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Governor Palin's email was "hacked" by 4chan-tards

The "hacker" simply guessed her forgotten password recovery question. I don't know whats more funny the 4chan explanations or that she used yahoo mail for official use.



  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 18
    haha, man, that's amazing. Saw it a while ago, and still love it. I just hope the "hacker" doesn't get in too much shit for it.

    The utter stupidity of this woman is almost as amazing as the fact that some people seem to actually be dumb enough to buy into her.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    why should the hacker get off lightly? because it was a politician you don't like?
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Yet another reason she's a joke of a candidate. At that point why wouldn't you be conducting all your business on a government email system?
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 18
    Asherr wrote: »
    why should the hacker get off lightly? because it was a politician you don't like?

    Because guessing a person's password on email is hardly a huge offense and happens all the time. Because it was her own idiotic fault for making it so easy to guess. Because people hacking other peoples email rarely get strict punishment and this case should be no different because she's politician. And hell, because he just did your whole fucking country a service by showing she's too much of a moron to be trusted with securing her own email, let alone a whole damn country.
  • EarthQuake
    Tulkamir wrote: »
    Because guessing a person's password on email is hardly a huge offense and happens all the time. Because it was her own idiotic fault for making it so easy to guess. Because people hacking other peoples email rarely get strict punishment and this case should be no different because she's politician. And hell, because he just did your whole fucking country a service by showing she's too much of a moron to be trusted with securing her own email, let alone a whole damn country.

    Damn straight.
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    The Secret Service is gonna have a ball.

    Among the usual President, VP, family, etc. They are responsible for protecting 'Major presidential and vice presidential candidates, and their spouses within 120 days of a general presidential election.'
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Actually, from what I've read, the password wasn't the issue. She used easy security questions, especially considering how high profile her info is. The way Yahoo is set up, you just have to know info about her or her husband, and you can reset her password to whatever you want... then login and enjoy.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    According to the AP article, the hacker only needed her birthday, zip code and to know she met her husband in high school, which she stated in one of her speeches, to change her password and gain access. Dude shouldn't get into trouble at all, he should be applauded for finding such an easy security issue and letting everyone know about it.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Can you imagine what it would be like if she had a snowball's chance in hell of getting to the White House?

    Mrs. Vice President. "Someone didn't bother to read my carefully prepared memo on commonly used passwords. Now then, as I've so meticulously pointed out, the four most used passwords are: love, sex, secret, and God. So, would her holiness care to change her password?"

    The more I learn about this woman, the more I'm entertained. And frightened.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Elysium: I'm not sure whats more lame. The fact you found a practical use for that quote, or that I knew what it was from. :(
  • Jonathan
    I guarantee I could go through this forum and guess several people's passwords, but that doesn't mean those people are "stupid" or shouldn't hold offices of high esteem.

    Many more people in tech-related fields have had weaker passwords/secret-questions than what she has, yet many of you have used this as a spring board to once again bash someone who you disagree with because you're afraid of her influence in November.

    Congrats on poor reasoning!

    She isn't running a network security company, nor is she claiming to be the candidate for "l33test candidate of the '08 election." Some of the greatest people on Wallstreet can't even operate a computer (Peter Lynch), but does that mean I'm going to disregard their advice?

    Or perhaps the next time you go in to have surgery, and are thankful to have found a veteran doctor, who has been around a while. Are you going base your decision to use him as a surgeon on his knowledge of secure passwords, what rainbow tables are, and what a brute force attack is, or a DoS/DDoS attack, et al?
  • Rob Galanakis
    Jonathan wrote: »
    Congrats on poor reasoning!

    You are absolutely right in most of what you say. She isn't being evaluated for a network security firm. Her choice in secret questions doesn't speak about how she'd behave in a national crisis. What it does tell us is this:

    She was already governor when she registered an account on Yahoo, which she conducted official business with. The fact that it didn't occur to her how insecure what she was doing was, tells me: 1) she (and/or her advisors) is/are unaware of even the basics of cyberspace and the naughty things that go on; 2) conducting official, even marginally official, business from a freely registered Yahoo mail account didn't spark her as being an irresponsible or unsafe thing to do- I don't think you need to even know that the internet is a series of tubes to know that; 3) She either didn't confer with her advisers, or they weren't made aware- one tells me she is arrogant about what doesn't know, instead of that natural curiousity that is an attribute of some of our greatest presidents and is entirely lacking in others, the other tells me she surrounds herself with people who have similarly little idea about topics the Govner herself doesn't know jack about.

