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Vice-Presidential Debate

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starting now. got your popcorn ready?


  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Wow... she's obviously just hitting on key words. Maverick. Hockey Mom.
    I'm getting tired of her 'darn right' and 'hecks'.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I DVR'd it for tomorrow night. Watching Ironman right now :D
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    wow Palin eyes are bloodshot .....think she toked up before she got on stage?
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Palin is doing as I expected. Ok but really not so good. She got some good coaching beaten into her before the debate Im sure. Biden is doing a much better job, but unless Palin really shoots herself in the foot, it'll look like a victory for her cause there was no big screwup that we're all hoping for..
  • Rob Galanakis
    Palin said nucular. I can't take another 4 years of that.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    I'm listening online at npr.com, and Biden sounds like Campbell from MGS haha!
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Biden said taco salad. I can respect that. But he did mention mustard, and that hurt the most.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Xenobond wrote: »
    Biden said taco salad. I can respect that. But he did mention mustard, and that hurt the most.

    WTF haha
    That made my laugh good. :)
  • Mishra
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    Mishra polycounter lvl 18
    palin said "drill baby, drill"

  • Rob Galanakis
    Opa! Here it comes, parade around the family!

    Another pretty even debate. Will Palin's performance be warmly received because Fey won't be able to spoof her with her exact words?
  • MLinderholm
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    MLinderholm polycounter lvl 12
    Palin did not seem nearly as comfortable as Biden. Anyways, there wasn't any major stuff, just the usual ranting, mainly from Palin with "hockey mom", "Wasilla main street" and so on.

    And yeah, the world can't take 4 more years of "nuculear" :D
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 20
    She called him Obiden at one point - hahaha
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    I was also watching Iron Man. I'll find it tomorrow and skip to the good parts.
  • ohnein
    Gosh darn it, just tell the government no more!

    It was like watching a school teacher debate against a vice president candidate. Half of the questions she didn't answer and Biden called her out on it several times. There were a few times she'd try to retort and sounded condescending and childish. Plus she played too much of the innocent christian mother car and not at all on how she would handle things as a leader.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    I personally thought the debate was pretty even, I think Palin sliiped a couple of times, but for the most part I think she did a fair job.

    But as said before, Biden looked much more comfortable, and attacking Mccain a bit more which I think did the trick. He also seemed to put more of his own ideas into the mix which I liked.

    I kinda wish there was one more VP debate after the next Presidential debate and let them talk a bit more freely... but whateves.

    As of right now, Obama is winning it for me... I just can't see how we can go 4 years with Mccain, but maybe I'm buying into the hype... ONLY TIME WILL TELLLL!!!
  • Ozymandias
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    Ozymandias polycounter lvl 18
    First off, what is up with folks watching Ironman. Yes that movie is great, but it came out Tuesday and there has been ample time to view it since, and you SHOULD be focused on the VP Debate, its a little more important. I mean, gosh, gee, heck, doggone it, *wink* *wink*, matters of the Presidency are important.

    Ok, good god what is wrong with Palin. She can't answer questions directly, she was winking like she was having a stroke or something, and she seemed exceptionally and quite audaciously condescending to Senator Biden. Biden was cool, collected, and for the most part gave apt and appropriate answers to the questions. I think Biden wins this easily. Any rational human being should be able to see how much Palin does not know, and how prepared Biden is.
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    Key words used by Palin just to name a few: “gosh darnet, holy cow, oh geez, oh boy, golly gee, ya darn right, Wasillaaaaaa”.

    In all seriousness she didn’t do as bad as I expected and came off a bit human which just might play well with the easy to sway “soccer moms and Christian right out there who think the world is coming to and end due to gay marriage! Anyways I have a running bet with a buddy of mine that John McCain and Sarah Palin will in fact be the new leaders of the free world.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Ozymandias wrote: »
    First off, what is up with folks watching Ironman. Yes that movie is great, but it came out Tuesday and there has been ample time to view it since, and you SHOULD be focused on the VP Debate, its a little more important.

    Umm...hello!? It's Blu-ray. Very important. It's the only thing that's won a war recently. And Tony Stark, FOUGHT the terrorist. Nyah!
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Seriously, how could anyone think Palin did as well as Biden? She avoided nearly every question that called for specifics. She hardly looked at Biden because she had to study her notes so hard, while he was staring right at her every time she spoke to hear her response and prepare for it. She was so condescending and annoying on the most ridiculous, unfounded points that I felt like reaching through the TV and choking her.

