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Portfolio help. Pls

Hey will be looking for an internship program soon. So thought Id make a portfolio to send. Tips on layout would be appreciated. Copied alot of other portfolios I liked (domain is temporary)



  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    All your images are blurry. This seams to be on purpose in most cases as the flats next to them are not?

    Some are also dark. Black background hurts everything for contrast. Pick a neutral color.
  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    Agree with cholden here, images are really dark. Although its not just a brightness issue, you should take some time to light your scenes. Look up some articles on 3 point lighting to help show of your work a little better.
  • Mtg_kirin
    ok thanks will work on lighting. Also whats counted as a neutral color?
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    something in the neighborhood of a 50% grey would be ideal
  • Mtg_kirin
    why is this? does black make everything pop out to much?
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    It's simple- Contrast

    With a black background and no ambient light going on, it is hard to tell where the model ends and the black background begins. With a neutral color as a bg, your lights still pop, as well as your darks.
  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    maybe you are saving your images with low resolution, be sure to set quality to 100% while saving
    also, your texture for the double pistols could be a bit sharper at 512x512, try adding some metal texture overlays and look at some other well done gun textures to see what makes them look good, there are plenty of cs: source replacement weapon download sites out there
    good luck dude! smile.gif
  • Mtg_kirin
    ya i think im saving at 80-85 so will re render and save. and thanks steady agree. That is my 2nd real attempt at texturing so was really trying to figure it all out. may go back and re do it.

    But site layout is ok? should I have another page for contact spacific?
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    The site is fine, but you'll want to redo your graphics with better compression rate, and probably not so dark. TBH, I don't even make graphics for my portfolio, it just makes it more of a hassle to update later. Unless you happen to make some real kick ass graphics that can stand the test of time. You'll probably run into that problem (or good thing), that within a few months you're better at art and hate your graphics.
  • Mtg_kirin
    ok thanks will look into changing my graphics. Though If I keep them I would update often, something I plan on doing to the whole site anyway.
  • Archanex
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    Archanex polycounter lvl 19
    "Finished in under a week. I made this for a mod and was fallowing the source engine restrictions"

    you misspelled following, also, I almost missed that little block of text all together

    and yeah, everything is SUPER dark
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    in your four sentence "about me" blurb, you have three major spelling and grammar errors, not to mention the fact that the formatting is broken which makes it doubly nasty to read. Doesn't matter how good your work is, it will be impossible to land anything with this resume

    i really don't know if employers will care about your carrier choice. I mean, i favour the HMS Ark Royal, but i don't go shouting about it ...
  • Mtg_kirin
    thanks archanex. Will change spelling, def not my strong point. hehe checked my spelling guess fallow is a plowed field, oops.

    O and im glad im not trying to get work, danr.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18

    Question/Comment about education; basically states:
    "Home schooled from 4th-12th grade
    Self taught in Maya
    Currently working on Bachelors"

    Most resumes don't list elementary or high school education. Home school is also one of those things some people can be iffy about. While personally, one of my best friends home schooled and turned out great (after spending some years trying to become socially acceptable), but he did receive some backlash on it during an interview. Again, not my opinion.

    Self taught isn't really an education, I wouldn't list this. Personally I reckon I'm self taught in all programs, but there's no need to list it since you've already recognized it under Applications.

    What does "Currently working on Bachelors" mean? Are you studying for it at some school? You'd be better off listing it as "In 1st year of study for Bachelors at University of School of Arts" Or whatever the specifics are.
  • Mtg_kirin
    O ok cool cholden. Didnt know people still looked down on homeschooling.... people gotta learn to think outside box and realize the norm isnt always best. But will change that up right now.
  • TWilson
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    TWilson polycounter lvl 18
    cholden speaks true.

    First impression was good for me. Nice big icons that clearly show the contents of the link. Name at the top with job description. Perfect.

    Home school is often linked with having poor social skills. Try not to take it the generalization personally.

    Renders are too dark. Cheap solution would be to histogram it. Proper solution would be better rendered lighting.

    I'm not an environment artist but I didn't get why you displayed the texture flats of the cottage style house. It seems inefficient to me.

    "...fallowing the source engine restrictions" - following spelling.

    When writing any text on your site, or doing anything for your portfolio, imagine you are your favorite artist. How would they speak? What decisions would they make? Probably something I should do more of too.
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    Resume is non-downloadable.

    Nothing on the tutorials page, and frankly I think it's going to be awhile before we see any. Remove the link altogether.

    The entire demo reel needs to be re-rendered / redone. There is almost no lighting in anything, you have no way for anyone to scrub through your demo-reel (Edit - The player function doesn't appear to be working in Mozilla Firefox, but works in IE...might look into this), no place for anyone to actually download it, and frankly the pace is too fast for anyone to really get a decent look at anything, and even then, most of it appears super low-res.

    Lay off the normal maps until you get the very basics of modeling, texturing, UVing, and lighting / rendering.

    Then move onto specs and normal. You have to crawl before you can walk - and you have a bit of crawling to do.
  • CiscoJavier
    Yeh, good point Don

    Or series of points I mean.
    By the way Mtg_Kerin, how much longer do you have until you graduate? ooo.gif
  • rybeck
    adding another crit that no one mentioned yet..
    At first time I visited your site, I couldn't register your name correctly. It looked alike 'illiam ruran' due to colored initial of your name.
    I'd consider change it as your name is most important thing you should sell out.
  • Mark Dygert
    Ambient lighting where for art thou ambient lighting?

    Read up on 3 point lighting don't just look for 3D specific sources but check photography sites, especially semi-pro sites that have users that like to build their own lighting set ups. Make note of light position intensity and work around they come up with. We have the luxury of not having to fight lighting and we can bend it pretty much to our will if we know how, getting to that level is hard but not impossible. Learning to light a scene is a very valuable skill especially for enviromental artists which is something most first time enviro guys are pretty bad at. It's one of the main reasons would be enviro guys end up working on just props not scene building.

    Still google 3 point lighting but heres a quick run down how I use it.
    - Key lights:
    Your main light set this to cast shadows, the shadow should be slightly transparent, don't leave it at the default of 1.0 that makes dark nasty shadows. Shadows are washed out by light bouncing off everything, look around you try and find a 100% jet black shadow, its hard to find. Mimics the sun or overhead lighting.

    - Fill lights:
    These are ambient lights that raise the overall level of light in your scene, set these to NOT cast shadows. Use these lights to mimic light bouncing from other sources. Light bounces off everything in the real world, in 3D it doesn't bounce unless you fake it, or start using advanced lighting. In dark or night scenes use cool colors, blue, purple. This is very important in games because there are tons of areas that need to be dark but players still need to navigate. You can also play the key lighting off the cool dark ambient lighting by using warmer colors, yellows, light browns, orange, light green.

    - Rim lights or Back Lighting:
    Try to get a thin line of sharp bright color that outlines your model. It will help separate it from the background which is something you need to work on.

    You have some good Key lights but you need Fill and Rim/Back lighting.

    I wrote up a pretty detailed Beginners Guide to Direct Lighting which might help you light your scenes and objects for max effect.

    Now, lets talk about your site layout and color choices.
    Your work is going to be viewed on all kinds of monitors in all kinds of different situations. What looks bright and colorful on cheap LCD in a dark room, might look really washed out and dark on a nicer high end flatscreen in a well lite room. You need to aim to make it work well on as many screens as possible. If 4 out of 5 dentists ask you if you've ever thought about whitening your teeth... guess what its time to think about it. I see a few posts here complaining about everything being dark.

    They indicate and represent a lot of things to different people but there are some semi-universal truths that are working against you.
    Black -- As mentioned a few times the black background is killing your work. Render out a dark object on a pure black background, then render it out on pure white and then try a mild gray. White will assault your eyes and make it hard to read details but you'll get a good sense of the silhouette. Black will also wash the details out as Black also signals the absence of detail, a void. If and when you get to the point that you have to stare at a few hundred portfolios you'll start to see a few things that stink of armature, the black background being one of them.
    Red -- Bleeds/blends into black really well and you should be using a contrasting color. Check your site by stepping back and squinting at it. What major color blocks do you see? If its a dark blur you need to work on it.

