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Multivaders 2 Progress Log WIP

polycounter lvl 18
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Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
Instead of continuing to post in the request section updates to the Multivaders2 Project, Blake said it was cool for me to start a seperate thread here in P&P with some of the stuff, we'll update this thread here instead of in WAYWO or the requests section.

So far I think I'm one of the newer people on the team..

Updated: Nov 5th

Crew Quarters In Game
and here's the beds I recently finished up on in game. Still working on the laundry stuff :D
each bed is about 50 tris (a few hidden tris for each bed number alpha plane) with a 128x128 tex



  • bounchfx
    holy crap man, is that really 12k polys? there's gotta be other stuff in that scene, right? something like that should not be an eighth of that, unless i'm missing something or reading this wrong.

    what texture sizes ya using, if I may ask?

    it looks sweet so far, but I just thought I'd bring it up.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    I so like the proportions and clean style of the technical elements (almost like MGS series). Keep it up,- I'd really like to see more of this :)
  • dummeh
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    dummeh polycounter lvl 18
    The polys includes 4 copies of the room, other rooms out of the view and also two character models off-screen. I had just stuck the game in editor mode (no culling) to take some snaps.

    All the textures are generally 128x128 with a simple diffuse map. The props are between 100 - 500 tris each, depending on what they are.

    Transfer of the older stuff from the request thread - click for bigger:

    newdesign01_thumb.jpg newdesign02_thumb.jpg newdesign03_thumb.jpg newdesign04_thumb.jpg

    newstuff_crew_thumb.jpg newstuff_security_thumb.jpg newstuff_medic_thumb.jpg newstuff_scavman_thumb.jpg

    env_sciencelab_thumb.jpg env_props_thumb.jpg char_generic_thumb.jpg prot_frontend_thumb.jpg

    char_engineer_thumb.jpg con_scientists_thumb.jpg char_captain_thumb.jpg prot_mission_thumb.jpg
  • Loren Broach
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    Loren Broach polycounter lvl 10
    So could you explain what the Multivaders2 Project is?

    Stuff looks good! Reminds me of the Evil Genius game.
  • dummeh
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    dummeh polycounter lvl 18
  • dummeh
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    dummeh polycounter lvl 18
    Keen wrote: »
    So could you explain what the Multivaders2 Project is?

    Stuff looks good! Reminds me of the Evil Genius game.

    The game is a multiplayer arcade-style shooter, with elements of RPG, action/adventure and simulation. You take part in mini 'stories' and complete missions (you can play online with friends) that rewards you with points that you can spend upgrading your character/weapons/etc. You'll also be able to use the built-in editor to create your own missions and share/play them with friends.

    It's basically a big space-adventure-game-shooter sandbox that people can create their own stories and adventures in. The idea is to release the game with a bunch of example missions and then let people play with the editors and contribute to the game.
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    I love the style, looks really cute. The bedrooms lighting is somehow lacking though. Add some spotlights on the walls, emergency lights above doors etc... should really improve the environment.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    As everyone else has already stated, I love the style. It's an exaggerated take on what are normally "serious" characters. Are you using a custom engine for this, or are you working with middleware? How exactly do you plan on incorporating user content of the game is going to be on-line? Is there going to be an on-line sandbox mode where users can play around with existing elements and then save things to their profile?

    Keep posting content here, I'd love to see more as the project progresses.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Love it man, been following this for awhile, and as everyone else has said... LOVE THE STYLE!
  • dummeh
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    dummeh polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for all the positive comments from everyone. I'm sure the artists really appreciate it - they've put a lot of work into what we have so far, Carl especially :D It's awesome to see lots of people excited about the game.
    As everyone else has already stated, I love the style. It's an exaggerated take on what are normally "serious" characters. Are you using a custom engine for this, or are you working with middleware? How exactly do you plan on incorporating user content of the game is going to be on-line? Is there going to be an on-line sandbox mode where users can play around with existing elements and then save things to their profile?

