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You know what really grinds my gears???



  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    Dakkon wrote: »
    Artists working in games that don't give a shit about, or bother to play games... It's like a vet that hates animals. I'm fucking tired of the 3D artists that are all "I'm here for the ART, I'm a pure artist".

    This surprises the heck outta me. Especially seeing the people around here, and on the fact that EVERY art related job link I've seen either starts or ends with something about "passion for video games".
  • Dakkon
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    Dakkon polycounter lvl 10
    Saidin311 wrote: »
    This surprises the heck outta me. Especially seeing the people around here, and on the fact that EVERY art related job link I've seen either starts or ends with something about "passion for video games".

    Oh, my current job is great for that. Everyone loves games. My last job was just plain nasty... some guys played 1-2 games a year, if that.
  • Snight
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    Snight polycounter lvl 16
    People who complain.
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 19
    Artists who make no effort to understand the tech or gameplay that surround their art. They look at their shit on their desk and never make an attempt to view it through the eyes of the player - in game.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    In school--
    The dumbasses that just go ahead and take breaks all day, play video games when they say they're working, and bother US when we're actually doing this little thing called WORK. Then go on about how good they are, and they work hard, really, but there's this and that... like WoW and cupcakes... And then are--believe it or not--genuinely upset and STRESSED when our demo reels are due and they don't have even one decent piece of shit to throw in their failure or a demo reel.

    But... ...I guess no reason for it to bug me, really, since they'll probably never get a job. Not at that rate.

    Did I mention that they also still have the gaul to critique MY work when they haven't spent a full hour working in over a month? -eye twitch-
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    - People who the instant they hear you work with computers ask you to fix this or to make this web page for them.

    - People that insist on telling you their idea for a game when they hear you do anything related to games.

    - People who use cliche sayings like "there's plenty of fish in the sea" or "you'll find someone" (yea I'm a bitter single guy :D)

    - Being treated like the slightest thing will break me the instant they hear I am disabled. For fucks sake you assholes I've been disabled for long enough I know what my body is capable of so don't fucking treat me like the most fragile thing on earth.
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    ebagg wrote: »
    Going from Maya's awesome and quick workflow to Max's unrefined and clunky workflow. Yea, I went there. Maya > Max.
    Actually Im having a hard time going from Max to Maya at my current job :/

    That being said, I hate it when people are bitching about how shitty software X is compared to software Y. 'I could have done that in program X in 10 seconds!' <AAAAAARGH!
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    - shitty crate enviro artists that just because they made a crate or a even simpler prop start sending out folios clogging every company with their shitty art that altho everyone told them to do other stuff or you are not ready or whatever still give the "yeah will fix" yet do nothing and pollute the internets ( same applies to character, infact to every job...)

    - "email sent :)"
  • Mark Dygert
    Flynny wrote: »

    Another is not being kept in the loop, like when the Game designers have already decided there going a completely different direction with something but let us poor animators muster on getting it right with the old style/art/goals ;) (whilst everyone else has the new stuff in mind and works around heh).
    Bla ;) I love it though.
    Yea I hate that. I also hate it when Designers meet with the wrong people and they sign other people (me) up for things that I would have suggested we not do. Things that take a long time to do, are only on screen for .25 seconds and if removed wouldn't impact anything.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    People who like to piss on others dreams and goals.
    People who bitch and moan
    People who like to get offended
    People who can't take a joke
    People not like me. (Cause I'm cool, right? RIGHT!?)
    People who need constant validation, no wait...
    People who contradict themselves...
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    Talon wrote: »

    The response "Yes and no." to a yes or no question.

