Hey guys. I'm fairly new to the Unreal 3 editor, and I'm looking for some resources/tutorials on shaders. Specifically I'm trying to find a way to make a shader that simulates gold. Are there any online tutorials with Unreal for something like this? I went to the UDN page and there wasn't a lot there in this respect.
Oh, and thanks Odor, you freaking rule. Really.
C'mon dude, what the hell? ha-ha so funny?
I can't really point you in the direction of a real good tutorial, but the best thing that helped me was just opening up some of the many packages in UT3 and looking how the guys at Epic did it.
Or for a quick and easy shortcut, you can open up the shield belt, or armor upgrades (those are some great looking gold materials I think)....copy and paste what they have in that material and paste it into a new one, then look at how they made it and tweak it to your liking!
Couldn't agree more on this one. Both GoW and UT3 have an immense amount of references for any purpose. In addition to Hourences baseline explanations from his tutorials, I was able to get up to speed in UE3's material system and feeling comfortable enough to create some pretty complex stuff myself within a week's time. I would highly make note of learning how material instances work, as they're extremely useful and time saving for general assets or having a universal character shader where you can just tweak a few values to fine tune each individually.
of course there's always this:
and this:
but I understand that they're sometimes a bit dry for a beginner to take in
I don't think that's an especially good example, i was just messing before going to bed ^^
You shouldn't look too much for complex examples and super large and impressive shading networks, some very basic effects can easily simulate a large range of materials
seriously - is that a viewport shader or a render? - and did you use any spicific blurry cubemap with limited colours?
oh sweet, did they just add this? I remember searching through the entire udn a few months back and never came across this page