Just got my scanner out of storage. Here's some sketches i've been doing.
Crits are more than welcome. I'm horrible at anatomy so feel free to point out mistakes. Not sure i will actually go back and change anything, though i will keep it in mind for future sketches.
I'm not all that great with anatomy myself. I did pick up a copy of Andrew Loomis' "Figure Drawing for All It's Worth". It's got some really good advice and pointers as far as drawing anatomically correct figures.
I was checking out your motivation thread as well as this one, and if it's possible, I think you should try to find somewhere to take life drawing. Colleges with arts programs usually have this available, and often to the public as well for a fee. Other studio spaces offer it too.
It's a good way to learn anatomy, but also flow, porportion, line quality, etc. Most importantly, there's no pressure in a 5-minute sketch, so I find life drawing really calm and relaxing, as well as helpful. There's no comparrison between drawing from real life and drawing from a picture.
I think it could help your motivation a lot because it gets you to draw and learn, but also sorta 'resets' your mind creatively. Or so I find from my own experience.
So if it's possible for your schedule/finacialy, you should definately see if you can find somewhere to go for life drawing!
I've tried taking a life drawing class locally. couldn't finish it though becuase of the poor time it was offered and that i had to drive 45 mins on the freeway to get there. balancing that, my job and my girlfriend was too much. I wish i could find a night class for it. that would be ideal.
If you know anyone who wouldn't mind, I know some artists who have friends who actually model for them. You of course wouldn't have to post that stuff, but if you know anyone who's willing, with any amount of clothing they're comfortable with/without, it's a more practical option.
It's just that I strongly believe you can't get from a flat picutre what you can get from real life And the more you wanna draw humanoids, the more helpful it'll be!
Try a few quick sketches when she is posing for you and have her change pose after a three mins, and gestural drawings. A variation on this would be to get the gesture (pose) down, then try and flesh it out, first with rough planes, no curves just hard lines, then you go over that and try and smooth it out. It's sort of like box modeling then you slowly smooth things out. Other things you can try is to look at those books that show you how to draw people, that show you how to draw people with stick figures, circles, etc. Try doing that. Also try setting guides of the correspond to the size of the head of the person you are drawing, then try to fit the body to that. I used to spend a few hours everyday, but after I started doing 3d modeling I focused mostly on that, so my drawing skills are a lot worse in certain ways than when I was 13 due to the lack of practice.
You are not as bad as you make it sound when we chat on IM. Try setting guides on how the figure is divided into equal sections, do a stick figure posed, then flesh out with some primitives, then refine things slowly and see how it goes. Another thing that might help is get a transformer for example, pose it and just draw just what you see. Since it's not human you might have an easier time with it.
Some of those drawings are really nice by the way.
Lots of stuff has happened since my last update on here. Decided to edit out the "drama" stuff.
in short. broke up with girlfriend, moved to portland, starting to get back into art. And now on to the new stuff:
really like the last one. first time ive drawn something frome scratch with no real ref and had it turn out that good. has lots of design flaws though. didn't have a good idea of what direction i wanted to go while i was drawing it.
little bit of playing around in alchemy, love that app.
and some silly thing i did in photoshop last night.
no idea why i put brolo on there. was the first thing that came to mind when i was trying to name him.
have you watched "structure of man" by riven phoenix? It was an eyeopener for me when it comes to anatomy, not that I'm an expert, but it really helped me with understanding proportions and stuff better:) The skull studies are nice, but some of them look a little weird when I compare the distance between the features.
Woo, hope I'm not to sleepy from my flu shot to night so I can attend figure drawing class. Really good stuff, and I like this page to for practice, maybe you already been there? http://www.posemaniacs.com/?pagename=thirtysecond
thanks, wish i could take full credit for it. I was just trying to copy a sketch that John Howe did. Here's the origional. as you can see, his is much better. mine has quite a few anatomy issues.
Oh em gee. I too have a phone job, and two days from now am going out to pick up a new sketchbook, as to sketch at my phone job. I'm hoping I can get at least half this amount of work done, my days really very.
Keep up the sketches man. My advice at the moment, odd though it may seem, is to draw something exploding. Studies are nice, but once you've got the skull down, doesn't it just seem like a good idea to blow it up?
more props for a little project i'm working on. i tried my hardest to add a bit of flair to the bed sheet but i couldn't get it looking better than it is. only worse.
Hi there, what about if you had a go a creating a texture map for the sheets? You may be able to add a little more detail, creases, highlights and shadows etc.
Hi there, what about if you had a go a creating a texture map for the sheets? You may be able to add a little more detail, creases, highlights and shadows etc.
That's exactly what i tried to do, but every time i did anything it looked worse than when it was just a flat color.
On your texture for the sheets, maybe you can use liquify to move around some of those plaid lines to make them curvy and then add the shadows/hilights to the "folds."
Cool eye studies though! I need to do me some more of that..
Got kinda lazy. didn't do much sketching over the last month due to being too busy recording music with all my free time. should have a few songs to post up here in a few days too!
Good stuff though, keep at it!
It's a good way to learn anatomy, but also flow, porportion, line quality, etc. Most importantly, there's no pressure in a 5-minute sketch, so I find life drawing really calm and relaxing, as well as helpful. There's no comparrison between drawing from real life and drawing from a picture.
I think it could help your motivation a lot because it gets you to draw and learn, but also sorta 'resets' your mind creatively. Or so I find from my own experience.
So if it's possible for your schedule/finacialy, you should definately see if you can find somewhere to go for life drawing!
If you know anyone who wouldn't mind, I know some artists who have friends who actually model for them. You of course wouldn't have to post that stuff, but if you know anyone who's willing, with any amount of clothing they're comfortable with/without, it's a more practical option.
It's just that I strongly believe you can't get from a flat picutre what you can get from real life
You are not as bad as you make it sound when we chat on IM.
Some of those drawings are really nice by the way.
in short. broke up with girlfriend, moved to portland, starting to get back into art. And now on to the new stuff:
really like the last one. first time ive drawn something frome scratch with no real ref and had it turn out that good. has lots of design flaws though. didn't have a good idea of what direction i wanted to go while i was drawing it.
and some silly thing i did in photoshop last night.
no idea why i put brolo on there. was the first thing that came to mind when i was trying to name him.
it's on page 62.
Woo, hope I'm not to sleepy from my flu shot to night so I can attend figure drawing class. Really good stuff, and I like this page to for practice, maybe you already been there? http://www.posemaniacs.com/?pagename=thirtysecond
Good luck with your stuff buddy
Keep it up, mate!
first one is stuff done today. 2nd pic is random stuff i've done recently that i havn't scanned yet.
yesterday and today's sketches. still working through hogarth's drawing heads book. taking me forever to get through it.
and here's some props for a torchlight mod i'm working on. yeah i know, i suck at ze texturing.
Keep up the sketches man. My advice at the moment, odd though it may seem, is to draw something exploding. Studies are nice, but once you've got the skull down, doesn't it just seem like a good idea to blow it up?
That's exactly what i tried to do, but every time i did anything it looked worse than when it was just a flat color.
anyways here's the flat. it's a 256.
Cool eye studies though! I need to do me some more of that..
Dado: yeah, i got a new sketchbook that's hardbound. Harder to scan but it does seem to protect the pages better.
Here's a new one. Found a great comic book artist named Adrianna Melo. Picked up her latest comic and did this last night.