retard in the video snapping the stick like a monkey. Anyone else expect the controller to move from what he is doing there? And for people's information, plugging your pad into USB does nothing apart from charge the pad...so what difference should it make?

    God I hope GG do not listen to the morons of the internet and mess with the controls system.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, lets add a 0.5 second delay before the action happens, even when moving the view, EVEN WHEN BROWSING THE MENU.

    Sounds like a great design there. Power to the CORES.

    Muppet :P
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
  • dolemite
    What does the 6 cores of the PS3 have to do with this?

    It isn't network lag either, because this happens offline and online. It happens on the menus too.

    It's incredible that anyone would deny it.

    One fan boy on a forum I was visiting said that it is because "the ISA designed their guns that way." LOLZ

    Whatever... I'll be playing it until I unlock all the weapons. Need to pop off some head shots... If they don't patch it, I'm going back to COD4.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    dolemite wrote: »
    What does the 6 cores of the PS3 have to do with this?

    Do you know what cores do generally?
    dolemite wrote: »
    It isn't network lag either, because this happens offline and online.

    No one said it was network lag. IT IS AN INTENTIONAL DESIGN CHOICE, only that only unrealistic twitch shooter players are affected by, and one that halo fanboys latch on to.
    dolemite wrote: »
    If they don't patch it, I'm going back to COD4.

    You will be sorely missed.Enjoy your twitch shooter.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    well i just beat the game. the final part kinda had me grinding my teeth a bit as it seemed like a cheap attempt to increase playtime. my final time to complete clocked in at 6 hours 28 mins which is pretty short. I would have preferred perhaps an 8 hour playtime but almost all of those 6 hours were pretty damn intense.

    I think the deal of the controls is being blow outta proportion, yea it can be a little frustrating at times but you get used to it with a couple hours of play and it certainly doesnt break the game experience.

    MightyPea: The AI actually seems pretty damn smart, they were constantly flushing me out of cover with grenades, moving behind cover to pop out at different places and generally doing everything they could to fuck my shit up. quad buddy AI is ok but a couple times i was like WTF is Rico even doing......absolutley nothing. although they do usually kick some ass in a fight which really helps.

    Im def gonna giv'er a nother playthough soon, i only found 4 helgast symbols and 4 intel but i wasnt focusing on finding them at all. some more trophys to unlock and probably a ton of multiplayer to do still.
  • glib
    Blender, calm down. You're starting to foam at the mouth. The number of cores is incredibly irrelevant.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    glib wrote: »
    Blender, calm down. You're starting to foam at the mouth. The number of cores is incredibly irrelevant.

    Another person who has no idea what cores do. Great.
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    Another person who has no idea what cores do. Great.

    Are you for real?
  • dolemite
    hahaha... So suddenly input lag is a premium feature.. NICE!

    Maybe the lag is so that you can take a second to appreciate how lucky you are to have a PS3. The best goddamn system in the world, EVER.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Another person who has no idea what cores do. Great.
    Apparently they blend heads!!!

    I think this is the first time we see console fanboyism here on polycount? That's kindof sad.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    It's not the best system at all. I would even go as far to say that the xbox has more good games (and had a very good winter in terms of releases). Not the mention exclusive DLC's and multi-platform games generally performing better on xbox (ala Fallout). Who said the input delay (not lag) is a 'premium feature'? You are just invalidating your arguments by saying stupid things like that. I love it how people resort to pathetic sarcasm when they have been rationalised into a corner.
    pior wrote: »
    I think this is the first time we see console fanboyism here on polycount? That's kindof sad.

    I am FAR from being a PS3 fanboy. Unless you are suggesting to the xbox fanboys on here trying to take any stab at a PS3 exclusive they can...then I'd agree.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I think you kinda did haha

    No one said it the lag in K2 is a ps3 feature problem. But it is definitely an issue I think - be it intentional or not. I didn't play the game yet even, but I know from that video that it will highly bother me if I do.

    If the input lag is indeed caused by a performance tradeoff they had to go for, the devs are in a tricky position ...

    Or maybe the game runs lower than the advertised res, and the upscaler eats one frame no matter what? This on top of some postpocessing effect would mean two frames behing 'lost' already right? (oversimplifying obviously)
  • dolemite
    "If the input lag is indeed caused by a performance tradeoff they had to go for, the devs are in a tricky position ..."

    This is what I think is going on. They had to sacrifice half a second of input to achieve the graphics. And that is why most people will play through it, give the online a go, and then go back to their preferred online shooter. It was a great single player experience, but does not allow me to humiliate bitches with my sniper rifle.

    speaking of single player... I just beat the flying boss thing where you shoot the blue things and the electricity stuns it and you blast it with the rocket launcher. Fucking great stuff. The person who made that flying baddy boss deserves a medal. One of the coolest looking models i've ever seen in a game.
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