Hey, this is something that has always bugged me and I figured I would share the solution with everyone.
In 3ds max when you start making simple objects you get a default color that gets applied.
However, when you add a texture to the object you cannot get the default color back again.
Furthermore, when you import an object, you are never given the chance of using the default colors.
So I googled it, and found the solution here:
If you don't feel like looking at the site, the solution is to simply type this in the MaxScript-Listener:
$.material = NULL
Hope some of you find it as useful as I have.
Even better solution.
Thanks for the tip. Strange that this tool wouldn't also be in the materials editor. Now if I could only figure out how to align multiple objects with respect to each other.
By default it does shaded as material color.
I have a script that toggles it for me