    Talon ... man, you're gonna LOVE working with Ian

    i've told him that if he says it again, i WILL punch him square in the face, and since he's a weakling vegetarian Edwardian sickly child-man he'll be completely defenceless, and i won't lose my job cos i'm categorically 100% in the right for punching him square in the face
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
    - I'm 26 and after applying all over town, I finally got a job at Kmart, which I start next week. What grinds my gears is that I feel so GOOD about it.
    - Trying to learn to play TF2, but just dying every 8 seconds or less; and then listening to the jerks on voice chat whine about how I don't know how to play as whatever class I picked or on whatever stage we're on. (Ya think? The game doesn't come with a manual and there's no single player mode! Pardon my lack of instant strategic mastery.)
    - My parents looking at whatever I'm working on, trying to tell me how good it is (in bothersomely patronizing exxagerated ways), and then telling me I'm being "too nitpicky" or "too hard on myself" if I bother to explain why it's not even remotely close to being good enough. It always ends in the "Well you don't KNOW because you haven't even bothered to apply anywhere! You're just going by what you read on the Internet!" speech, which is easily the most irritating thing that could ever possibly be said in that situation.
    - Pharmacy customers.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    -Fixing other peoples bad work

    -Artist who have no lives outside of work who think its some sort of badge of honor to work insane hours and the guilt trip managers try to give you for leaving work at the time your supposed to.

    -Suck ups

    - Suck up who are also shit at their jobs but are friends with management and management wont fire them.
  • Rens
    "People who like to piss on others dreams and goals."

    i fucking hate this, everytime i meet people and they ask what i do,
    i tell them i want to be an (game) artist, that i do alot of things like 2d, 3d, sculpting ect

    they just look at me like i have no future and just move on, no respect what so ever.

    "My parents looking at whatever I'm working on, trying to tell me how good it is"

    right on!
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    SubPablo wrote: »
    Portal jokes. -leave it to the man-children of the office (and internet) to latch onto a catch phrase, and regurgitate it ad nauseam.

    I hear "the cake is a lie" every freaking day from someone! NOT FUNNY!
  • Mark Dygert
    Josh_Singh wrote: »
    People who like to piss on others dreams and goals.
    While that sucks, it sucks worse when people patronize someone by patting them on the back and say 'go for it buddy' or 'that looks awesome to me'.

    But I think you're not referring to the straight talkers but more to the people who indiscriminately piss on anything and everything? "oh whats that? Oh I'm pissin on it!"
  • System
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    System admin
    Ah thats a point, suck ups and pally shit frustrate me no end... I find the creep personality to be really sickening, i guess im too proud to comprehend the idea of lowering myself and nodding my head to get places. Theres so much more worth in achieving something the hardway! - could probably phrase that better.
  • Peris
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    Peris polycounter lvl 17
    JO420 wrote: »
    -Fixing other peoples bad work

    Dear god yes. I'm alway terribly ashamed when theres a flaw in something i made and someone else had to fix it up. But then theres these people that keep handing in their half finished work and don't have no sense of guilt or shame at all when other people have to clean it up after them.
  • Mark Dygert
    Oh almost for this these...

    People who abuse common areas, like;
    - The company kitchen. Mother bitches we have a dishwasher, it gets run all the time. Put your shit in it, not the SINK!
    - The company refrigerators. We now have personalized fridge cubbies because people can't seam to remember to take their science experiments home.
    - Hallways. Just because you're dept likes to scrum whenever and wherever it feels like it, doesn't mean the rest of us want to hear about it.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    we have a no smoking policy at work. if you want to smoke, do it on your lunch break, and away from the building. you get no extra breaks for fags.

    fuck. that.

    New one:
    ...companies who have no smoking policies.
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    Vig wrote: »
    Oh almost for this these...

    People who abuse common areas

    There's one men's bathroom for the whole floor, not just our company, every office/company on the whole floor. I have seen things, things that should not occur in a bathroom, at least a bathroom used by adults with jobs, like shit...human excrement...at head height...ON THE WALL...

    ...or the masterpiece of laziness/stupidity, the duo that together accomplished failing to flush several unflushable toilet seat sanitary sheets, then said "Fuck it, I don't care if its clogged, I'm using it anyway"...then took a shit on top of it.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Illusions wrote: »
    There's one men's bathroom for the whole floor, not just our company, every office/company on the whole floor. I have seen things, things that should not occur in a bathroom, at least a bathroom used by adults with jobs, like shit...human excrement...at head height...ON THE WALL...

