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Aldo - Work Thread

I guess I'll just use one thread to post whatever I'm working on. Here goes first post:

I had to do a 'severed zombie hand' for a freelance project. I had about 3 days to do it, start to finish (including rigging). I had to work at night because I just moved into a house without air conditioning (In Arizona!! like 50 days above 100 degrees so far) and so during the days, my computer would over heat. Fun times.




  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    That looks cool. I really like the blood and the fingernails, although the nails could use some more specular (and maybe the blood too), and I think the veins on the back of the hand look a bit too "painted on" compared to the rest of the texture.
    If the colour from the veins was spreading a bit more to the rest of the hand it'd look a bit better, I think. Or if the veins' purple wasn't so pronounced.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    looks great, except for how neon the meat of the stump is. Tone down that saturation!
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    this is how gibs have to look in 1st person shooters!
    but noone wants to implement recognizable gibs...
  • Aldo
    Next, I decided my portfolio needs a realistic human and a female character, so that's what I'm working on...here's progress. I feel like something is off...maybe her legs are too straight? not enough poly's? maybe her butt is too low? wide? I'm not sure...hands too small?

  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    Hey dude, seems like a good start, only a few small proportional changes.
    at a first glance id say the head seems too big compared to the shoulders possibly widen shoulders and hips, fingers seem too long compared to the palm
  • Aldo
    I wanted to make a 'generic' female form that I can use again in future projects, that's why I modeled out the ears and feet (which I probably won't use). I think I've got a pretty good base once I reworked some of the loops.

    I then started adding the clothes. Once I'm done, I'll go back and remove all the poly's that aren't seen and then I'll connect it all together. I modeled the hoodie up because even though it will probably be down in the end, it will be easier to unwrap and texture this way. (I think that's the correct way?)

    So, here's my concept...kinda:

    I like the skirt of the one picture, the shoes, and the green hoodie, but kinda mixed with the the other one...the part that goes over the head will be the same pattern as the shirt...I don't like how they're different colors in that one design (the white/light green one). She'll probably be a sniper who carries her gun in a giant teddy bear. Not sure about that yet...I kinda design as I go...any suggestions welcomed. All that is set so far is...hoodie, skirt, shoes and assassin.


    Here's progress.


    I didn't change the length of the fingers because they seemed correct to me..here's a closer shot. Also, I did change the size of the head, just not for this update...guess it'll show in the next one.

  • Aldo
    Figured I should do up a concept to see if the image I had in my head actually works...I think I'll go with the shoes on the left.

  • Kawe
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    Kawe polycounter lvl 8
    what. no.

    I was looking at the shoes and thought it was pretty interesting with different shoes. I kind of liked having that white thing while the other didn't. then I read what you actually wrote and was like.. NOO.
  • Aldo
    I think it looks ok with the different sides, but I feel like the question will come up "why does she have two different pairs of shoes?" and I won't have an answer.

    Plus it's already unwrapped and symmetried...but I'll try to find a way to make it interesting.
  • fritz
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    fritz polycounter lvl 18
    there is something you need to fix on the hands. the first knuckle of each finger is too low. those all should be brought up a little more.
  • Aldo
    Thanks, fingers are fixed now. (or at least changed?)

    Here's progress. Everything is WIP except for maybe the skirt.

  • Aldo
  • carlo_c
    Thats coming along really nicely. I like the texturing on her clothes.

    Something seems off about her waistline where her stomach sticks out a bit, maybe a belly button needs to be visible? Someone who knows anatomy better can maybe pin it down.
  • Ro-Sham-Bo
    From my point of view, i think the jaw line is a little to strong, the skirt is sitting in a werid place, its like she has hips but the bones arnt in the exacty location move the skirt up just a little and it will look tons better. the boots i think are to dark and saturated brown, maybe go with a tan boot instead so it matchs the skirt, just seems to be fighting your color pallete. Over all tho its a good start, cant wait for some hair lol GOOD LUCK!!
  • Aldo
    I figured I'd concept her hair out to see if it works.

    Hair concept..dreads, with bangs that are not (saw it on some girl). I was also concept some other stuff out just to see how it would look...and then I realized I was concepting a 'user view' render and that made me call it a night.

    To Carlo_c: yeah, I kept feeling the same thing about the waist too...and at one point, I did move the white shirt up an inch to show her belly button, but I was yelled by some friends who said it was cliche and I should just give her a 'normal' shirt.

