You know I would like to think I had a better set up now, but I don't, and that cheap desk I had is now on its last limbs after 2 moves, seriously, I had to screw in supports because it's ready to fall apart. I should have just bought a new one, but I'm pretty damn frugal about these things.
The one for the Cintiq I got got 100 bucks on Amazon after tax and shipping. It was during a sale so they're a little more expensive now. The one for the TV was about 80.
When I look at this thread, I either see a dual display (laptop or machine) with a keyboard, a mouse, and a tablet on a wide desk. Or the other side with 1 monitor, keyboard, rat, and tablet.
...Or a desk made of dead people.
Either way, all the set ups are like a nerd's wet dream.
buying a new house + new machine + new cintiq + new desk soon, will post it when it's done.
any recommendations for those who live in the appartment? Damn! We have to stick with cheap and small cintiqs because there is no telling when we are ganna move..
well i've held off on buying a cintiq until we move house for that reason. right now the desk i use is hardly ideal. so when we're in the new place i'll be basically designing my own desk for my needs as size won't be an issue.
haha...We cant thank the Chief's enough for trading him to us! I bought a jersey as soon as dude was signed
NyneDown - what the hell is that on the back of your big chair, I fear for your safety.
It's a pretty unusual story, actually. One of the design supervisors where I work constantly put dead roaches in my trash can (our building has a little bit of a roach problem) and it got to the point where she did it at least 3-4 times a week. She thought that shit was hilarious, so I thought it would be funny to buy a big ass roach and put it in her seat just to return the favor. Crazy lady hasn't put a roach in my trash can since. She didnt want it so I decided to give him a home...oh and I did the ol' "screen shot of the desktop" trick and set it as her wallpaper. She literally spent an hour trying to open her email...haha
This is my current setup: nice desk i bought at staples on clearance. was only slightly more than a hundred nothing wrong with it except the color which i guess wasn't very popular :P
This is my current set up. Need to get my new desk so i have a lot more room with it and put the rest of my detolf shelves together so everything thats sitting in the closet to the left has a place to go.
Whaaaaaaat! No way! I'm just a pure and innocent hikkikomori girl, I'd never dare ^^;;
I've been isolating myself since I was a kid learning about pixels and polys and playing games-> I'm self taught & debtless & and waaaay too socially insecure for that X.x!
Though maybe I should change my ways and start practicing in case my indie project ends up in failure? ... Nah, better make sure that doesn't happen ^^;
Yeah the Cintiq hits pretty hard when you first get it haha
Tablet is refurbished/used ... its years old but works just fine for CS2 and SAI. It goes for 250 on ebay now.
Pior... Is that Sandy Desert Fuck or whatever it was called World War Robot? I have that one if so. Made me order a ton more. I love those damn things.
Hey pior, is that a Dell U2410? Whats your impressions on those if you do indeed have it, also what arm you using? Is it the ergotron one? So many questions
Yeah they call it a ginseng ficus at ikea, but Im not sure if it is actually a 'real' bonsai. The plants are quite different from eachother in the store though, some look way cooler than others! (without the pot its 15$)
Thats to catch all the shots that miss the monitor - stuff gets nasty to clean off walls.
Cintiq and TV are hooked up to arms so I can move them.
My nice laptop 15 and a nice view over centre of Helsinki^^
i camerad in the morning
i camerad in the evening
i camerad out warning
i cameread out danger
all over this land
no seriously, do you guys know where these fuckers hide when you lost them in your flat?
...Or a desk made of dead people.
Either way, all the set ups are like a nerd's wet dream.
any recommendations for those who live in the appartment? Damn! We have to stick with cheap and small cintiqs because there is no telling when we are ganna move..
Atlanta stole my favorite Chief's player!
haha...We cant thank the Chief's enough for trading him to us! I bought a jersey as soon as dude was signed
It's a pretty unusual story, actually. One of the design supervisors where I work constantly put dead roaches in my trash can (our building has a little bit of a roach problem) and it got to the point where she did it at least 3-4 times a week. She thought that shit was hilarious, so I thought it would be funny to buy a big ass roach and put it in her seat just to return the favor. Crazy lady hasn't put a roach in my trash can since. She didnt want it so I decided to give him a home...oh and I did the ol' "screen shot of the desktop" trick and set it as her wallpaper. She literally spent an hour trying to open her email...haha
Here's mine:
This is my current set up. Need to get my new desk so i have a lot more room with it and put the rest of my detolf shelves together so everything thats sitting in the closet to the left has a place to go.
Hey Zephiris,
Stripping at the computer again?
I've been isolating myself since I was a kid learning about pixels and polys and playing games-> I'm self taught & debtless & and waaaay too socially insecure for that X.x!
Though maybe I should change my ways and start practicing in case my indie project ends up in failure? ... Nah, better make sure that doesn't happen ^^;
Eltrex06 I want you wallpaper
T'was a recent birthday present, awesome book!
Real workstation, lounge workstation, and peak behind the monitors!
*wishes he wasn't laid off/more long term contracts available*
Tablet is refurbished/used ... its years old but works just fine for CS2 and SAI. It goes for 250 on ebay now.
That was Arshlevon's desk
What kind of plant/tree is that? Where do I buy one?
Try asking in your local gardening center, if they don't have it, they most likely will know a place where you can get one..
Here's a link:
its 120 ish for one arm
I'd totally stick a face on the stand tho. It'd be like having a robot servant then.
its by Soa Lee, she (?) has a ton of them at
or you can find several over at in the wallpaper gallery