    Keep posting content here, I'd love to see more as the project progresses.

    It's a custom engine I've been working on for a while. Originally it was to be used for a survival horror title but with the masses of high-poly content required for such a game, I've put that on the backburner and have been working on Multivaders. The intentional low-poly, low-res and exaggerated style has made it a lot easier to get art done.

    The current plan with the user generated content is like what you've said. The user can enter an edit mode where they can build a ship from components, then go inside and drag/drop rooms about to build an interior. They can then place characters and props around the ships, script it with a drag/drop scripting system I've been developing and create their own stories and missions. I'm hoping this will all be online so people can collaborate making content.

    Art-inclined people with a little more time can also use the exporter tools to easily create new items/props/characters/rooms/environments in max/maya/blender/etc. and use them in their missions.

    The initial plan is that once they've made their mission they can just have their friend join their server. The game automatically sends/receives the required files for the mission.
  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    This is looking awesome and I love that you are putting so much effort into making it possible to do custom content and the like for it. Really looking forward to seeing how this turns out.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    dummeh wrote: »
    Originally it was to be used for a survival horror title but with the masses of high-poly content required for such a game, I've put that on the backburner and have been working on Multivaders. The intentional low-poly, low-res and exaggerated style has made it a lot easier to get art done.

    Probably a good idea. So few people these days are willing to compromise in order to produce a more viable product. Although I can appreciate slavish adherence to creative vision, there's always a point where you have to consider what is really best from a practical outlook. And I think it's really paying off for you here. Everyone seems to like the style. If its also a lot easier on your dev time and costs, I think its a win-win scenario. (not to mention that it will likely be kinder to the required system specs)

    And it's great to hear about what you are planning with the on-line editing. Although I'm stoked to hear about the more in-depth and custom content features, the average user will get a lot more from the in-game pre-built elements editor. Giving players a way to build their own levels quickly and easily will generate a lot more user content. Let us know when this gets closer to beta. I'd love to try importing some of my own creations. (possibly some alien life form models to use as enemies)
  • dummeh
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    dummeh polycounter lvl 18
    Probably a good idea. So few people these days are willing to compromise in order to produce a more viable product. Although I can appreciate slavish adherence to creative vision, there's always a point where you have to consider what is really best from a practical outlook. And I think it's really paying off for you here. Everyone seems to like the style. If its also a lot easier on your dev time and costs, I think its a win-win scenario. (not to mention that it will likely be kinder to the required system specs)

    And it's great to hear about what you are planning with the on-line editing. Although I'm stoked to hear about the more in-depth and custom content features, the average user will get a lot more from the in-game pre-built elements editor. Giving players a way to build their own levels quickly and easily will generate a lot more user content. Let us know when this gets closer to beta. I'd love to try importing some of my own creations. (possibly some alien life form models to use as enemies)

    It has definitely helped to work on something that is a little less stressful, asset-wise. Even this project has been crazy though and without our awesome artist carl, and other guys who have helped, we wouldn't have been able to get as far as we have.

    I am hoping to pull together the basic functionality of the editor and tools ready in the near future and releasing that as a tech-demo of the

    Getting some of the gameplay back into the main branch of the game today and also implementing a new combat system whereby the player has to drop to a 'combat stance' to aim/shoot/defend. Got some initial animations done and a prototype system in place.

    [ame=http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=e5sUqiXOJa0]Combat in-game[/ame]

    The sounds are borrowed from various engines (except for the music, that's mine) but it's really starting to look like a game now. Higher quality xvid version of the video is available here.