    To Ro-Sham-Bo: I raised her skirt a little but you can't tell too much from this last concept - stupid user view:( Also, I alway had planned on her hair matching her boots to some degree, and so I think it balance it out that way, but if you still don't like the saturated boots, let me know.

    [highlight]Also, Anyone know what would be an acceptable amount of poly's for hair? [/highlight] Some of the newer games boast that their game has more poly in just the hair than they had in entire characters from the last generation of games...which depending on the game...can vary wildly (5000 - 12,000 tris)..so..anyone know how much is good for a 'current gen' game?

  • Aldo
    More Updates:

    I feel like I'm getting towards the end of working on her. I think I need to make her hair seem a little more 'dread' like...but not sure.


  • carlo_c
    The dreads look ok from a distance but close up, I think the strands in the texture look too large. I've got a friend with dreads and up close it almost looks like a fine wire brush lol.

    Here's a picture I found to show what I mean: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Man_with_dreadlocks.jpg/520px-Man_with_dreadlocks.jpg
  • J Randall
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    J Randall polycounter lvl 15
    theres someting about the bend in the arms that strike me as wrong, really like your progress so far cool concept, and that coat texture is tops man.
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    LEViATHAN polycounter lvl 11
    Bit late, but I think the arm is too 'straight' with no real definition.
    Also don't the lower-arm of wimmens rotate outwards a bit?
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    Tweak the skin color, she looks sick (in the unhealthy way). Otherwise u did a good job! some fingers are very thin like the thumb check it again I might be wrong. Keep it up! :)
  • Aldo
    Thanks for the comments guys, I will fix all of those things once I work on her again...will Post update soon.

    Anyway, I took a break from 3d to do some 2D. Here goes:



    This one I pretty much re-drew a photo I found on the internet...and added headphones.

  • Aldo
    So, I've been working on the sniper rifle for the girl...I got the concept from Frontlines...not sure if it's a real rifle or a made up one...I'd guess it's made up though. There are some parts I had to make up as I went because I couldn't tell what the details were in the drawing. Here's what I've got so far...not sure if I'll build a low poly and texture it.



  • Aldo
    Built this model over the weekend at school. Modeled on Saturday, textured Saturday night, finished Sunday morning.



  • Ziodyne
    Nice metal textures!

    Three things that I'm not sure about:

    First is down where the legs join the body. It seems a bit weird how they poke out of the body; doesn't seem like the sort of design feature someone would use when they build a droid!

    The second thing would be the wire frame; seems like there's some odd joins and n-gons going where the ear pieces connect to that slick looking visor, and the casis around his body.

    Third thing would be the texture inside that big barrel; what sort of function would it have? Power source, beam canon, etc? Don't know whether it should be bright and glowing if that's the case, or a bit darker since it's in so deep.
  • Aldo
    Those are all valid points, and to be honest, I don't really have any answers. I had an idea of how the legs would connect to the body, but had to scarp it because of time constraints. I pretty much had one day to concept, model, and texture the whole thing.

    The 'ear' pieces you talked about are just floating geometry...stuck onto the side. Some of the N-gons are actualy where the wireframe didn't render (since I did a wireframe shader applied it to a clone and tried to make it bigger...so some parts didn't show through. I tried to use photoshop to show those lines, but missed some of them. (later on, realized I could have just used the wireframe texture (render my uvw's) and apply it to the model to get the same effect.)

    Here's what I made today.

  • Ziodyne
    Ah, the time limit helps explain some of that, then. Didn't know about the floating geometry!

    On the building, the quoins on the sides are a really nice touch. Feels like the brackets could cast a bit more shadow right underneath the green bands, though; just for a little extra contrast and to push them out.

    Digging the texture on the sidewalk, too.
  • Aldo
    What I've been working on since the spider woman which I thought I posted but I can't find it on the forum...guess I'll repost it in this tread.

    Anyway, this is taking longer than usual because of me design as I go instead of working from a concept but I think I enjoy doing it that way more than working strictly from concept.

    I'm going to start texturing soon...depending on the feedback I get. let me know what you guys think.



    Here's the color scheme I'll probably go for. It might change once I start painting.

  • Aldo
    The previously mentioned Spider woman. She's the "Mistress of Pain" from Blizzard's Diablo 3 website.
    The Concept:






  • OGRE
  • Aldo
  • Aldo
    Someone on another forum asked for a close up of the head, so I figured I'd post it here too. (not optimized at all) can probably get it down to half the polys once I start removing loops.

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