When I try loading
JIStyles_skinshader_R3.fx in Max 2009's DirectX Shader material, I get the red wireframe...
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2009\memory(375,14): error X3000: syntax error: unexpected token 'VertexShader'
I'll email Joel, but has anyone else got it to work in Max 2009?
The standardFX does a decent job for what I need it to do.
that is make line 375: (which is also in your error message you posted)
VertexOutput VertexShader_main(ApplicationData IN,uniform half4 LightPosition)
and then later in the technique block at the end do:
VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 VertexShader_main(LightPosition1);
which appears a couple times, replace the second VertexShader with VertexShader_main
by the way TSM the thing you posted used a very old version of the shader as base
Thankyou guys for supporting those still using this.
I've spent the past 2 years under a rock, only to find that this is still being used - on one side I'm humbled that people still use this shader, on the side side... damn! it's old and crusty
Maybe it's time to do some updates... I've been slowly updating my folio over the past months. Maybe it's time to update the shaders too.
rant on...
After this much time I'm rather surprised there isn't a bigger community interest in shaders. Those that do create them aren't that prone to sharing or supporting the art based community, yet there's a large hole to be filled here. I really do hope that this will change in the future... I'm really not one to talk though, since I have abandoned it for this much time myself. We'll see if I can get some updates togethor hey