hi im graduating soon from the art institute of california-Orange county and would like some really good crits on my work. i sort of feel im not good enough for next gen and would like a smack to the head on what i should be working on fixing in my scenes to make them stand out above the many in the toilete bowl. im currently working on normal maps for these scenes and props so its still WIP.
thanx in advance.
link to photobucket:
The torture chair looks good, but in my opinion, you should add more wear and tear, or "age" to the wood. At least add it where people would be sitting all the time. (By the way, thanks for not having any blood on the chair.) Also, better lighting would help a lot. But it is still a wip so you'll probably end up doing that anyway.
btw any crits on my environments.
thanx in advance
upload your pictures at any of the picture hosting sites such as tinypic,photobucket,imageshack,pinoshare ; then get a link with the
ok there you go . today im working on the city way and that cart i made yesterday.. ill keep updating as much as i can .
In most cases next gen for games means more details on screen at one time for the players. It's not always about making high poly zbrush models, and having 8 texture maps per each model.
From what I am seeing, you know how to model, and you know how to texture.
Your modeling style reminds me a lot of Half-life 2 and Call of Duty 4. I think adding more details to your scenes especially the city will help.
I recommend if you haven't recently, checking out half-life 2, and CoD4. Although they are a little low on the polycount, I think they showcase great examples of how an environment can look very realistic, while still being just a "game".
Also I think you are on the right track with your lighting, but remember to set aside enough time for lighting on your final demo. Lighting can easily make or break a scene. Portfolio presentation is just as important as your modeling/texturing skills.
Always remember that HR people don't make video games, they just look at portfolios :P
yes i have half life 2 and COD 4 those two games along with dark sector really inspired me to create these scenes.
thanks in advance.
Your stuff looks decent, it's getting there. For the city scene I recommend adding more grime and detail to the diffuse textures. The texture work is looking decent, but right now when I look at the textures for the walls of the buildings and the ground, for example, it really seems like you can do more with them.
For the wall texture on the buildings, I'd would add more grime, cracks, and areas where the paint is peeling. For the ground concrete texture it would be cool to see stone tiles instead of flat concrete. Be hungry for that detail
Using photos for textures is obviously commonplace, especially for next gen, but right now the textures in the city scene look like you just got them from a site online and then put them on the model without adding adding any extra detail, manipulation, painting, etc I'm not saying that is what you did, but that is what it as least is looking like to me.
The underground basement - which you really could just call a basement because all basements are underground anyways, but that is rather nit-picky, I realize:)- ...looks pretty good, but it's a little too dark. The barrels, especially the lighter-blue ones, look pretty good.
This is going to sound harsh, but I'd do away with the torture chair. All of the nails sticking out of it look strange and the texture is extremely muddy.
You are showing pretty decent modeling skills, but all of your objects that you have in your scenes are rather basic, basically objects that are essentially boxes and cylinders. You aren't showing anything that looks challenging to model, except for maybe the building with the arches. It's true that a good texture can make up for a basic model at times, and I myself have some assets on my site that consist of basic geometry and the texture being in the spotlight, so to speak, but for portfolio purposes, I'd include at least a couple objects in your scenes that are more complex with more complicated geometry. For example, perhaps for the city scene you can add some cool statue or some kind of old monument.
Hope that helps, it's definitely coming along and you are indeed showing potential. Keep at it.
ok back to my slave chair....
thanks in advance.
but being an artist you never stop learning so i am working on making new and better stuff at the moment.
my site
Remove the "Misc" and "Sketches" links until you actually have something worth putting in there.
For your resume - post up an option to download your resume as a word document and a .pdf as well. HR doesn't have all day to take your .jpeg and find a way to print it off.
Do you REALLY know high poly / low poly modeling? Zbrush? If you do, then post something that shows you do. Otherwise, it's resume fluff.
Other than that, I would suggest you have larger renders of your images as well. The images you posted here on the forum are bigger than the ones on your website.
Keep at it!
Also, on your website I see you have added trash bags. Its a good idea but they need polish if your gonna have them in, because they stick out like a sore thumb at the moment. They don't look nearly as realistic as the rest of the stuff you have in the scene. Off the top of my head, the team that worked on F.E.A.R. made some really nice low poly trash bags you can use for reference.
Anyways, I think you have some great portfolio pieces here.
- im removing the misc and sketches.
- i was given an HTML template and i plugged in the images and changed the art to look like my website however im not sure how to create a "click to download my resume button". im gonna ask some one and see how they got theirs up.
- im making the changes to my resume as you suggested. i do know how to use zbrush just havent posted it yet.
BRAD- what scene are you talking about?yeah im changing those trash bag textures. thanks for pointing that out.
thanks for the help.
The scene I am talking about you posted directly above, where you just added the cart and dirtied the textures a bunch.
I mean, I am no lighting expert so I can't say exactly, but to me it seems a bit off at the moment considering its lit during a sunset or the beginning of one.
I guess because its getting pink towards the horizon in the image behind the buildings. It suggests that the sun is setting over there. But, if the light source is coming from behind the buildings, then why are the shadows being cast towards them? Also, I think the shadows would be longer, and more stretched at this time a day.
I know in the latest version of 3ds max 2009 and I think 2008 as well, they have really easy to setup up skylight system where you specify the time of day and month and the lighting adjusts accordingly. It might simplify things a bit, or maybe not as I am not sure how you are rending this.
It's really a small point, your work here looks great, and I do like the progress and changes you have made thus far.
Maybe Im being too picky, but for some reason; the lighting you had when the sky was more blue (before you dirtied up the textures) was more believeable in my opinion.
still WIP btw.