    Carl has also finished lots of the props around the deck and I have been working on blocking out the various rooms still needing to be created. Lots still to do though, need to get the netcode back in, space-flight system back in, rooms finished and make a start on some planet-based environments for the players to land on/explore/fight around.
  • Zephir62
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    Zephir62 polycounter lvl 12
    Really awesome style you got going on, but I'm not a big fan of the cut-outs on the walls. Outta be a better way than to make it look like a bomb blew up the room.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    dude, all manners of fucking awesome there.
  • dummeh
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    dummeh polycounter lvl 18
    Zephir62 wrote: »
    Really awesome style you got going on, but I'm not a big fan of the cut-outs on the walls. Outta be a better way than to make it look like a bomb blew up the room.

    I know what you mean. I've been playing with different ways of doing it and nothing has been perfect. The current system makes it easy to see what's behind a wall, and I think that cutaway style does match the game's visual look, but does look like the wall has been destroyed/crumbled. Transparent walls caused colours behind to look a little faded and washed out. I'd been toying with the idea of wireframe walls but testing this it either looked a bit ugly or it wasn't clear it was a wall.

    This is the latest method I've been trying
  • Carl Brannstrom
    Thanks for all the comments!

    Here's the medbay props and some guns.





  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Man, this looks absolutely fantastic. It's very exciting to see you guys making progress.
  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    What Slum said!
  • WipEout
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    WipEout polycounter lvl 15
    dummeh wrote: »

    This is the latest method I've been trying

    That was just about what I was going to suggest. Maybe make the walls disappear if/when the obstruct the view of the player models or important items? Once the players are out of that room, the walls can reappear. So basically a "bubble of invisibility" surrounds the important characters/items/players, that any walls within range goes invisible.

    Fantastic art and style-- am I to assume this is going to be on PC, or should we be looking for this on XBLive? I can't wait to play it!
  • BrodyB
    Guess who just got into my inspiration folder? YOU GUYS!
  • dummeh
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    dummeh polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for all the comments. Awesome work, as usual, Carl :)

    Started working on the UI for the editor so that we can start properly building levels and creating/scripting missions. Designed it earlier:


    and the final implementation in-game

    [ame=http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=KhxbgkfHSUA]In-game Editor[/ame]
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Ha ha this is just great man, seems very intuitive but powerful at the same time :)

    Moar please, MUNCH MUNCH MOAR!
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Wow, couldn't be easier than that I suppose.
  • Renaud Galand
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    Renaud Galand polycounter lvl 20
    aaaaawesome !!!
  • TWilson
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    TWilson polycounter lvl 18
    Yea this is bad ass. Looks like my kind of game. Maybe with some problem solving puzzles.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    more updates please !! - a really nice inspiration thread - keep it up
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
  • nkoste
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    nkoste polycounter lvl 18
    This looks fantastic! Keep it up!
  • dummeh
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    dummeh polycounter lvl 18
    Been optimising the network code for the editor so that it doesn't use so much bandwidth. Also been getting co-operative play back in the main branch.

    [ame=http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5Ai4kuXKn8]Co-op play combat[/ame]

    Jeremy's props have been put into the quarters scene and lit, he's updated his initial screenshots with the pictures. I'm hoping to get most of the built-in editing tools done and ready within a week or so to let our artists create and play with art.
  • dummeh
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    dummeh polycounter lvl 18
    Practicing more with my tablet tonight to concept/block out more rooms.
    Basic top-downs of the dual-level engineering room

  • Sri Ram Chandra
    wow,very cool project man :D
  • OBlastradiusO
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    OBlastradiusO polycounter lvl 11
    Interesting game. Reminds me that old 60's show the thunderbirds.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    fixed some textures made them fit the multivaders2 theme a bit more.

