Home The Q-Branch Quote game!

The Flash

polycounter lvl 9
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Thefirston polycounter lvl 9
ok guys that last one lasted a little too long, hopefully you guys will get this next one

man1: Lie down Bowen. You're the sorry scrap of dead worlds and dead beliefs.

man2: No! They were your beliefs!

man1: Never, never mine.

man2: You said the words! You spoke them from your heart!

man1: I vomited them up because i couldn't stomach them. Because i knew it was what you wanted to hear!

man2: Lair! I taught you . . .

man1: You taught me to fight that's all! I took what i need from you. you taught me to fight.
(exhausted laugh) You taught me well.

There you go guys, its big one so hopefully some ideas might come to mind


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