I'm still fairly new to photography, went out this weekend to gather some texture sample images and haven't really noticed before how much lens distortion I get in my images.
I know how to crop the image and fix slight angle problems for photo references but how do you go about fixing lens curve? Is it just cause I was using a crappy kit lens?
Canon Digital Rebel XT EOS
Lens EFS 18-55mm
Also have a telephoto lens too, but didn't use it today.
Anyway, I had read (I think its on cgtextures.com actually...) that the more upper tier or what have you, your lens is, the less curvature it'll have. But I'm even less of a photographer so, yeah.
edit: no I think I'm speaking tripe http://cgtextures.com/content.php?action=tutorial&name=shootingtextures
what I more interested in however is reproducing this effect in 3d for architectural shots.
I've used a couple ways...
For a still, export to a panoramic format then crop.
For animation, this is slow but effective. Point the camera in the opposite direction and put a reflective dome in front of it. If there's any text then flip the whole thing horizontally in post.
There are also some anamorphic plugins for various renderers.
that should keep your lines straight.