I want a girl, details, lot of detail evrywhere, fantasy things, and some geometric forms and splines. And a leather cloth for the torso and armor for the bottom.
Some hot colors, brown and red (and red purple...), maybe some neon lights, what else... oh! laces... big custom shoes for girl.
Then don't forget cofee, beer, pizza, coca, chips and noddle
I try myself for the concept this time T_T.. Usualy friend draw for me, but this is not accepted in rules...
you're no slouch when it comes to concepting
shit I didn't see all the comments!
About anatomic , I'm best on 3D... I think... Then... but I'll try to do something for correct that.
Full Rez : http://sama.van.free.fr/version4.0/3D/DW/III/
Do you know if this design can be accepted for the rules ("Your character must possess your team's colors and/or your team's insignia")
Full Rez : http://sama.van.free.fr/version4.0/3D/DW/III/
fantastic job, i likes your evolution and your style.
and the wings!! i like the blue purple colour
I'm sorry , can't talk anymore, I drunk lot of beer for my lsst week in France, I'll speak, and post new things tomorrow.
Oh shit my brain is diiing X_X
Thanks again.
Full Rez : http://sama.van.free.fr/version4.0/3D/DW/III/
If you have another sugestions, I take it!
Full Rez : http://sama.van.free.fr/version4.0/3D/DW/III/
maybe g
Great design btw !
I didn't really like your earlier concepts, but now I understand where you're going with this, and it's looking pretty cool. I'm still in too minds about the wings, but I'm liking where it's going!
So, I didn't speak a lot since the beginning and I want explain concept of my ultimate weapon.
I found the idea while painting some hours ago.
The name of this character is not really a name but one title : "Polycount May cry" (yes, it remember this famous Devil May cry, but I like it and it's a little funny...).
The concept is : My ultimate weapon is a women, and you can love the body. But, personnaly, I'm a little affraid about this character, because I think she can give live easily than take your life. Maybe colors attract You, But we don't really know, and we're staying scared of that...
I choose "Polycount May Cry" because I don't know if the character have got eyes, But You can think the helmet (polycount sign) is alive. Then Weapon give die and war, and Helmet is sad.
I don't think work more the 2D concept, next screens wil be 3D progress
Thanks a lot for all comments and your previous help.
Last things, my own inspiration to the end for this color is from asuka111, please check his gallery, this is very interesting!
Full Rez : http://sama.van.free.fr/version4.0/3D/DW/III/
But I still think the helmet looks goofy and out of place. The only reason I like the hair infront of the mask is because it hides the really curvy parts more
I think it would mesh more nicely if you echoed the more sharp style of your other armor bits in the cheek portions and back of the helmet a bit instead of just the swirls and circles. That may give you more room to play with the hair too.
Anyway I'm really lookin' forward to the 3d, man
but you know that already
keep it up!
(though i don't understand the stuff with the song names )
If you pull off the normal mapping it will be sweet, your texturing jobs are always a given.
Cool model man ! I hope to see some normal map now But I can already tell you that your lowpoly model will be a pain in the ass to sculpt in mudbox/zbrush (triangles are the hell )
Japhir : I don't really like to speak a lot then, this is best than nothing at all.
Slingshot & Renaud Galand I don't use normal mal yet... ... But I don't know... I prefer paint first, I'll see if I wat to add that.
<font color="brown"> Granado Espada OST - Supercooled girl - SoundTeMP </font>
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