The helmet on the first guy is awesome. These are some good ideas, but I think the 3rd is just a bit generic sci-fi soldier. He also has a cool helmet though
Yeah man, I really dig how these are rendered. although I do agree with slum that the guy you decided to go with needs some extra pizazz past the awesome helmet, like maybe some weird mechanism in his gut or something. Pretty cool over all though man. Top one has a cool pyramid head vibe.
It really is a bastard when people who can draw like this are doing stuff for their 3d portfolio!
Ima second konstruct though, I really like the tall crazy helmut you had going on in the original sketches, its slightly reminiscant of the ring wraith heads and looks badass all the same. The guy youre opting to do at the moment really lacks something though - its easy to pick out mistakes and its hard to offer up something better, but try and be a bit brash with his chest piece at least... do a quick paintover or something and break up those shapes into something more interesting to match the cool head youve got goin on.
Ima second konstruct though, I really like the tall crazy helmut you had going on in the original sketches, its slightly reminiscant of the ring wraith heads and looks badass all the same. The guy youre opting to do at the moment really lacks something though - its easy to pick out mistakes and its hard to offer up something better, but try and be a bit brash with his chest piece at least... do a quick paintover or something and break up those shapes into something more interesting to match the cool head youve got goin on.