Ok, i saw yesterday this link to some of GDC08 videos and tought i would share.
The videos features only stuff from autodesk but its fun to watch anyways. I was particulary impressed with Harmonix and Ubisoft.
Ubisoft made a presentation on Assassin0's Creed, where they showed some scripts they made for the game, and one that i liked was a ZAppLink clone that they made in Maxscript. It opens in photoshop the viewport view, you paint in photohop and then tthe script blends the modifications you did onto the texture. Really neat stuff.
Damn! Some of the scripts they created for ass creed were pretty amazing... love the maxapplink tool, especially, and just how it does everything is pretty neat.
you think we can find this with google?
would be nice if someone could make something similar. hehe. wink