So some of they guys here in the studio has been workin on a few small film / trailers / spoofs for the upcomin bad company release and the first one just got posted up on gametrailers.
i think its pretty funny, so check it out
Good friendly competition like this really cool, I love this stuff.
We played it in the office, the graphics look outdated and the gamepaly too. Aiming just feels wrong/old, nearly like playing a ps1 shooter.
what platform did you play it on? i'd be surprised if it felt poor on the PC, or at least, i'd expect it to be on par with BF2. which while it wasnt the most "solid" feeling shooting, was still good fun.
Ah well, to each their own
Either way, it looks pretty good.
I enjoyed it very much, and am hoping the PC gets an update to BF2, as in same type of gameplay, just newer engine.
But a Battlefield game NOT on PC!? Fuck that noise!
Bad Company was built from the ground up to console so its most definitly no port with all the gun tweaks etc been done with game-pad in hand. i been playing it quite a bit (through endless playtests
might get it for my ps3 then
doesn't come out till June 25th, are people making judgments already? Looks fun.
So the game is zoomed in ALL the time... Bah...