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Killzone 2 Leaked Beta Video

I do not know if anyone has seen this, but I got an email about this. I am excited about this game, and this guy lost his job! :)
Perhaps some of you savvy Internet surfers have come across leaked footage of Killzone 2 running during beta testing. The person who submitted the footage claims to have "pwnd" Sony in the GameTrailers forums, but Guerilla has quickly stepped forward to clarify the situation.
Due to this footage being released, some believed public testers already had access to the beta. But Seb "MotherH" Downie, Guerilla QA Manager, issued a post over at the official PlayStation message boards, and he confirmed a private closed Sony-internal beta, but nothing more. Nobody outside that small employee group has been granted access yet, and that includes any and all VIPs. And whoever it was that leaked that footage "must not like being an employee," so it must be lights-out for that dude. Here's Downie's post in full:

Just to stop all this confusion. There is a private closed Sony-internal beta going on. No journalists, only employees. This chap obviously does not like being an employee and more interested in boosting his ego on the GameTrailers forums. VIPs are not yet involved either. As before, we'll be providing more info on the public beta later in the year and I am not going to discuss the details of what is going on now in any detail. You guys simply have to trust us that we know what we are doing."

Okay, we trust you! But we would like more details on the beta, especially in regards to an estimated release, and what gamers will have to do to secure a position. In the meantime, don't believe the posers who claim to have already played Killzone 2, because unless they can prove they're part of the actual Guerilla team, it just ain't so. A public beta is coming, though; it's only a matter of when, so stay tuned for more info.
Link to article.

I do not know if posting a link to the video is bad or good but here it is. No link because I do not know protocol and do not want to get in trouble. LoL


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