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the one 3ds max bug to rule them all.

polycounter lvl 18
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dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
*ominous drumming* ever since the unfold map function was introduced into 3ds max.. one bug has bothered me from the day i started using it.
BEHOLD! the one bug to RULE THEM ALL!
the one bug
basically, after using the unfold map on the inner faces of the dial, one vertex "sticks" to the corner.
to fix it, i have to collapse the UVW unwrap down to editable mesh/ convert to editable mesh/ add another uvw unwrap modifier on top/turn off normalize clusters.
all the first options are annoying, and the last option
usually makes the UVs so large it takes more time to zoom out, and scale down the UVs, than to add an additional UVW map into the stack.


  • Mark Dygert
    I've hit this one before using unfold, but I haven't run into since I switched to Max2008 but then it happened often enough for me not to trust unfold and stick to the regular methods of unwrapping. In this case I can't figure out why you wouldn't just use cylinder unwrap?

    I was able to get around it by shutting max down and reopening it then it would be ok without having to do any modifier stack voodoo. I know other artists who had the same issues and said something about resetting Xform before unwrapping would solve it, but I just stopped using unfold instead of trying it out.
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    I've had that too... was wondering if it was some sort of mesh error on my part.. one vert would be stuck to the bottom left corner and be completely unselectable.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    the chief reason i use unfold, is because its very fast, when hotkeyed. whereas it normally takes around 15-20 seconds to get a good UV with cylindrical map, even when hotkeyed,
    while an unfold map barely takes 3 seconds.
    and trust me, this stacks enormously, as i do a LOT of unfolds of cylindrical objects. additionally,cylindrical map is even slower when the cylinders axis is off because it was attached to a larger object, and even after you've spent
    1-2 minutes adjusting the cylindrical UV, you still might get wavy UVWs. i used to have the unfold map macroed to a button, so that whenever i clicked the button,
    it would apply a unwrap UVW, unfold map the selection, and convert to editable mesh, bypassing the whole unfold conundrum. but since max 8, i've been getting error messages with my macro.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    made a small video clip displaying how fast you can be with unfold: http://www.dejawolf.com/tutorials/maxbug/fastuv.avi
    this bug is one of the largest speedbumps in my UVmapping workflow, because unfold has the ability to be even speedier
    than it is now.
  • Rob Galanakis
    Can we see your macro so maybe we can debug it?
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    oh i already had it debugged by some maxscript guru at CGtalk.
    then it worked periodically.
    its nothing special at all, i basically just turned the listener on, and click-dragged the actions into a button.
    worked in max 7, doesn't work in max8.
  • rybeck

    Didn't have access to max 8 (I use max 9), so I cannot be in your shoes exactly. However it had happened to me, and the way around was:
    (1) Unfold mapping with Normalized option 'turned OFF'
    (2) Pack UVs with Normalized option 'turned ON'

    Doesn't have clear explanation behind of this workaround, but it never failed me so far (in max 9)

    Just wondering if you can provide link for your debugged max script. What kind of debug was that for?
  • HarlequiN
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    HarlequiN polycounter lvl 18
    They've fixed it, I just don't know if the fix is pushed out in the general update yet - Work gets special updates on occassion 'cause we're all kissy kissy with Autodesk. The advantage of that relationship is they'll fix things if we can give them specific circumstances that will cause the error - I bitched about this bug a few times, and now it works perfectly, and yes, my unwrapping has sped up by about 40%.

    Don't know if they're planning to release the fix with their next point update (I'm guessing not if they haven't already) or just impliment it in Max 10.

    Rybecks trick is sadly about the closest there is to a decent work around until they release that.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I've never seen this before. The AVI won't open for me, so I can't check it. How are you unwrapping the model? You selecting the main model and applying a unrwap on it?
    That's different from how I do it. I always select the sub-object faces that I want to unwrap, apply a UVMap, then the UVUnwrap.
    When I get home I'll see if I can open your video.. maybe that'll explain more.
  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    applying a UVunwrap to the entire model is how I usually do this. There is a sub-object mode within UVunwrap that lets you select individual elements or faces and unwrap those.

    I don't use the UVmap modifier at all now.

    if you have a series of regular objects - for example a pile of bricks - you can very quickly unwrap them using unfold by just selecting each one and hitting 'unfold'.

    of course I'll usually hit this bug at least once and have to collapse my stack...
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    I've seen that happen a lot. The easiest solution is to unfold as normal (normalized, etc), and then right click -> copy UVs, and then right click - >paste UVs.

    If I remember correctly, it's because it unwraps oddly and sets the W coordinate to something absurdly large that causes it to scale weirdly and not move.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    oh nice, thanks! i think i'll try and make a macro and give it a hotkey!
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