...looks like things are getting fired up for Dominance War 4.
Every year, some ridiculous shit has come up to keep me from finishing my entry. No excuses this time. If i dont do it this year...i swear to god...i give all of you permission to come shit on my doorstep.
I actually automatically assume theres a delay for everything. Hell. It´s the only reason i finished last last time. *cough*
Anyway. Really looking forward to it and it´s perfect timing. I need to create a portfolio from scratch and a character would be happy in there.
Time to get a secretary if you ask me...
Here's how it goes for me:
Tonight the new site will launch (2 weeks from now)
End of Feb, Dom4 launches (mid March, I've lost all excitement and am too busy)
Comp ends ?? (this time next year)
be a Rebel and go for 4
For free.
Expect delays.
I have no doubt he'd get a trove of volunteers too if he only asked for em, even if he couldn't pay. It would be a great bullet point on the resume of anyone trying to get into the gaming biz.
He's nailed just about everything else, seems like a small fix to make. Then again, maybe it's his secret trick to get everyone frothing at the mouth...free publicity.
I have to respectfully disagree, as a fellow webmaster and community member. I know how hard it is to keep free promises and deliver extracurriculars on time, as much as anyone. But this is also the fourth time around and DomWar has passed the point of being just another community sideproject, with its donations, sponsorships, etc., in addition to its popularity. I'm a stickler for being punctual and delivering on promises, and at this point, GA/Fred/DW should be delivering on promises, doing this for free or not. It reflects badly and is a negative impact on the project.
Yeah I know it is a dick thing to criticize someone who puts this sort of thing together for nothing but glory, but it is an honest criticism. Granted I could be all wrong if things are on time this year, and I hope they are and I am.
I'm sure europeans won't be applicable for material prizes as always XD
It will be a great learning experience.
Point made.
Sure, it can be annoying. But if you or anyone strongly feel this way about something you have nothing to lose over but time and everything to gain like cash, prizes and a huge amount of exposure then don't enter. Right?
Additionally, this is related to the videogame industry afterall. To expect anything BUT delays is silly
EDIT: Holy shit this is cool - http://www.gameartisans.org/dominancewar/publicity/gallery_gstar_08.html
Our wait is at an end
Under dark winter skies
We make our final stand"
edit: dang, exhibitionSSSS. thats cool.
Would someone like to team up with me? I understand the production pipeline quite well. I feel I have a pretty good eye for modeling detail, I am just not the best concept artist. I pretty much have no life so you can guarantee I would put my all into something like this.
Re-creating inspiring concept art is something I really love to do...if the team thing is possible that is. I need something like this that pushes me to finish and I need to add more work to my portfolio anyway. Monsters & mechanical terrors are my favorite genre so this looks fun.
A lot of people complained about that last year though, so i guess we'll see.
lol sounds like an awesome plan, let's do it. Oh, BTW, i got your Christmas card, thanks dude, I've got it proudly displayed in my office.
No problem man. Glad you liked it.
You hear that guys. I (with maybe a little help from Kolby) will win this competition!
P.S: b1ll, pfffff means your joining the fight this year right, as you need to finish one so I can put it into my inspiration folder!!!!
LOl Spark, YA i will this time, got myself a new rig , IM ALL SET!.
ill see if i can put it in my schedule! YES!
I want to see u enter to Spark, YES! YES!
For the last war, this was disallowed, and everything had to be your own work. Critiquing and paintovers were fine, but the end concept had to be entirely your own work. I think this was mainly done due to the introduction of the 2D entries for the competition.
everyone stop talking about it!
I'm glad they did the concept art and 3D split.
The only thing that I'm a bit worried about is that apparently there are now 12 websites in the competition. I rather liked that cozy Polycount-CGChat scale of the first competition better.