I'm not sure that I ever properly thanked Polycount for being a driving force behind my getting a job in the industry. So R13, Kub and the rest of you thanks for what you do. I know there are quite a few of us who owe our success to Polycount and the people around here. For those of you still trying to break in don't give up and stick around. This place rocks.
Also extra special thanks to Rhinokey. I don't think I would be where I am today without your help, bud. Any of you that have the good fortune to work with this guy use his knowledge to better yourself. I have not met anyone more knowledgeable and more willing to share.
And "yes" I have been drinking tonight, but the sentiment is still there. I love you guys

Johny you were a total prick and I hated you at first but now I think we are pretty good friends and your advice has helped me grow as an artist.
Polycount is the things that dreams are made of.
thanks polycount, without you guys i wouldnt even have that job.
i finally got some normal maps rendered out right and i compared them to my old ones... ok now i undstand what you meant by muddy, nobody could just say it.
edit: also, I blame all of you for my shitty job. Thanks, guys.
without those guys wouldn't have even figured out how to uvw map.
cheers big green
it's worth mentioning to the new guys that this place has been going forever, not just the join dates in our profiles
So, thank you for making this site what it is today and shall be for hopefully a very long time to come.