hmm.. that car seems like its windshield is off to the side. i think you should try to shade the part to the left and right of the windshield to show that that is the back of the car
One extremely minor crit: the two cables connecting the sunlit section to the roof are working against the perspective a little because of how parallel they are. I'd suggest either having them end up closer together or heading in more noticeably different directions.
Btw, I'm trying to get a hold of all this digital painting jazz and I wonder - do you handpick colors and work with 100% opacity hard-edged brush or do paint in low contrast/opacity and gradually sneak in colors/values?
I know this doesn't really matter in the end, but I'm trying to choose relatively simple workflow until I get comfortable.
sandro, its a bit of both really, usually I have opacity bound to pen pressure, but I like painting with high contrasts because I like getting the main color & value range down as fast as possible.
tried some characters again, maybe soon I feel ready to do a full body one
thanks guys!
vofff: I use reference sometimes, like the car in the previous painting, I obviously looked at a few car pics, drawing a car with all the right details just from you head is hard
another face attempt
Keep it up!
Oh and being frustrated while making art is good man, it means you are learning!
Keep up the very great work!
another girl attempt
RTS game??
Nice concept anyway:D
45min speedy is my fav from you yet.
St-Star... Craft... ?
I camera mapped the concept on some geometry like this:
Then cleaned it up:
Still WIP of course, there's so much detail I want to add
trying out corel painter,, its cool!!! If only photoshop had some of its brushes
hehe, kidding. cool stuff, as usually, Peris!
I'm finally all set up in my new appartment, and i got myself a cintiq, so more to come soon.. i promise!!
crosspost from the concept tag thread..
One extremely minor crit: the two cables connecting the sunlit section to the roof are working against the perspective a little because of how parallel they are. I'd suggest either having them end up closer together or heading in more noticeably different directions.
great work. wanna share any of those tips n tricks?
I have the wip saved in layers, I'll turn it into a gif so you can see how it's built up
30 minute speedpaint:
Btw, I'm trying to get a hold of all this digital painting jazz and I wonder - do you handpick colors and work with 100% opacity hard-edged brush or do paint in low contrast/opacity and gradually sneak in colors/values?
I know this doesn't really matter in the end, but I'm trying to choose relatively simple workflow until I get comfortable.
Oh, and that gif would be most appreciated
Peris: Water has me convinced very much. This piece would would be astounding with a wider frame and an offset composition. Take it further, I insist!
tried some characters again, maybe soon I feel ready to do a full body one
Another girl for practice:
Better eyes on the last one, left one's still a little off. Get those circles aligned!
Really like your stuff
Keep up
Been a while since I posted something, but I've been practicing
vofff: I use reference sometimes, like the car in the previous painting, I obviously looked at a few car pics, drawing a car with all the right details just from you head is hard