    If she becomes VP, I will shit my pants. I'm calling it now!
  • Mishra
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    Mishra polycounter lvl 18
    Key words used by Palin just to name a few: “gosh darnet, holy cow, oh geez, oh boy, golly gee, ya darn right, Wasillaaaaaa”.

    you forgot maverick

    also what the crap, when biden almost cried and finished his thing it cut to her and she was all smiles and giggles
  • Ephesians 2:8-9
    great debate, much better than the last. For me Palin was clear, presice, and honest. So was Biden. Thats what made it so good i guess. But, ultimatly Palin won it for me. Her points are easy for me to agree with.
  • Needles
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    Needles polycounter lvl 20
    I watched the whole thing and it was all pretty even in the sense that they both staid on message. No obviously crazy things were said. Tho palin of course was all talking points. nothing really new there, even if she does say shes a "rebel" all that came out of her mouth was single line with the republican party. Same old S*** as always. no thanks.

    Also it bugged me to hell that she never answered a question and went on her own rants over something else. That just bugs me, and i cant imagine she would do any diff in office. Say one thing do another follow her own bad judgment and never listen to advice.

    Then again their whole strategy was to use her charm to swoon the lowbrow demographic that makes up the Republican world.

    This last presidency was full off "Rebels" or in their case "Cowboys" Seeing from what they did to the country over the last 8 years, I'm pretty scared of what these bozos are capable pulling out of their asses.

    F*** the republican party as it is right now, THE VAST MAJORITY OF US DO NOT NEED WHAT THEY WANT TO GIVE . . . F*** them to hell!


    MAKE AMERICA #1 in the world AGAIN!

    /waves flag <_< >_>

  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    great debate, much better than the last. For me Palin was clear, presice, and honest. So was Biden. Thats what made it so good i guess. But, ultimatly Palin won it for me. Her points are easy for me to agree with.

    Hope you brought some flame-retardant gear with you upon entering this thread...
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Needles is a Ninja
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    great debate, much better than the last. For me Palin was clear, presice, and honest. So was Biden. Thats what made it so good i guess. But, ultimatly Palin won it for me. Her points are easy for me to agree with.

    To quote Ed Norton in one of the best movies ever, "So, you're a moron".

    Uber nitpick machine!
    - presice = precise
    - Thats = that's (as in, that is)
    - ultimatly = ultimately
    was clear, presice, and honest

    Never directly answering a question while steering the response into a different topic is clear, precise and honest? No child left behind indeed.

    GX - you're awesome
  • Mangled Poly
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    Mangled Poly polycounter lvl 18
    Why oh why do these threads get started on this forum?
    Better yet why do people even try to show interest in the republican party on this forum?

    Those who know me, know pretty clear which side of the fence I am on this go around. However, trying to post opinions that do not side with the liberals on an art forum (go figure) are just going to get flamed (go figure again). :)
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I'm more conservative than liberal, poly. I voted for Bush (in 2000). But damn. Palin's got nothing. NOTHING. Prior to her involvement I was very hard pressed to make a decision. She's made it painfully easy for me.

    I flamed Eph for the simple fact that he made an extremely right-winged, numb-headed comment. One that had absolutely zero merit, period. Palin did not directly answer any of the questions. It was all beating around the bush and straying off topic. Since that is in no way clear or precise, I thought it was well deserving of some friendly button pushing :)
  • Mangled Poly
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    Mangled Poly polycounter lvl 18
    Fair enough I am not a huge fan of Palin, but I thought she did a good job. By good job I mean she did not make a train wreck of herself tonight like most of the world was expecting. Yes, she dodged some questions but hell every good debater does that. Hell even Biden did not answer some questions its all about leveraging your strengths. Which she did by staying with energy, and "main street" America.

    Now quit trolling this forum and go work on your uneathly!
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    palin said a few things that personally pissed me off, the remark about bidin's wife... WTF!? Also wanting to extend the power f the vice president... last time i checked republican was supposed to be for a smaller less controlling government. The term conservative is supposed to be talking about fiscal conservation, not in terms religious beliefs.
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    Ya, the conservative party talks about fiscal conservation, but look how much they spend on the war and pork barrel shit! [Palin went on a fucking shopping spree as Governor] And hmm... Clinton [liberal] = surplus, Bush [conservative] = deficit. the republicans talk about tax breaks and no more taxes, but they are only talking about rich people [more than 5 million dollars :)]. If I was making over 50,000 a year, I would think YAY! I'm RICH!
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Those who know me, know pretty clear which side of the fence I am on this go around. However, trying to post opinions that do not side with the liberals on an art forum (go figure) are just going to get flamed (go figure again). :)

    From your post I assume you mean you are planning to vote republican. Can you *please* explain this to me? From an outsider's vantage there is incredibly thin rationale to vote republican this time around, so I am quite curious to hear the thought process on this. So far all I've heard in response to this kind of question basically boil down to fundamental christian reasons that have little political basis.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    some of us strongly believe in many republican ideals. Stuff like smaller federal gov. More state power. Free market. Strong defense funding. Low foreign intervention (now changed to high foreign intervention with the Bushes), etc.

    so voting democrat means voting against a bunch of things that we rather like.