    ...or the masterpiece of laziness/stupidity, the duo that together accomplished failing to flush several unflushable toilet seat sanitary sheets, then said "Fuck it, I don't care if its clogged, I'm using it anyway"...then took a shit on top of it.

    OH MAN! SO TRUE! Dude I cannot stand Public Bathrooms. The one here at 38 is alright cause everybody has respect, but at SOE San Diego building 1, dude it was N A S T Y. I would hold my shit in all day rather than be tainted by those bathrooms.
  • Mark Dygert
    Geezus wrote: »
    fuck. that.

    New one:
    ...companies who have no smoking policies.

    Where in the 1950's do you live? I don't know of any place that lets people smoke inside.

    You'd really hate the 20ft rule in Washington State. In a state that does nothing but collect rain water, pushing smokers 20ft away from any opening (window, vent or doorway) is pretty much as hostile as you can get toward smoking, without reaching for the red paint...
  • Peris
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    Peris polycounter lvl 17
    people constantly listening to videogame music! Putting it on their speakers! Jesus Christ develop some proper music taste! Not that i'm saying all videogame music is bad though =)
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    We don't smoke inside. We just have a little nook outside near the "smokers exit".
    I didn't realize states actually adhered to the "x ft away from building". I know in Delaware, my old state, we weren't able to smoke indoors, and they attached the 20 feet away deal....but noone ever really did.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    Geezus wrote: »
    We don't smoke inside. We just have a little nook outside near the "smokers exit".
    I didn't realize states actually adhered to the "x ft away from building". I know in Delaware, my old state, we weren't able to smoke indoors, and they attached the 20 feet away deal....but noone ever really did.

    Hey I thought you quit!!!! that lasted long. lol
  • chrismaddox3d
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    chrismaddox3d polycounter lvl 17
    2008 presidential candidates all suck,
    us economy is going to hell,
    ive lost alot of money in the stock market recently,
    but yet i still invest,
  • root
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    root polycounter lvl 18
    Jackwhat wrote: »
    Ah thats a point, suck ups and pally shit frustrate me no end...

    Seriously, this bugs me hugely too. When I'm at a restaraunt or a store and the server or cashier is too perky or is trying too hard to be my friend I make a little mental note to avoid that establishment in the future. It's like, you got a crap job, quit acting like you enjoy it. My wife makes fun of me for it.

    California's also got the stand x feet away from exits smoking rule. I'm not a smoker though so I'm pretty grateful for it. Smokers tend not to know how vile cigarette smoke is to nonsmokers.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Lee3dee wrote: »
    Hey I thought you quit!!!! that lasted long. lol

    I'm weak...and apparently a huge asshole when I don't smoke. :(
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    i tend to pick out quirks in the way people talk. i don't brood over them, i just kinda make note of them.

    not all the time, but when people say, "you know what i mean?" or "does that make sense?" that can bug me if they say it a lot. do they really want me to answer it? were they saying it, or asking it? i say not all the time, because sometimes saying that can be necessary - but it can get to me when people say it often - once i notice it, then it's on. if what they are attempting to explain is pretty obvious or not hard to understand... it's like, "yeah dude, i fucking heard what you just described, was there a word puzzle i missed? maybe i don't understand..." but worse when what they say makes absolutely no sense, and i'm pretty sure it doesn't make sense to them either and they say, "does that make sense?" it's like they're trying for a get-out-of-explaining-free-card. you tell me, you know what i mean?

    or sometimes i'm bothered when someone will talk in half sentences, and trail off with, "so..."
    it's like they're asking me to finish their thought or opinion for them, so...

    i've noticed people use some kind of quirky thing to end a conversation. like at my current job, people say "alright, cool" - essentially saying "i'm done talking now." at my previous job it was a really fast "yup". only they'd do it while i was talking, and not really at the end necessarily, as if they were trying to hurry me. *yep* in an office environment, people seem to pick up on these and use them themselves. *yep* i like watching to see if new guys will start using the same terms. *uh-huh* some friends of mine started using "bro" a lot around a guy at work to see if they couldn't get him to say bro, and it totally worked - alright, cool.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    I hate that a dream/goal of mine is being held back purely based on financial reasons (re: Polycount's overhaul). If I weren't getting married next year.....
    I hear there's Polycount t-shirts for sale?
  • seanv
    People who interupt too much. Cut me off once or twice OK, but let me finish a couple sentences once in a while.

