I'm looking for a low-poly 3d modeller to help create environments and characters for a sci-fi adventure/action/rpg game I've been working on. It's a small indie team (right now just me and a designer). We have made a lot of progress (I'm mainly a programmer - the engine is complete and I am sort-of-decent at 3D modelling so have started that) but just don't have the time or expertise to make polished looking assets. The position is unpaid but you'll be credited, linked from the website, etc. Experience in 3DSMAX 8 to 2008 is preferred (my toolset is written for that) but anything that can export to a format MAX can read is fine.
The game is a multiplayer 2D/3D action shooter. It takes place in spaceship interiors, in space and down on planet surfaces. It's a mixture of shoot-em-up, rpg, space-flight sim and adventure. Players join up with friends online and complete missions to level up your character's abilities and collect items/weapons/etc, create new missions with the built-in editor or download missions shared by other players. The aim is to have a ton of 'episodes' on release that have the feel of playing a sci-fi tv series (startrek/bab5/battlestar/etc.). Missions would include talking to characters on planets, flying between the planets, fighting off enemies, infiltrating/sabotaging enemy ships, meeting alien races/characters, collecting artifacts, levelling up your skills/items etc.
For anyone who's curious I have a collection of screenshots of work so far:

There's also a YouTube of recent gameplay (graphical issues caused by VirtualDub recording) available for anyone interested on getting an idea of how it will play. This is obviously a WIP and just shows me playing single player. I'm hoping to have the games testers here at our company join in and play a larger scale multiplayer game in the near-future.
Please feel free to contact me if you're interested and would like to contribute in some way -
I have no intentions of selling the game, it will be released for free once it's finished. It's a personal project that I've wanted to create for a while. I already work in the games industry but would like to build up a small portfolio of projects I've managed and developed. My intention is to finally have my own professional studio but for now I'm happy to create smaller indie games to build up some recognition (and if it gives other people something to put on their demo reels or websites, that's an added bonus).
Thanks! There's a lot of scope for input and feedback on the gameplay/visuals. The game's main gameplay mechanics and goals have been designed and prototypes exist for the ship, story, etc. but aren't set in stone and I'd love feedback, ideas, changes in direction to improve the design, etc. Mail me, it'd be awesome to have you involved on the project and helping out
Wicked! Thanks! 8)
Did you get my portfolio? I had some problems zipping it up, if you need some more work, just shout!
I did - awesome work! I'll send you an email with more information
Thanks for all the responses and offers of help. I think I am sorted now on the low-poly-modeller front. I am still looking for someone to help with 2D concept art (locations/ships/objects) and also someone who is good at animating characters. If you want to help out, please contact me - dummy@paradum.com
Awesome! I'll send you a PM to talk about it
Thank you, glad you like the look of it! Hopefully it will be a fun little game to play.
There's also a new video of gameplay taken from the latest version of the engine, with various updates to the art and interface (and also no graphical corruption this time!). The DivX video below shows actual real-time multiplayer gameplay. The client is connected to the localhost and playing in the sandbox environment.
I'm still desperately looking for a character animator. There's only so much I can do when it comes to animating. Experience with 3DSMax is preferable (as that is what I've developed the toolset for). The game is a touched stylised and so I'm looking for someone with a decent level of skill who can create 'exaggerated' realistic animations (not slapstick or cartoon - more of an arcadey/retro feel).
It's a pretty laid-back project (spend as much time as you can spare helping out) but still structured and managed enough to keep the game on track, you get to keep all the art you create (obviously giving us permission to use it in the game), you get some free site-pimpage from various sites of mine and you get to contribute to making a cool little game.
Email me (dummy@paradum.com) if you want to help out (either with animation, or anything else you feel you could contribute with), or drop me a PM.
The pics below are work in progress and don't accurately reflect the end product. They show some character concepts, models, map editors and some in-game stuff the current team of artists been working on.
There's also a couple videos of the editor and the game here: Character picker, Map Editor, AI squad
If you'd like to help out, drop me a PM on the boards or email me - dummy@paradum.com
First thing, though - we're still looking for a Low-poly Environment Artist to help model the locations in the game. Ideally someone who knows they have some spare time they can contribute, someone who believes they're capable of creating art to the style and standard shown here, and someone who is familiar with 3DS Max. (However, there is no real problem in you using something else that can easily export to max-compatible formats). If you're interested drop me an email (dummy@paradum.com) or send me a PM, preferably with some examples of your work and some info on how you can help.
Some work has gone into the soundtrack and there are several new pieces written or being written:
There's also an example of one of our artist's doors fully rigged and in-game:
And a teaser of the work done so far, including videos, tech demos, concepts, etc.:
i sent you a reply dekard, let me know what you think.
thanks, aesir. makes it all feel worth it to hear that people think the game looks cool and it would be something they'd like to play.
these got posted in the what are you working on? thread, but i'll put them here for reference. more work went on lighting the rooms today with the med-lab started. thanks again for the comments and the pm's and interest people are having. it makes me even more determined to get this game finished and out there for people to play.
If you need another artist, I think I could help (If I'm good enough)
My portfolio so far is here: http://www.joopsontoons.com/3d.html
(though it only has a few things so far)
(I do use Maya, but it can export to 3DsMax, so it should be fine)
PS. If you aren't convinced by the portfolio (would be understandable), you can give me a concept or something to do a little demo model for you to show my skills... I can't help you with the animating though, haha
If I had the time, I would definately help out
lemme know if i can help!
His science lab props are now finished and in-game -
Thanks for all the offers of help. I've been away the past few days so my replies have been a bit limited. I've just gone through now and sent a message to everyone who's interested
Just an update on the project on how it is - We've gotten quite a way through developing some of the key environments in the game. Thanks for everyone's comments so far - it's really motivating to hear so many people interested in the game and definitely pushes us forward in getting it completed. With so much art left we're looking for people who have some spare time and want to help out on the project.
What we really need right now are texture artists who can match the visual style of the game. We're plowing through the rather extensive collection of props and environments and help would definitely be appreciated. The game is a non-profit project and so while I can't offer any kind of money or a job, I can guarantee you'll have some awesome looking stuff for your portfolio, will have muchos credit wherever I can possibly give it, and will be contributing to what should be a commercial quality, awesome game.
The only real requirement is that you have enough spare time to contribute and feel that you can contribute art that matches the current style closely. I've posted a couple pictures below to give an idea of the style. The biggest point is that it's low res (almost pixel art, but not so 'hard') and quite defined and bold. I've scaled up the textures so they're easier to see, but average texture size in-game is 128x128 and smaller. We also tend to work at 100% size at all times so that bold lines and panel details aren't lost by downscaling.
If you feel that you could help out, please drop me a PM or an email (dummy@paradum.com) and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. A portfolio site or a few pictures of your work would be great to see.
We're also looking for low-poly modellers and animators who think they could create models and environments similar to those shown above. As above, if you think you can help contact me
I like it! I wish I had time to help.