    What you don't seem to realize or understand is this is not an email account she had created 10 years ago and forgotten about- this was created when she was governor and in active use. Good luck trying to hack into the email of Peter Lynch, or Donald Trump, or anyone else who has assistants and security personnel. Good luck trying to hack into my work email, or my official email- you won't get it by guessing some security questions, though I'm sure a semi-skilled hacker could actually hack it (as opposed to guess it).

    You are comparing people's security habits on an internet forum to security habits of holders of high public office for official business- Congrats on poor reasoning!

    Granted there are many, many things more important than this when it comes to how unfit Palin is for VP, but how you can turn this embarassment around into a positive (you are comparing her to business legends or veteran surgeons?) is beyond me.
  • Jonathan
    Mainly because becoming a governor is no small task, so I think it's perfectly fine to compare her to other successful people. If some of you do not like her, fine, but deal with her views instead of making childish and inappropriate remarks towards her (not directing this towards anyone in particular).

    Now, back to watching those new Mudbox 2009 videos. :D
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    this is all yahoo's fault, actually.

    her original password was "iluvj3sus". which is very secure...and leet.
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    Jonathan wrote: »
    I guarantee I could go through this forum and guess several people's passwords, but that doesn't mean those people are "stupid" or shouldn't hold offices of high esteem.

    Many more people in tech-related fields have had weaker passwords/secret-questions than what she has, yet many of you have used this as a spring board to once again bash someone who you disagree with because you're afraid of her influence in November.

    Congrats on poor reasoning!

    She isn't running a network security company, nor is she claiming to be the candidate for "l33test candidate of the '08 election." Some of the greatest people on Wallstreet can't even operate a computer (Peter Lynch), but does that mean I'm going to disregard their advice?

    Or perhaps the next time you go in to have surgery, and are thankful to have found a veteran doctor, who has been around a while. Are you going base your decision to use him as a surgeon on his knowledge of secure passwords, what rainbow tables are, and what a brute force attack is, or a DoS/DDoS attack, et al?

    if someone did hack a surgeons email and they were using it for official business and not using the secure email setup by an it department at the hospital leading to a patients records being compromised they would probably be fired.

    yeah. she is not fit.
  • Jonathan
    Her email was secure compared to most others. A common question in security-questionnaires is what elementary school you attended. Someone who practices "social engineering" (i.e.-lying) could easily find such information about any person, either in the public sector or private sector. I guess someone spending time searching and guessing answers for more than 45 minutes means the password was "easy" and therefore, the hacker should be applauded?
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    how was it secure? The point is she was using a yahoo account for government business. I fail to see how it was more secure then any other person when in fact it was less secure because she is in the public eye and her information is easily attainable.

    I hesitate to call this hacking as any joe blow with google could have done it. I don't think the guesser should be applauded. They should get a medal for pointing this out.

    weren't you going to watch some videos or something? =p
  • Jonathan
    Yeah, I paused the video. Either way, I think it's nothing more than red herring (and the republicans have done the same as well, so neither side is innocent).

    Ok, I'm done for the night. :P
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    IronHawk wrote: »
    if someone did hack a surgeons email and they were using it for official business and not using the secure email setup by an it department at the hospital leading to a patients records being compromised they would probably be fired.

    yeah. she is not fit.

    I think the hospital or surgeon would get fined as well, all business email has to be backed up and archived for x amount of years and using something like yahoo bypasses that system.

    lulz, this reminds me of the time I used claymore to brute force the admin password in highschool, I wuz such a wannabe hacker.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    jonathan, what videos btw? link?

    This is why people shouldn't use public email for work... EVER!
    No matter what someone should have told her that a long time ago. The person who did this should get fined and some community service just like if it was any other person.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    HAM BIKINI!!!!

  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    Sorry, Bacon Bra is still the winner

  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Jonathan wrote: »
    Mainly because becoming a governor is no small task

    Indeed. Why, only two of the cast members Predator have served as US governors. If it was so easy, it would at least be like three or four of them!
  • Michael Knubben
    I was reading an article yesterday that suggested to -instead of just entering your pets name directly- to put a unique PIN (4 digit code) before the answer, so only you could answer. Now, surely if you can remember four or five different PIN's, you can remember a single password, and the security questions are useless?
    I don't get how these security questions are still being used. In school, people's emails got 'hacked' often using those, because it was EASY AS FUCK.
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    In before close!

    Sorry, am I the only non American to read some of these details and still think its ridiculous she was using a yahoo email for public office purposes?

    There has been quite a bit of intelligent discussion on Palin, and politics. But as an outsider I still think it's abso-fucking-ridiculous that she was using a Yahoo email in the first place.

    I'm sorry, but if I was planning on running for office (of any kind). The first thing I would do is NOT list my gmail account as the #1 way to get in touch with me. And with all the billions thrown into presedential campaigns, surely someone in an office could set her up with a real domain-policed email address.

    forgive me if this is some sort of joke, I'm a few beers in and am taking things for face value!
  • Michael Knubben
    saidin: you're not. And I don't even think you're the first to bring it up in here. In fact, she's apparantly been involved with some controversy surrounding the topic since before it was hacked. I don't see how your nationality enters into it, except in a 'ofcourse non-americans haven't mentioned it as much yet, they don't LIVE THERE'-sort of way.
  • Mark Dygert
    Technically the "hack" wasn't a hack. Yahoo security is a joke, it always has been.

    This actually highlights her readiness to try and work outside of government by any means she sees necessary. They where using yahoo because under State law its deemed private and can't be searched and seized. Her government email was being monitored because she was under investigation so she and her coworkers where using yahoo. Kind of like using a priest or doctor's confidentiality to pass messages/bribes to/from shady people.

    McCain made a bad choice by rushing to pick a female running mate hoping to scoop up some of the Hillary fence sitters that are still bitter over Obama, without thoroughly checking her out.

    It underscores his desperation to become president and personally I don't want someone who makes bad choices like that making 4 more years of bad snap decisions based on bad intel. If he can't gather proper intel on possible running mates who are working with him, I have very little confidence that he'll be able to gather accurate intel in other ways.

    I think Obamba is going to blow his fair share of the calls (anyone will) but he hasn't butchered his chances (yet) by being rash and rushing to pick a running mate based on popularity, or "see we have a first too!?"

    But who knows, maybe this is a cleaver smear campaign...
  • seanv
    I was hoping to live in a world that didn't have to have some net nazi email expert in my corner just to send a letter. Maybe I'll go buy a book of stamps.
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 17
    lol this happened to me when i was about 15 :P. I had the question: what is my favorite movie? a classmate of mine guessed: lord of the rings and "hacked" my email. so far it sounds pretty funny, but then he gave the new password to all his friends and they all started messing with my friends, telling them i hated them, and that i was gay etc etc.
    but nowadays i put up a real question and give it a nonsense answer like :X:IOEJ;lofiej;qoij. that's pretty hard to guess, and i won't forget my password anyways.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    Keg wrote: »
    Sorry, Bacon Bra is still the winner

    Perhaps if it was cooked bacon! ham bikini is ready to eat- :P [BARF]
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    isn't that mcCains soccermom sidekick? oh wait, it is.
    ha, i heard she was nude in some movie.
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    I fail to see where answering a lost password question is illegal. Immoral, mayb, but illegal, no. You answer the question, you get the prize. If they wanna bitch at anyone, bitch at the stupid system of getting back a lost password.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    stimpack wrote: »
    I fail to see where answering a lost password question is illegal. Immoral, mayb, but illegal, no. You answer the question, you get the prize. If they wanna bitch at anyone, bitch at the stupid system of getting back a lost password.

    Invasion of privacy?

    Though I'm sure with most of this board's left-wing artistic types they'll make some off-beat comparison to the Bush administration and say she deserved it.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    It was wrong for them to do, patriot act or not. While I don't agree with PA and it's amendments, I don't see it as a an excuse for doing the same.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 18
    flaagan wrote: »
    Invasion of privacy?

    Though I'm sure with most of this board's left-wing artistic types they'll make some off-beat comparison to the Bush administration and say she deserved it.

    Fuck man, how do people not get this shit?

    It's simple, it's not whether or not she deserved it, or whether it was wrong, it's the fact that a person who doesn't know better than to use a yahoo account with an easily guessable secret question for confidential, work related, government emails, is VERY FUCKING LIKELY, YOU GODDAMN RETARDS, going to be your next president.

