he has a 2nd arm its tied behind his back because he believes that if he uses both arms at the same time its a unfair challenge.
also even though hes skinny muscle, you got like bone representing muscle volume on the side of the rib cage touch up that area alot, also even though hes old , he isnt short, just hunched over, so dont be afraid to extend him out a bit especially the rib/ stomach area feet are look very Street fighter ish, hands somewhat as well , keep it up!
zbrush fun! Does anyone know how to lock the model in when your using the different brushes in zbrush. I was trying to use the move brush and I kept on rotating around the model instead of adjusting the model. Its annoying.
Eraser: looks really cool man. i should put some of my highpoly into zbrush too. cool cool :thumbup:
here a piece i just finished. i have modelled this from a gears of war screen i took. had posted the high poly in the past in another thread and now i found the time to make the lp with texture. maybe need some bit more work on texture.
snake85027, you don't really need to lock the model (never done that), you just need to make sure you actually "touch" the model with your move brush. Providing you're making a human skull, it looks like it has a few too many teeth. Even with wisdom teeth you won't total 38 teeth
Next personal project, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Planning on creating all four of them, and possibly Rocksteady and Bebop.
Toying around with animating my medieval crossbow. Gotta love what some simple rigging can do for you. The whole mechanism is triggered by keyframing lever(which controls the revolving nut), 1 master joint (which controls the stave and string) and the bolt.
EbolaV: I don't think mirroring the front of that was the best option for that particular model. The caution-type sticker on the front, the letters are obviously backwards on one side. I'd like to see it with a unique texture on what is the most attention-getting side.
Eyes and hair are quickly photoshopped, still have about 2 subdivisions to go with this guy. Still need to add his eyes, hair and rope. I wish Mudbox2009 would work at home(I get a white screen when I start it ). Let the crits roar!
trying to model this female ninja character right now. I'm still pretty bad at 3d modeling, i would really appreciate some feedback on this. I'm having trouble with the shoulder area. i don't fully understand how deformation works so i don't know the best way to model that area.
trying to model this female ninja character right now. I'm still pretty bad at 3d modeling, i would really appreciate some feedback on this. I'm having trouble with the shoulder area. i don't fully understand how deformation works so i don't know the best way to model that area.
heres the character concept and a 3d turn
Nice blueprints!
The upper part of the arm needs to be a tad wider since it compared to the forearm looks pretty skinny.
Also the breasts seem to have a different shape than the concept. The concept seem to have smaller ones and the muscles underneath more defined.
SplatPixel> Wicked style man, she looks really cool.
Jackwhat> Nice work dude, I'm always interested on seeing what you're painting up.
'Finished' this over the weekend... Some of the face's major structural lines were drawn in off a photo to begin with (cheating, I know. :P), then my weird stencil-shape-shading method took over.
Throughout the process of painting the facial expression was changed (I'm not entirely happy with it yet). Also, the techy blue/white stuff is meant to look like water ripples, not sure if I pulled that off.
This is just a small test I did today. The diffuse it's just an image I slapped on for tests sake. It's quite high poly atm (7k) but it could probably be optimized down to 2-3k.
jackwhat, I like him! He looks like he needs a hug though. :P
G0th, cool shapes. My only issue is that I can't tell if it's assembled? poured? natural formation? or what. If it's assembled, some grout, or at least more definite definition to the pieces would be useful.
Working on a hi-poly pillar for the scene I'm working on. Obviously this is only a portion of it(seeing as how I don't have the symmetry on), and the turbosmooth is just on for show right now, making sure my loops are right before I take it into Mudbox for some dirtying up. The metal plates at top and bottom are floating objects, as are the wires and the inset the wires are in.
trying to model this female ninja character right now. I'm still pretty bad at 3d modeling, i would really appreciate some feedback on this. I'm having trouble with the shoulder area. i don't fully understand how deformation works so i don't know the best way to model that area.
I think i ran into some problems here, the main part of the magazin looks good but why does that upper part at the bullet holding thingy look like it's goint into the mesh and doesn't create a nice edge
Anyways thanks so far for the tips with the tight edges.