  • dummeh
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    dummeh polycounter lvl 18
    engineeringlightlq7.th.jpg engineeringlight2cl9.th.jpg

    Began modelling and lighting the engineering room concepted in my previous post in preperation for the props to be finished. The room hosts the two-story high gravity-drive which powers the ship. The drive design/mesh itself was created by Carl - I've just modelled the environment around it. I wanted to make it feel like it was advanced alien equipment being interfaced by human technology. I need to work on the cables a little bit (maybe converter boxes they plug into). The room also features a workbench for the engineer where they can create and upgrade weapons.
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    Looks great, i'll be keeping a close eye on this one from now on!
  • EbolaV
    Offline / Send Message
    EbolaV keyframe
    hey that looks funny
  • Carl Brannstrom
    Here's the alien engine/gravity thing:



  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    All great work, and inspirational. Seeing the game in motion is a treat. Cool design. I'll be keeping an eye on this one.
  • renderhjs
    Offline / Send Message
    renderhjs sublime tool
    just sharing a link as I noticed that you guys have kind of a mix of navigation nodes and meshes
    I noticed that you guys did as well placed not to many nodes or mesh points I assume because of the performance?
    there are a few interesting points in that article regarding advantages of the mesh or node methods.
    I myself had a few performance issues with to big meshes, or node structures- in case you are interested:
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    Looks lovely, specially the alien engine thingy. Great color map :)
  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 17
    Awesome work so far guys, in about another week and a half i should be able to start posting my own progress for the team as well as dummeh has taken me on as an artist as well. Get my new pc in week and a half so i can continue working! Love the stuff so far guys!
  • Szark
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    Szark polycounter lvl 12
    Looks awesome, keep up the good work!
  • dummeh
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    dummeh polycounter lvl 18
    Really interesting article, renderhjs. How are you finding navigation meshes other than the performance issues? My engine currently uses a mixture of navigation meshes and nodes and is further optimised by the way it partitions locations into rooms. The editor itself handles all this invisibly (with the option to manually tweak - in the videos posted I was in advanced editing mode). Performance is actually one of my bigger worries with the game considering the target spec we're aiming for is low, so I periodically spend time optimising (I know you're supposed to leave that till last, but I can't help it).

    I've gotten Carl's engine in-game, continued modelling the room mesh and also began to work on textures for it.


    [ame=http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=bRB7lYhaN1w]Engines in-game[/ame]
  • dummeh
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    dummeh polycounter lvl 18
    Been working on the UI for the editor, getting it looking nice and functional. There's still a long way to go, but it's getting there. Has anyone got suggestions on editors (PC or console games) that they have found really simple and nice to use?

    ui_menu1_thumb.jpg ui_editor1_thumb.jpg ui_editor2_thumb.jpg

    XVID video of it in action building a ship from scratch here http://paradum.com/mv2/3/editor_latest.avi:

  • mziskandar
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    mziskandar polycounter lvl 14
    sooo cool... reminds me of "buck rogers: doomsday device"...
  • Deathead
  • sanhueza
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    sanhueza polycounter lvl 17
    Really cool artwork! Love the idea for the game too, I can imagine how fun it will be to play with friends. Would be cool if missions were setup like episodes in a sci-fi series, drawing inspiration from Start Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Lost in Space, Firefly, etc...

    Keep up the amazing progress! :D
  • dummeh
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    dummeh polycounter lvl 18
    sanhueza wrote: »
    Really cool artwork! Love the idea for the game too, I can imagine how fun it will be to play with friends. Would be cool if missions were setup like episodes in a sci-fi series, drawing inspiration from Start Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Lost in Space, Firefly, etc...

    Keep up the amazing progress! :D

    Hopefully that should be exactly how it plays - sort of like a tv sci fi series with individual missions being episodes and building up a big story arc :D People can then make their own episodes or make their whole own series.


    I've been working on getting the docking bay finished. I'm not completely happy with the lighting yet and I'm still working on the floor textures - I'm going to have a go at a more appropriate wall texture eventually, as well. There's also a few WIP props around.

    The kickass space suit prop was made by dolemite here on the boards - he'll also be working on the bench and lockers (currently just blocked out above). Other props are the awesome work of Carl :) I've been modelling the actual environment parts such as walls/floors/ships/etc. and putting it all together and lighting everything.

    Hopefully should get this finish in my lunch break today and I'll post another screenshot.

  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    dummeh and corv are machines. :D
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