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polycounter lvl 18
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dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
Fucking 3ds Max Crashed Again!
lost 3 hours of work.
i need something to kill...


  • keizza
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    keizza polycounter lvl 18
    hahahaha. man....i'm sorry. but that post for tech talk made me laugh. is your autoback disabled or something?

    ***hey, sorry to ask this. but does anyone know how to revert to a polycounters old profile? i'm supposed to be "fritz"....not "keizza". sorry....out of it....libbit sick.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    yeh it works. badly as usual. all the autobacks were the same as the save i had made.
    and max crashed again.
    another 20 minutes of work gone.
    terrible.. if i save too often, i might end up saving while it crashes, corrupting the scene, and i have to go back to something i saved earlier, but if i don't save often enough, i'll have to go back anyways.
    and if i save to one of my duplicate saves while it crashes, i might corrupt that scene.
    at least i don't have to think what would happend if the power failed while i saved, since i'm using a laptop.
  • Jonathan
    I save a ton, and usually if I do have a program crash, I only lose just a little work. Save often. :)
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    save in iterations bro. do a save as not a save. losing 3 hours work is your fault in a way not to be harsh or anything but really... it is preventable.
  • keizza
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    keizza polycounter lvl 18
    ah. shit man. that does suck then. i guess if this keeps happening....you could just set your autoback to the highest level of saves.....and spread the minutes it saves out. but you prolly know this already.

    could also try and locate the problem in the file.....in chunks or something.....merge in and out of a new scene. then see if it's stable. however this could be a pain.....and i may just be in denial of max's stupidity.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    Jonathan wrote: »
    I save a ton, and usually if I do have a program crash, I only lose just a little work. Save often. :)

    yes, thats usually what happends to me as well, this time i got a bit distracted searching for reference pictures, and forgot to save.
    actually i remodeled it all in about 30 minutes, it seems like most of the hours i spent looking at reference pictures, and planning out what to do next.
    i'm such a fanatical saver, i sometimes save after rotating the camera.

    but saving a ton, and saving often as i said is a problem too, because if max crashes while you save, you might lose more work than what you would if you saved less.
    its happened to me twice.
    thats why i started saving multiple versions of scenes.

    heh, once i forgot saving the scene before "saving as" when i was creating a LOD.
    i almost started working on it, but something felt wrong, so i checked whether the highest LOD
    was actually the latest version of the scene. which it wasn't.

    the horrors... there should be a label on the max package "use with extreme caution".
    when max fucks you over, you always learn the hard way.
  • Slingshot
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    Slingshot polycounter lvl 17
    Crazy junk, sucks man, I save my files as projectname then a number example redhead1 and keep going up in numbers until I am finished the project or change it when I start rigging ex rigging1 , uving1 and so on. Corrupt / crashing software brakes your moral for sure. Good luck.
  • Mark Dygert
    I totally understand that it sucks but have to agree with IronHawk. Also when doing a "save as" click the plus to add an iteration without having to type it in manually.

    The more I've used 3dsmax, the less it crashes, but it still crashes every once in a while. I've found that if I launch other programs at the same time 3dsmax is starting up it seems to be less stable. I normally launch it first thing, go get some coffee and then launch PS and a few other apps after the scene I'm working on loads. It seems to like to have first crack at fresh memory and doesn't like to share =P

    Also I'm not sure what video card you have but Autodesk has been working with Nvidia to make specific 3dsmax drivers. For me they sped up the viewport by 20fps and they seem to be stable. Nvidia has them available on their site and I think Autodesk does to.

    I've also taken to saving/exporting to FBX. I set up a very simple script do "save as +01" and "export as FBX +01" The few times I've had the 3dsmax file corrupt, the FBX was fine.
  • Jonathan
    Here is how I normally save files,
    and so forth, then I also archive the scene every now and then, and continue on until I'm done, so that sometimes, I'm already up to 5a, 5b, etc.
  • Funky Bunnies
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    Funky Bunnies polycounter lvl 17
    true that, Save Incremental is even an option in the hotkey list.

    never thought of that FBX export idea, though. I'll have to give that a go.
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