HAL, just have to point out you should have considered making room for the entire bullet. I'm sure it doesn't apply to your current personal goal, I just wanted to suggest that knowing to keep an eye out for that stuff would be a good habit to make so you can get more out of your work The thought is what really counts, eh?
All I'm saying is, you have 3/4ths a bullet, with an extra few flicks of your fingers you'd be able to throw some bullets and shells around if you ever needed to.
Please stop doing so much awesome shit. I cannot keep up, and while it is inspiring to a degree, it is also largely depressing.
Thank you.
sculpt done for the GA bond villain comp. very fun.
removed that nazi logo in the final version tho, looked silly.
he has a 2nd arm its tied behind his back because he believes that if he uses both arms at the same time its a unfair challenge.
also even though hes skinny muscle, you got like bone representing muscle volume on the side of the rib cage touch up that area alot, also even though hes old , he isnt short, just hunched over, so dont be afraid to extend him out a bit especially the rib/ stomach area feet are look very Street fighter ish, hands somewhat as well , keep it up!
What did you render that in? It's obviously been zbrushed but I didn't think zbrush rendered like that.
zbrush fun! Does anyone know how to lock the model in when your using the different brushes in zbrush. I was trying to use the move brush and I kept on rotating around the model instead of adjusting the model. Its annoying.
Nice engine block, Eraserhead!
here a piece i just finished. i have modelled this from a gears of war screen i took. had posted the high poly in the past in another thread and now i found the time to make the lp with texture. maybe need some bit more work on texture.
Good shit tactic, you'll have to give me an update/closeup later. I like.
Next personal project, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Planning on creating all four of them, and possibly Rocksteady and Bebop.
Dayuuum. Ive always wondered what your render settings/setup is like to achieve such a look....really great work by the way
oro form sf3 third strike
heres the character concept and a 3d turn
Nice blueprints!
The upper part of the arm needs to be a tad wider since it compared to the forearm looks pretty skinny.
Also the breasts seem to have a different shape than the concept. The concept seem to have smaller ones and the muscles underneath more defined.
Hope it helps, rest of it looks good.
Here's my final
A quickish doodle from me, should finish it.. maybe
Jackwhat> Nice work dude, I'm always interested on seeing what you're painting up.
'Finished' this over the weekend... Some of the face's major structural lines were drawn in off a photo to begin with (cheating, I know. :P), then my weird stencil-shape-shading method took over.
Throughout the process of painting the facial expression was changed (I'm not entirely happy with it yet). Also, the techy blue/white stuff is meant to look like water ripples, not sure if I pulled that off.
G0th, cool shapes. My only issue is that I can't tell if it's assembled? poured? natural formation? or what. If it's assembled, some grout, or at least more definite definition to the pieces would be useful.
Working on a hi-poly pillar for the scene I'm working on. Obviously this is only a portion of it(seeing as how I don't have the symmetry on), and the turbosmooth is just on for show right now, making sure my loops are right before I take it into Mudbox for some dirtying up. The metal plates at top and bottom are floating objects, as are the wires and the inset the wires are in.
nice flow
early WIP:
about 2-3 hrs in- finding my feet again with modelling
guess the character
Anyways thanks so far for the tips with the tight edges.
I thought of modeling the entire bullet into the magazin but on the other hand, nobody could see it there.
Although it wouldn't be hard to do the entire bullet... it's just the lowpoly thats "half".
Correct me if I missunderstood something^^
Still lots to do:
- More overgrowth
- Creeping upward and over marble trim, hiding some of its noticeable tiling
- Center piece
- Possibly a bonzai tree
- Create highpoly detail mesh of the mound the platform rests on and see if the details are noticeable
- Render on second UV channel in Unreal
- Background mountains
- Tile textures on UV channel 1 + highres details on UV channel 2
- Lighting
- Atmosphere
- Post
Here's a shot from unreal viewport with 2 simple lights and no shadows. My lunch is over