Well yesterday night was one of those days... I work third shift, and the company I'm at decided to have mandatory overtime, when December start which isn't a big deal unless there really is no point to it. I have been working six days a week for a few weeks, and it seems it catching up with me. Yesterday night I woke up I looked at my watch and thought the date on the thing was Th as in thurdsday. I take out all the trash thinking it's trash day but I'm happy because one I get paid and two one more night until my night off then back to work on Sunday. It's around 1 am and I look at my watch and it reads We as in Wednesday. I'm shocked and think I'm going insane look again in disbelief, hoping I was mistaken or my watch was screwed up. But no it's Wednesday, I was pretty pissed and felt like I was robbed.

I usually try and find the humour in things and while it didn't feel very funny to me my coworkers laughed cause it is kind of funny. That's it, feel free to laugh or make fun, since I still feel pretty stupid about this.

Feel free to share your stupid moment as well.

During a normal slow week, I've found a good remedy is to take a Friday off. Then if feels like having two Sundays, and more work can be completed on Monday. I can't wait to work on a peak hours schedule again.
Unfortunately what they are doing is perfectly legal. You have no protection against forced overtime. If you do not comply they have every right to take disciplinary action.
I'm salaried, but I have an excellent deal with my firm. Everything over 80 hours per pay period is accrued into a discretionary hours pool. I can either use that as vacation or cash it out in 40 hour increments. I work about 60 hours a week, so it adds up. It's not time-and-a-half, but it's something.
I actually find myself asking people what month it is occasionally. I couldn't even tell you what day or date it was without checking. I stopped keeping track mentally years ago for some reason.
Anyhoo, I had fallen asleep on my couch for a nap, thinking I'd wake up in the PM and continue to play my game. So I fall asleep and when I eventually wake up I had it in my head that I had slept the entire night and it was time to go to school. I went up stairs, showered, came downstairs and got dressed. Ran up stairs again (I was in the basement) only to see my family having dinner at the dinner table.... Haha, they were wondering why I had a shower so late.
We've just wound down from a pretty intense crunch, and we usually schedule milestones for Mondays, so we can get everything done by Friday and have the weekend to fall back just in case.
But for this instance we had to meet a deadline that was mid-week, but at this stage I was in the studio from 8:30am until 9:30pm (sometimes 10:30pm) pretty much every day for 2 weeks (also a few odd days prior to those 2 weeks, which is when I got jumped, walking home real late), I would get home, eat, then go straight to bed. So I lost all track of time.
We had a build going out on a Tuesday, but as I was used to having that done on a Friday, I was completely convinced it actually was Friday. Usually on Fridays we finish up early for "beer o'clock" and seeing as it was build cut off at 4pm, it seemed like we had finished early for the day, because we weren't doing any more work. I was so psyched for the weekend then so devastated when people kept reminding me it was only Tuesday.
Good times!
that shit would blur all together untill it was a long march of death. yuk.
(My plan to make it rich on the stock market and then have my own company that works 4 days a week at 6 hours a day and pays everyone really well WILL HAPPEN)
When I was going to college my sleeping was all fucked up do to a slight MMO addiction (Anarchy Online).
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I know a guy who dropped out of college due to his addiction to Anarchy Online. So years later he got a job at Funcom and went back to finish his courses.
when i would get into a heavy crunch, the only way i would even notice the weekends is the amount of traffic on the way to work in the mornings or night.
that shit would blur all together untill it was a long march of death. yuk.
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felt the same on 3rd shift at walmart. saturday and sunday mornings meant a nicer drive home without all the ass heads on the road