I'm working on modeling a city for a project. Right now I have about 400 buildings, but it'll probably end up being double or more of that amount. I wrote a bit of maxscript code to map all the buildings, but I need to export those maps. I can use texporter and go through and pick each building and save the map, but I was wondering if any of you had some maxscript code or something that would be able to handle that?
Are they procedurals? Do you need to bake them down to a texture?
Are they bitmap files? Do you just need them to be saved out to a common folder?
I don't really understand what you mean. Can you illustrate with a screenshot of what you want to do?
I've never used the render to texture stuff before. Just tried it out on a few of the buildings, seemed to work, hopefully having it do some 400 buildings won't cause a problem.
on scriptspot they seem to have something like that already: