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Poll: Working Overtime

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Ged interpolator
I recently asked my boss wether we get paid for overtime work or wether we get time off work to compensate.

He said we get neither and that its pretty standard industry practice but they will try to be nice to us and give us a few hours off if we need to see a sick family member etc. Im fairly new(a year or so) to 3D art and design so I just wondered if this is really true, Im not going to make a fuss about this, my job is decent and the other employees and work environment are really good.


  • frubes
    we are really fortunate where i work. The company treats us really really well and in return when those crunch deadlines come around we reciprocate knowing we wont get paid for the overtime we put in. However i love my job so i dont mind too much but i can see how it is an issue.

    In my experiance (all 1 and a bit years of it) i have found that it is most certainly not uncommon for companies to expect overtime for nothing and have met very few that actually pay you for it. Having said that most are flexible when it comes to paying for company outings, christmas parties, and time off over xmas which isnt part of your annual leave.
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    This is rather disheartening...I mean I'm not in the business, but I've read quite a bit about how projects are planned out, how delays can happen and of course all those changes to the production schedule, but dang! If the project gets delayed through a management decision to change on the project in some way, you should be compensated for it. It's not like your added salary is going to make a huge hit in the wallet when the games revenue comes in...
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    we get paid overtime, but it can be used as an excuse to make you stay more.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    When I worked at swordfish we never worked overtime or did crunch which was great.

    I did do a bit extra at home sometimes, but on the whole we were 9 to 5
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    We get paid overtime as well but ive barely ever had to do any overtime. Im lucky that the team i am a part of is experienced and the project is well managed.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Crunch (or anything over 40 hrs/week) is almost always the fault of project management. If you have producers/directors who know what they're doing and are on top of things like they should be, then there's no crunch.

    More about compensation etc. here, started by the famous EAspouse:
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    Has anyone asked their HR what the company's policies about overtime are?

    At my company, it's no overtime pay at all. a.) to avoid staff filing overtime and not actually doing any work, and b.) encourage everyone to spend quality hours at work and take off at 6.

    My last job paid used to pay a full month's salary for 2 weeks crunch, but crunches ended up happening every 4 months or so, and some of my teammates wouldn't go home for weeks at a time. All down to unrealistic scheduling on management's part. Even with the generous compensation, no one was happy...like shep says, we stayed because we felt obliged.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    We don't get overtime pay, but most of the time we don't really work overtime (at least on the art side).
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    overtime is an interesting issue. If it happens once in a while, and the comps been treating you good. Then yea, i can justify that extra time. Im a team player, im always down to help out. But you gota be careful that abuse doesnt set in. We all have lives outside of work. Family too. If work starts destroying what i have going on outside of it, then its time to find greener fields to work in. again, be flexible, but not a dog.
  • Luxury
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    Luxury polycounter lvl 18
    My company has it split so that anyone in a senior position or above does not get overtime but gets comp time at the end of a project. Anyone below that gets overtime. I think this is pretty common in CA?
  • easterislandnick
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    easterislandnick polycounter lvl 17
    We get time and a half and all overtime has to be agreed by upper management. I've done 20 hours in 3.5 years! The overtime culture in our industry is disgusting. There is no excuse for asking your staff to do overtime but bad planning and management. I had to ask some of my guys to do some and I took it as a sign of my bad management.
  • Kovac
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    Kovac polycounter lvl 18
    No overtime pay here, but for major milestones/crunches we can get a few comp days here or there... of course there's never time to take those comp days so you just cash them out anyways.
  • Rob Galanakis
    Change my 'yes' to a 'no.' Just got raised to a salaried position this morning.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    My last company paid overtime if you were a certain level. Once you were above a certain level you didn't. The company I work for now doesn't have overtime pay but the cycles seem to be "crunch about twice a year, then get some extra time off during the lull in between projects".
  • Mark Dygert
    Nope, I'm salary. So when the hourly guys are stuck in their cubes picking their noses I'm picking my nose in traffic!
  • Farfarer
    Last company I was at had a flat wage with hours specified in the contract as "as needed". So, no overtime pay.

    9am-4am shifts were not unheard of during monthly milestone crunch.

    We got a really good producer in mid-way through the project and overtime/crunch vanished.

    The week after he left, things reverted back to the way they were before...
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    from my experience, different dissaplines within the work place can have wildly different crunches, character guys get it fairly easy, asset artists aswell, level artists get the worst of the deal, but no way anyway near the code monkeys.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Im doing 3D art and design at a company that does multimedia/online/print solutions for clients so we have quite frequent deadlines so theres often some people doing a bit of overtime, I was quite surprised to hear there was no compensation for this. Not really good statistics so far, but its good to know that at least some of us work at companys that value you and your overtime enough to compensate you for it.
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    i've never seen overtime pay, nor do i know anyone that's ever had it

    Most overtime i see these days, other than the times where it's all hands on deck to get an important build out, is entirely voluntary - people putting in the extra hours to make stuff as good as it can possibly be, rather than fighting againts bad management. This is generally rewarded come royalty time

    we've done comp leave in the past, after mental crunch time. Then, crunch was due to extreme ambition and not many people to do it, and again not bad management. Boy did it pay off though, and i won't hear a word against it
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    danr wrote: »
    people putting in the extra hours to make stuff as good as it can possibly be, rather than fighting againts bad management. This is generally rewarded come royalty time

    what do you mean by "royalty time"?
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    the time when the royalties arrive
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