Don't forget season premier tonight.
my favorite episode so far has been exodus part 2 when adama jumped into the new caprica's atmosphere to release the vipers and was falling like rock and then jumped back out to space.. i littarely said "FUCK YA!!" when I watched it when it first aired last year.
Anyhow.. just figured I'd start a thread since the final season starts tonight and had some questions ideas on the story.
Also there's an 8 minute recap of the other seasons up to now on the BSG website. Under "What the frak is going on?" on the right hand side of the page.
*Possible Spoilers below**
One thing I noticed is that Chief found that he was a cylon with the final 4 on the season finale so that would also mean that his baby would be the second cylon baby with Hera.
When Tighe shot Adama in the eye I was like OMFG.... now to be continued with Starbuck about ready to pop the pres...
pretty ok episode, not too great of a start to the new season but was ok.
I'm going to miss the fancy space scenes they have after the finale
BSG does the top 10 list.
Everyone I was watching with said "yeah, their budget's gone up" when we saw the first space battle scene
11 episodes then months without new episodes then the final 9 or so later in the year....
Well, even so, it looks like that bitch is a bit on the evil side, and if she works with that bastard Baltar, they'll fuck humanity up from within. Looks more like an "oh shit she's really a cylon AND evil" kind of episode to me. Hope Sal doesn't go all cylon as well, because he's one of my favourite characters.
What i don't get, that i realize now is how the cylons didn't know Sol was a cylon when they took his eye. Oh snap! XD
i dunno, im hopping back into this series after missing... all of 1,2, and 3 (lol), but im going through them now. Seems like more of some good story stuff going on with the ship going to Earth w/ all those other cyclons onboard.
this episode seemed to be filled with a lot of "distractions" to other elements of the story - like being explicitly cryptic and secretive about the jumps to earth, going in circles, betrayal and civil war w/ cyclon duders, adama bringing up the pres's plan with the press around to divert attention...
Am I the only one who started cringing when Dean Stockwell and Boomer started making out?
the previews for next week look pretty good though. They keep leading us down the road of starbuck being the last cylon.. but it's gotta be just the lead up to find out the real one.
"So we just need to find the Final Five and they'll know the way to Earth!"... and the resulting look on Anders' face was priceless.
They sure do; I skip watching the intro and the preview of the next episode.
good episode... i thought it was getting a bit slow recently but it's starting to pick up again
Actually, you mixed the two versions up. Boomer (the one who joined the Cavil cylons) shot Adama and herself; Athena (the one on Caprica with Helo) didn't join up with the rest of the fleet until Season 2. [/supreme-nerdiness]
Plus, okay, consider what happened to Athena - imagine if you just had a crazy recurring dream with your baby getting taken away, woke up to your kid saying "bye bye" in a really creepy way, saw your kid drawing a hundred "Six's" in her coloring book, and then found a Six caressing her in reality. I think it's understandable that she would flip out like that.
... But somehow Starbuck's mutiny was completely okay and no one cared? I guess that had a lot to cover in that episode anyway.
it just keeps getting better and better! I wish LOST would use this formula of "give us plot not boring back story"
all the Earth stuff was cool, and it just feels like they're milking the 5th to DEATH. yes, its a mystery... but come onnnnn. snoooze. It seems like they keep throwing more and more mystery at it w/o much substance, makes moose rage! smash!
LOL so I got bored a few episodes ago, and let my viewing slip. . .
Now I just watched the last 4 episodes in a row, and holy shit. The last one was fuckin' fantastic, and you're an idiot if you don't agree :P
I agree they're kind of skipping over things to cram everything in, but I feel like the pace quickening is really helping the story along, and keeping me on the edge of my seat.
The whole Athena/Hera/6 thing had me nearly falling out of my chair.
I think they Jumped to Bed Bath & BEYOND! The Hybrid was out of epsom salts.
and I'm going to beat the shit out of the guy who creates the previews, they've showed the hybrid talking to starbuck telling her she'll bring them to their doom, and Adama being sworn in (so you know he'll be president before the season even started) and now the Deanna model wakes up talks to the group about the final 5 and says you didn't know you were one of them? and then cuts to Roslin. (it better not be her)
Does anyone know if they are still planning on splitting the final season up? It doesn't look like it, we've got quite a few episodes down already.
If they do split it up we only got 2 more episodes left until season 4.5 comes out in 2009.
its fun and cool, and lots of dramatic changes n such... but damnit, im getting bored
Can you get pregnant by eyeball fucking??? I hope not.