    Also, those who bring up their "numbers" and then turn around and ask/tell me they need my help to improve. One or the other bro, can't have it both ways.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    my fridge!
    it froze my banana!
  • seanv
    ebagg wrote: »
    Going from Maya's awesome and quick workflow to Max's unrefined and clunky workflow. Yea, I went there. Maya > Max.

    Word up ebagg, you go boy.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    people who piss on you for being a better artist at the time. (yea you people know who you are )

    not being able to achieve my dream

    I rather not get more involved then that, since I get in enough heat on here as is
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    Illusions wrote: »
    There's one men's bathroom for the whole floor, not just our company, every office/company on the whole floor. I have seen things, things that should not occur in a bathroom, at least a bathroom used by adults with jobs, like shit...human excrement...at head height...ON THE WALL...

    ...or the masterpiece of laziness/stupidity, the duo that together accomplished failing to flush several unflushable toilet seat sanitary sheets, then said "Fuck it, I don't care if its clogged, I'm using it anyway"...then took a shit on top of it.

    Bugars wiped on the wall at face-level atop the urinals. Seriously... have YOU ever picked a big fucking gnarly bugar and just wiped it in on a wall in front of your own face and stared at it as you continue to piss? UGH, grosses me out every time. It's like I'm waiting for it to start talking to me.

    "hey buddy... nice unit... whatcha lookin at?"
  • Noren
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    Noren polycounter lvl 20
    Pope Adam wrote: »
    Bugars wiped on the wall at face-level atop the urinals. Seriously... have YOU ever picked a big fucking gnarly bugar and just wiped it in on a wall in front of your own face and stared at it as you continue to piss? UGH, grosses me out every time. It's like I'm waiting for it to start talking to me.

    "hey buddy... nice unit... whatcha lookin at?"

    Henceforth you shall be known as Popel-adam. Please Rise!
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    Illusion that post made my day. thank you :)
  • Mister Sentient
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    Mister Sentient polycounter lvl 18
    dejawolf wrote: »
    my fridge!
    it froze my banana!

  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    People who have too much time and not enough self-esteem, so they become admins on internet message boards.
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    Slum wrote: »
    People who have too much time and not enough self-esteem, so they become admins on internet message boards.

  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Slum wrote: »
    People who have too much time and not enough self-esteem, so they become admins on internet message boards.

    oof, ouch, what?, and fuck you :D
  • EarthQuake
    slum wrote: »
    people who have too much time and not enough self-esteem, so they become admins on internet message boards.

    oh sick burn
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
  • Pedro Amorim
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    i missed the old school polycount - this new look isn't it - i liked that you had to be registered for a month before you could get an avatar. i would gladly go back two visual overhauls ago.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    lol, the old site made my eyes bleed and caused migraines. Anyway, what we have here should be tagged 'temporary'. you still post here, so im happy :)
  • seanv
    As far as the "latrine" comments go, I feel compelled to say that it grinds my gears when the company you work for won't spring for urine blockers to go between the urinals. For some reason I just can't cozy up to the notion of "splashback" from co-workers no matter how great their CG is. I'm guessing they don't want my remnants all over them either.
  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 20
    while were on the urinal related gear grindings.... nothing gets me like a big pile of pubes in, on and around a urinal when i'm taking a piss. part of me just gets pissed, then confused as to how so many pubes can fall off someone in the 30 seconds it takes to finish up.
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    MikeF wrote: »
    while were on the urinal related gear grindings.... nothing gets me like a big pile of pubes in, on and around a urinal when i'm taking a piss. part of me just gets pissed, then confused as to how so many pubes can fall off someone in the 30 seconds it takes to finish up.

    IMHO...its worse when it forms into something akin to a tumbleweed...then its mobile...*shudders*

    As for something CG related...Maya...add a preference so that Autoload New Objects can be switched on by default when in isolate select mode. This does not seem like it would be that hard to accomplish...
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