    Unfortunately republicans have changed into this fundie freak show. So im a democrat for the next 4 years.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    aesir wrote: »
    some of us strongly believe in many republican ideals. Stuff like smaller federal gov. More state power. Free market. Strong defense funding. Low foreign intervention (now changed to high foreign intervention with the Bushes), etc.

    so voting democrat means voting against a bunch of things that we rather like.

    Unfortunately republicans have changed into this fundie freak show. So im a democrat for the next 4 years.

    Yea, that's what I mean though. Any rational person should be able to look at the current state and see that the republican party as it stands (and has for the past while) is not what the republican ideals are supposed to be. I can see being for all of those things, but at the moment the republican party is seemingly the polar opposite of many of those things.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    great debate, much better than the last. For me Palin was clear, presice, and honest. So was Biden. Thats what made it so good i guess. But, ultimatly Palin won it for me. Her points are easy for me to agree with.

    Hopeless. The scary thing is that there are lots of people out there that are nodding in agreement. McCain could annouce that he was personally going to fuck every american in the ass, and there would still be jerks out there that would nod and say "He's keeping big government out of the American People".

    Palin was not Clear. She Dodged 90% of her questions. All she had to do was lay out why McCain was different from Bush W. and she failed. The only people that are going to vote for this twit and her fossil of a running mate are the morons that vote repulican no matter what. There could be Ham snadwich running, and these maroons would cast there lot with it. And God help us..there are millions of them
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    after watching the debate, i think Palin is just a bunch of filibustering. i don't think she is confident enough with her ticket's believes or opinions. just SPIT IT OUT! SAY WHAT YOU MEAN. JUST SAY EXACTLY IT! PLEASe, don't just go on an unprepared fairy tale story about how you love America and God and jam pack your phrases and words with peacocky buzzwordy terms, "energy providing state of alaska" you have to say it every time? "maverick" wtf is a maverick? is that good that you do whatever you feel like? so you're running as a republican, but not really? can bush be considered a maverick? because i sure as hell hate that muther fucker. what's with smiling when it isn't expected or appropriate, that's fucking distracting! if you're awesome, we want to know. how the hell can we decided your views are right if we can't understand you. i can't piece together her backward, blender sentences while thinking "why the hell is she all of the sudden smiling?" weak.

    supporters of her are claiming she's "back" to her ol straight shooting ways. what like when she was poisoned during those interviews? was she intelligent and clear before? wha? was she clear now? maybe i'm the stupid one. it was the same whirl of thoughts and words. it made me angry trying to visualize her sentences. a large part of what these people will be doing after this election is public relations isn't it? *grumble* *grumble*they mccain better not win.

    mccain 08 palin 09
  • Mark Dygert
    Fair enough I am not a huge fan of Palin, but I thought she did a good job. By good job I mean she did not make a train wreck of herself tonight like most of the world was expecting.
    Ouch those are some low expectations.
    its all about leveraging your strengths. Which she did by staying with energy, and "main street" America.
    Personally she came off as pandering to America. I think she tried to play to "main street" a little too much and it hurt. Like the prom queen telling the ugly chick to buck up she knows whats it like to be homely, she had a zit once.
    [SIZE=-1]It's up to Joe Six-Pack and Hockey Moms to manage their own funds and make sure their money is safe[/SIZE]
    Seriously did she just call me Joe six pack and blame me for the financial crisis? If all I have to do to clear this thing up is pay my mortgage on time and not over spend then we shouldn't be in this mess. I've done my part all along and I'll keep doing my part, its time for you to do yours. What about all those retirement plans where companies said give us money and we'll see to the rest, then blew it big, how is grandpa Joe six-pack going to continue to pay his mortgage even though he handled his money perfectly?

    Now that she's been swept up off her feet and put on the national stage how true is she going to stay to her "main street usa values" (if they even exist) or is she going to bend to those people whispering in her ear telling her to stick to her talking points? At least with Biden we know what we get, a loud pompous ass that makes a fool out of himself but ends up doing the right thing most of the time.

    If she makes it in what do you want to bet that Couric gets the axe =P
  • Michael Knubben
    Vassago: Despite you often being on the opposite side of an argument from me, your comments are at least based in reality, and I often find them to be pretty informative. I understand complete why ephisians would piss you off, as he represents your side as if it consisted exclusively of bumbling idiots, frothing at the mouth, voting for whoever pretends to be a missionary from god.
    Just to clarify that I don't hate people who vote for the Republicans, just a specific type. Which also exists on the other side, mind you, just in a different configuration.

