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Zbrush introductory Tutorials

polycounter lvl 18
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Bronco polycounter lvl 18
Hey Guys

Since im now working on a folio geared towards the games industry I think it would be a good time to start learning Z-Brush.

Ive got some experience with it but only since the earlier versions and many many new features have been added since I last really used it for anything significant.

Im willing to pay for a DVD or 2 since you really can't beat the information that the pro video tutorials give and you know also they will cover most if not all features. Pixologics website gnenerally lists Digital-Tutors or Gnome for Zbrush trainning DVDs.

Ive got a couple of previous Gnome DVDs which I get on well with, but this time Im thinking of giving Digital Tutors a shot and buying there 'Introduction to ZB3' and 'Sculpting techneques in ZB3' both for $105 (£70) and thats a download format....since im not sure I have the patients to wait weeks on end for the carrier pigeon to fly my DVDs across the great lake.

What would you guys recommend? are those 2 DT DVDs worth the $105 price tag? am I overlooking an even better intro DVD somewhere?

all Advice is welcome.




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