Hey folks. Loooooooong time lurker, first time poster. Thought I'd finally get off my lazy butt and finally post something on PC. There's always some amazing, inspriring stuff on the forums and that makes wanting to post art you've got kicking around somewhat intimidating :P
Anyhoo, I WAS going to throw in with PC for Dom War 3, but there was just no way to finish in time, so I chose to just finish my entry anyway and post my WIP here, get some C&C (or not
So here's a few links to my concepts, kind of an ethereal, energy manipulating, undead witch...or something:
I've got the base mesh all blocked out more or less, started working on just the body/face area. Here's some sculpting work:
I based a lot of the base mesh on a mesh posted by a fella here, I believe goes by the name arshlevon, but I might be spelling that wrong. Anyhoo, if he (or she) happens to read this, Cheers mate
Anyway, more to come.
do you have any fancy work flow tips on how your doing the bandages?
welcome, good stuff.
Still have miles to go before I sleep...
More to come :P
Anyhoo, here ya go:
I'll try to get some images posted from the front, prolly have to "trick" Photobucket. A nice black bar perhaps, or fuzzed out nipples ?
BTW, I am a complete internet neophyte. How would one go about posting an actual jpeg as a link, rather than posting an URL to an image ? Dunno if that made sense....oh well
More to come...
keep it up!
nice work dude! welcome!
Started working on her clothing, bit more work on the head dress. Folds are still lumpy, back of the dress is pretty funk-tacular. Starting to get there.
Still need to add some nails to the fingers and a tighten up a few things.
Almost home
I think the deltoid is off because you cut it in very deep. I'm guessing its raw muscle, so that line needs to be there, just not so deep in. Also, maybe angle it down a little bit more so that it creates
a rounder feel.
Sweet work by the way, keep it going.
Still lots to do (ends of the clothing are rounded and sucky for example) but I'm going to set this one aside for a spell and start another project, which I'll start posting up soon. Should be fun. In theory :P