I am starting a new task, but I need a wider pool of data to feel comfortable moving forward. This is why I come to you guys...
In game production, things get cut, or redone. At my studio there are types of assets and similar reasons, and I wanted to verify my suspicions before I start acting on my conclusions.
So...tell me guys (or girls)
What gets Cut? And Why?
When answering; consider the following:
- Has a portion of the asset being redone for any other reason aside from aesthetics? example: The rig has changed so all the animations are now broken. This counts as a redone asset.
- The asset has been put in the game and work perfectly, but a higher-up cuts a dependency asset (like part of the story) and this asset goes along with that cut.
- An Art lead/Director looks at an asset and decides it needs to be redone, after it's finished. This counts as a redone asset.
post reasons in your replies because I do not know how to make more than one poll per thread.
Weapons are often redone to improve the feedback because cool weapon feedback is cool.
Poor management is a big reason, but can also be caused by key team member(s) leaving, publisher getting cold feet, etc.
QFT. A poor production/concept approval pipeline doesn't help any either. Or people making art/design decisions who have no relevant skills or experience to do so.
Things usually get cut because they weren't working for design reasons. However this isn't necessarily poor management. (although it sometimes is) It's important to allow for people to abandon ideas that aren't working because otherwise it may make people afraid to suggest ideas in the first place.
Also there's no option in the poll for "other people's stuff get's cut"
The reason things are cut are horrible misjudgment of the studios abilities. Even the best couldn't predict everything. Bless their soles they try. Money, Management, Ambitious talent, Incompetent talent... all have their role and add to the uncertainties when scheduling this shit out. I'm glad I don't have to do it! I'd want to agree with Brome and assume cuts are due to bad management but, I've had days where I could have done twice as much work as I could have if I were the dev I wish I were, damn those days where your mind is every BUT on your work or you're banging your head against a wall and spinning your fucking wheels for whatever reason...