My entry to the FPS Weapon challenge. I know the scan sucks, but its late, just got off work and started this thread.
Anyway, The gun is a semi auto air powered rifle. It fires hypodermic syringes that can be filled with any serum. The mag holds 8 needles, and the serum cartdrige (directly in front of the mag) holds enough juice for about 100 shots. The compressed air bottle (think paintball) is inline above the foregrip. It can fire about 400 shots. When charged, the needles plunger is pulled back with the bolt and it sucks up the serum. When the trigger is pulled the dart is shot out, and on impact the plungers inertia forces the serum into the target. Its fun!
Moved the air tank above the barrel, added the recocking parts, and played with scale. The (horribly drawn) m4 below is for a size comparison.
Here are some geometry shots that should (hopefully) clear it up some.
quick FPS preview
again, ignore the jaggy normal, it was a low quality test bake.