    Oh, and Palin dodging every fucking question only to spin some unrelated fantasy-tale isn't 'being precise and honest'. In fact, many people would say it's the opposite. We call these people 'smart'.
  • Rob Galanakis
    She spent the first 15 minutes talking about the need for government regulation and the next 45 talking about the need to shrink government and get it out of our lives- why Biden didn't pull this amazing and irreconcilable hypocrisy out into the open is beyond me, maybe he had something to hide as well?
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    MightyPea wrote: »
    Vassago: Despite you often being on the opposite side of an argument from me, your comments are at least based in reality, and I often find them to be pretty informative.

    Oh, and Palin dodging every fucking question only to spin some unrelated fantasy-tale isn't 'being precise and honest'. In fact, many people would say it's the opposite. We call these people 'smart'.


    Tulkamir - although I very much agree on the current party's 2nd term floundering and loss of conservative ideals, it doesn't mean that John McCain would follow the same path. It's that reason, that hope, that will keep hard core conservatives voting for McCain. It's that simple. Obama doesn't have the beliefs they're looking for, so they have to stake themselves for McCain and hope he's better than Bush.

    Found this interesting. On Fox news of all places (image links to foxnews poll):

  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    low odor wrote: »
    There could be a Ham sandwich running, and these maroons would cast there lot with it. And God help us..there are millions of them

    Dude don't be a hamist!
    Ham's put country first!
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    Biden shoulda brough a shovel...just stop her ramblings! what she on about?! anyone actually understands what she is saying ?!
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Biden shoulda brough a shovel...just stop her ramblings! what she on about?! anyone actually understands what she is saying ?!


    She's said that everywhere she goes!! If you don't vote for Palin apparently, you are voting for Hitler to come back to life and start another holocaust. :D
  • ohnein
    Vassago wrote: »

    Tulkamir - although I very much agree on the current party's 2nd term floundering and loss of conservative ideals, it doesn't mean that John McCain would follow the same path. It's that reason, that hope, that will keep hard core conservatives voting for McCain. It's that simple. Obama doesn't have the beliefs they're looking for, so they have to stake themselves for McCain and hope he's better than Bush.

    Found this interesting. On Fox news of all places (image links to foxnews poll):


    CNN's poll show Biden at 67% and Palin at 28%. I still find it shocking that many people thought she did that well.
  • Kovac
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    Kovac polycounter lvl 18
    For anyone who missed it:

    Hilarious stuff.... I love hearing Ephesians 2:8-9's replies to these debates

  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18

    watching that only depressed me.
  • Mangled Poly
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    Mangled Poly polycounter lvl 18
    Tulkamir wrote: »
    From your post I assume you mean you are planning to vote republican. Can you *please* explain this to me? From an outsider's vantage there is incredibly thin rationale to vote republican this time around, so I am quite curious to hear the thought process on this. So far all I've heard in response to this kind of question basically boil down to fundamental christian reasons that have little political basis.

    I would love to, lets start this drama train:
    other then what aesir listed... which are all very valid points!

    I believe in a system of checks and balances and if all three branches of the government are controlled by one party then I believe there are very little checks in place. I have very thin confidence in Obama being able to fix the economy sufficiently and that is my main concern.
    I do not like some of Obama's plans for spending my tax dollars like his health care policy.
    I am normally a medium of the line guy I liked Clinton very much and he would have had my vote if I could at the time. Also many non fact checkers may miss the fact other then some issues McCain is a very liberal Republican, and even Kerry had asked him to be a VP running mate in 2004.
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    palin said "NUCULAR"
    sad to see how these retards get nominated.

    i think Biden was precise with facts and issues while Palin was just trying to win a beauty pageant by smiling, making weird lip gestures and winking. too bad there are lot retards like her who will think she carried herself well and looked pretty and vote for her.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    Can ANYONE tell me what the fuck the Republicans/Palin mean by Joe Sixpack? Who is this supposed to represent? Drunks, people with tight abs, who? Do I need to drink a six-pack?
  • Ephesians 2:8-9
    Sectaurs wrote: »

    watching that only depressed me.

    What's depressing is I keep getting slapped on this forum for my opinions. I Don't intend ill will to anyone here by the way. If I am wording my statments harshly, I am sorry. I'll try to work on that.
  • Mangled Poly
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    Mangled Poly polycounter lvl 18
    What's depressing is I keep getting slapped on this forum for my opinions. I Don't intend ill will to anyone here by the way. If I am wording my statments harshly, I am sorry. I'll try to work on that.

    Ephesians you are doing nothing wrong man.... You just have to realize what forum you are posting your opinion on and realize that 80% of the people here are automatically going to prolly differ from your opinions.
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