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Orc/Ogre-ish Warrior

So I started working on a new character since my portfolio is filled with a lot of old garbage.
I still havent finished the naked body sculpt but it is getting there, so I started doing some thumb nails to figure out the armor to over him. I don't think I like any single 1 of them but maybe parts from separate ones. I will probably do some more thumbs, but anyway, crits/suggestions welcome and needed.



  • pangarang
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    pangarang polycounter lvl 11
    I'd compliment you on your anatomy but you probably hear that alot already :P

    As for the silhouette of the body, I think it'd be worth trying and narrowing the waist to emphasize the bulk of his upper body more. It's nice to see that you didn't overemphasize the muscle definition for someone of this guy's bulk. The dip between the upper lip and bottom of the nose is too defined towards the top where it blends into the nose.

    Now that I take a second look, it looks like you spent a significantly less amount of time on the legs than you did on the upper body. Whereas the torso looks organic, well sculpted and detailed, the legs still look like a lump of clay sculpted roughly into a leg shape when you compare them.

    For the armor silhouettes, number 8 or 9 really sticks out to me. And the more i look at it, the more I'm convinced they're the most attractive ones. This is just a matter of opinion of course.

    But yeah, excellent work!
  • The_Kozmonaut
    Thanks pangarang, yea you are right about the legs, I don't think I will do the feet because he will always have boots on but I definitely need to finish the legs/hands/forearms
  • The_Kozmonaut
    Decided to take the first of the 3 and orc-a-tize it. I know there isnt much but atleast it shows the driection I am headed. Oh and the body still isnt done, but I will get around to it at some point

  • Wilex
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    Wilex polycounter lvl 16
    Nice detail i like the face. The only things that bother me are the Trapezius muscles they just cover up his neck entirely and they feel a bit too exagerated in my opinion. I also don't care for the flared out bracers.

    Get some definition in those legs. Good luck looking forward to your progress.
  • Jonathan
    Some of your forms have gotten flattened, but good progress. :)
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    thats a big nipple...
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    Pshh, i've seen bigger ;)
  • The_Kozmonaut
    So I didnt work on this guy for a while because I am losing motivation. It really seems like actually working in a game studio is never going to happen at this point. Recently I passed an art test, got an interview, was led along for a month, and then never heard from the company again. Not even a: "Sorry At this time, _____ does not have a position that precisely matches your qualifications." That kind of treatment is really starting to sour me on this industry. Anyway enough venting, posting a small update to try and get back into this...


    Still very WIP, hands are farther along than that in zbrush but still not done. and obviously still have to sculp the skull, etc.
  • mattimus
    well man,... i can honestly say i know what your talking about when it comes to being tossed around by companies. The only bit of advice i can offer to keep yourself going is to ask yourself,... "am i doing this because i love bringing MY creations to life?" or is it that you only measure your enjoyment through success in the feild???

    Another thing. Your project looks good as a whole but lacks fine detail. Try to teach yourself a greater amount of patience when it comes to making those small details and focus on each peace of armor, each finger, each tooth, & each muscle like its the only thing your creating and that should help you greatly! Keep chugging man, self-pitty gains nothing. cheers!:thumbup:
  • The_Kozmonaut
    Yea you are right about that. I was just really pissed after that happened and it really was a crushing blow. It was just a lot of work, the initial interview, then an art test, then another interview, and then I never hear from them again. I just wish there was some common courtesy sometimes. At least I know it isnt a place to ever apply again, which is weird because I heard good things from other people.

    Anyway about the work and the details. I was saving that for the last step. for now it was getting all the major pieces and forms and then I was going to detail everything.
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