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DWIII - 2D - Orem - Untitled

Some sketches for my DW3 entry. My character is an earth/rock warlord... As you can see, I haven't gone anywhere with armor yet. Just trying to get some basics down. His artifact is a warhammer.

[image]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2328/2345832305_a651b88a4b.jpg[/image] [image]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2365/2346661140_4e01344622.jpg[/image]

I've worked through a couple of poses - I want him riding a bear, I think. The one on the bottom left is the strongest, though I'm a bit afraid he looks like he's losing his balance.

Here's a new bit - his beard is longer, and he's not as naked... [image]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3107/2365702836_13ea6bbc78.jpg?v=0[/image]


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