    Perfect! Just what it needs to be, easy to navigate and zero "emo, my cat ran away the world hates my life" blog stuff. Kudos on NOT falling into the classic trap of trying to impress with your web designer flash skills by making us sit through a load screen, then a slash screen then a load screen for each gallery. Nice simple quick effiecent I really like it. You might want to consider changing the font like danr suggested, because its a little stiff. If you talk to Hawken he'll suggest Impact or Arial (HA thats a joke don't do that). Personally if I was to do my site over (which its time) I might pick a blueprint font to emphasized the building/technical nature of what we do. Or do like what I did last time and just draw up buttons and graphics. Either way there are a ton of highly readable fonts out there, do some exploring and at least dig up something that isn't a MS system font =P

    Why not put a next button on the images? Kind of silly to make them go back to the main page. I think 3 buttons at the bottom would work. <Back [Main] Next>

    Standardize where you put the info, texture sheets and wire views. I think you could fit a beauty render on the left, wire/shaded view in the center, and textures on the right side, with the info running along the bottom.

    The Content:
    The alley--
    I think your at a good level for geometry and textures its just the lighting and composition that need work. You might benifit from doing more research and digging up ref images to help fill in some of the detail holes. Alley ways have a lot more then just your standard fire escape and random dumpsters.

    RTS Cottage--
    Given the top down 3/4 view nature of most RTS games you might want to punch up the roof texture. Right now it kind of looks like paster, concrete or maybe burlap. The dirt/grease/water mark on the roof doesn't really match standard weathering. Think about what dirt and water do when it rains, its kind of the same effect that a river has with silt, it picks it up and delivers it somewhere else. Think about what causes that dirt, pollution? Plant life? Use? Age? Rot?

    Double Pistols--
    Err you mean one pistol copied two times... Same goes for the spec and defuse, they look just about the same and the way the scene lighting is set up the spec doesn't appear to be doing much. I take it these are First Person Perspective models that are viewed from the back? How do they look from that angle since thats really the only one that matters. Its all fine and good to model something and make it look good from the side but you have to keep the end result in mind. You say you followed the Source Wiki as a guide what stopped you from putting them in game? Showing final art in game gets big points in my book. But reading comments about a half hearted attempt to follow some guide kind of sends up a flag

    Nothing really wrong here except maybe the over use of un-retouched photos as textures. Some better lighting, spec map improvements and some different angles or close ups of props would help.

    Roman Assets--
    I actually thought this was a pop can before I read the title, which actually takes up a large chunk of the viewing area. All that blank space could have been used to provide a bigger image, different angles and more proof it isn't a pop can being impaled on half buried spikes.

    Swat Assets--
    Awesome, your strongest work, but its hard to see. Revisit the lighting using 3 point lighting and really sell it.

  • Mtg_kirin
    hey thanks guys. great suggestions. Will def work on lighting. and my header. I have set up my domain and server so heres an update (nothing covered on content side yet sorry)
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    jesus christ vig lol !
  • MartinH
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    MartinH polycounter lvl 8
    wall of text crits you for a squillion damage points!
  • Mtg_kirin
    hehe accually I apreciate vig taking the time to do that. So cheers!
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    My suggestion to you as mentioned before, is to put your models on a neutral color because the viewer can't tell what the true value of your textures are. I love black backgrounds too so I put some 50 % gray padding around my images. Take a look at what I mean. Nice update though.


  • Mtg_kirin
    ya def going to update the black backgrounds. thanks for the example
  • Noisybast
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    Noisybast polycounter lvl 18
    Not sure if I'm missing something, but the site's not loading for me.
  • vertexguy
    Overall not a bad start. I would suggest not using a graphic for your email at the bottom. It looks too low resolution and the blue color choice against black makes it a little hard to read. There are some formatting issues on your resume page to fix as well. For your work, a lot of the shots look a bit dark and you should ideally show wireframes along with the final shot.
  • Mtg_kirin
    O hey sorry forgot to update here ya go. and ya I got rid of the email bar
  • DLoud
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    DLoud polycounter lvl 15
    I like the layout of the site and the fact that you put your artwork right out there for potential employers. However, your resume needs some work and has some typos in it. Most employers won't look past a single typo in a resume.
  • Mtg_kirin
    ya my spelling and grammar are by far not the best. So I will have someone read over it for me. But thanks for the kind words and the heads up
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