    Holy hell. Sorry, I'm a bit drunk and all, but your country is so fucking retarded it's hard not to get pissed about this shit. Especially when it's rubbed in my face wherever I go.
  • kat
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    kat polycounter lvl 17
    Ah don't worry chaps, the Government will use this as a reason to shut down the Internet and force the paid walled garden that is Net.2 on us all. B'bye Internet, you were a interesting distraction... ;)
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Tulkamir wrote: »
    It's simple, it's not whether or not she deserved it, or whether it was wrong, it's the fact that a person who doesn't know better than to use a yahoo account with an easily guessable secret question for confidential, work related, government emails, is VERY FUCKING LIKELY, YOU GODDAMN RETARDS, going to be your next president.

    Holy hell. Sorry, I'm a bit drunk and all, but your country is so fucking retarded it's hard not to get pissed about this shit. Especially when it's rubbed in my face wherever I go.

    No no. Well said. *applauds*

    I don't think the chance of her being President is emphasized enough by the media.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I'm a middle of the road kind of guy. Before McCain chose Palin, I was still on the fence between him and Obama. After reading up on Palin, it's painfully easy to say I'm an Obama-ite now.
    The fact that Palin comes from the Christian Dominionist movement alone, scares the shit out of me. These people believe that Christians have the god-given right to rule the world. The the US was and should be, a Christian nation (even to the extent of purging non-believers, or those of other religions). They also think the constitution should be rewritten to incorporate biblical law.
    Sorry, but they're batshit crazy. Palin's hot librarian milfness aside, I wouldn't touch her with a 10ft pole. Crazy bitch.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
    ebagg wrote: »
    Yet another reason she's a joke of a candidate. At that point why wouldn't you be conducting all your business on a government email system?

    The funny thing is, the current administration caught some flack for doing the same thing a few years back. The reason is simple:
    The practice is dangerous, said experts, and can run counter to laws ensuring government is open and accountable

    - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/18/palins-private-e-mail-ind_n_127460.html
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    Vassago wrote: »
    The fact that Palin comes from the Christian Dominionist movement alone, scares the shit out of me. These people believe that Christians have the god-given right to rule the world. The the US was and should be, a Christian nation (even to the extent of purging non-believers, or those of other religions). They also think the constitution should be rewritten to incorporate biblical law.
    Sorry, but they're batshit crazy. Palin's hot librarian milfness aside, I wouldn't touch her with a 10ft pole. Crazy bitch.

    Well, I know who's gonna win, now. Bring on the apocalypse!

    This was on 4Chan:
  • Rick Stirling
  • Michael Knubben
    He can't even let experts on the matter finish what they have to say before he completely changes the story and interrupts her with his fucking belittling finger in the air as if he's talking to a naughty child.
    I know it's funny to see, but I can't watch it without getting really worked up. That guy's just such a fucking dense bastard, yet he gets to influence people with his staggeringly idiotic, unfounded opinions.

    I've seen a few clips of him on the topic of religion, in which case -fair enough- he gets a bit agitated. But now I find out that's just his default behaviour, wonderful.
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    you rock Vassago.
  • Mark Dygert
    MightyPea wrote: »
    I've seen a few clips of him on the topic of religion, in which case -fair enough- he gets a bit agitated. But now I find out that's just his default behaviour, wonderful.
    Fox news is to news, like The Enquirer is to journalism. So is the John Stewart show, but at least it doesn't make people want to start making and mailing pipe bombs heh.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Me thinks that Bill has a public domain email with lots of stuff that he doesn't want the public to find. He seemed pretty pissed off that someone could get at his porn emails.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    hehe o reilly, man every clip of him I see i hate him some more, but it's so entertaining
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Now, now, everyone.
    Just drink the kool-aid.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    Vig wrote: »
    Fox news is to news, like The Enquirer is to journalism. So is the John Stewart show, but at least it doesn't make people want to start making and mailing pipe bombs heh.

    From research at the last election, people who watched teh Daily Show were actually more informed on politics than those that watched FOX News or CNN. XD
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    I like how John Stewart didn't take that info as a complement about his show but as sad statement about the usefulness of CNN...
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Great article on Palin.

    Must read page 3.
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