I´ve a scene in maya with baked light using 2 uv sets, one for texture color and other for baked gi, i´ve baked the light to the 2nd uv set and now i don´t know how to create a multitexture shader, i apply the baked texture to the diffuse slot but i dont know how to tell maya that that slot should use the 2nd uv set
how is one that?
Windows > Relationship Editors > UV Linking > Texture Centric (or UV centric)
then you can just make sure each texture is connected to the right UV set. you could probably add a UV selector node on top of the texture node..
not sure I got the names right but you should be able to find it.
oh right. there's also the layered texture (note layered shader!) node you gotta use if you want to use the textures like multiply/screen layers
i´ve used relationship editor, now i´ve to try on engine