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Character Warrior [3dsmax]

polycounter lvl 17
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sama.van polycounter lvl 17

I'm currently finish diffuse of my last character.
I can see on screen something left on knee and maybe two other things, but i'm ready for critic.

Don't hesitate to be bad guy with me, I'll do my best.

On first step this is the diffuse with self illumination to 100%.

On second step I'll try normal map.

If you need more screen of any part or other thing for help to have best critics, tell me ^_^.

Then I wait your critics for futur modifications.

Thanks by advance.

Gorgonzola 3000 is the CharaDesigner



  • TWilson
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    TWilson polycounter lvl 18
    Hey sama.van. Good work! I like the armor detail and style.

    I have a few comments at a glance.
    1. Why not do the normal map first? It can save you work on the diffuse. You can use a displacement map or the NM green channel as an overlay to save you time on the diffuse.
    2. The shorts material is unclear to me. I don't know what they're made of or what the idea is here yet. I think they need more of your loving care.

    Now some nitpicking
    1. The feet are really big! If they stay this long I think they need more high boot shape. Which means the laces would be at a high angle right after the toe similar to a swat or military style boot.
    2. The ethnicity of the face is unclear to me. His eyes seem korean but his chin with the dimple seems european.
    3. The fingers look very rectangular on profile. You must have the geo to define the knuckles more.

    How about a wireframe? How many poly's is he so far?
  • J Randall
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    J Randall polycounter lvl 15
    That guy needs a really big sword. I think its awesome, only thing is his fingernails hurt my eyes, something off about em.

    Good work.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    The fingers/hands seem to be a different skin colour to the face.
    the fingernails are the same colour as the skin on the finers. This is still wip right? cause there are a few other things that dont look quite finished, like those gray circular shapes on the shin armour.

    Youve added alot of the shadow information to the diffuse Im not sure that was necessary if the normal map comes out really well. It looks really nice on 100% self illumunation, good model.
  • zenarion
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    zenarion polycounter lvl 17
    TWilson: If you can have elves in fantasy, you also can have europeans with asian eyes.
    Agree on the shorts tho.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    you also can have europeans with asian eyes.

    [/ QUOTE ]Ooh, a mixed-race man. How fantastical tongue.gif

    I'm inclined to agree with the others - you don't need a normal map on this guy. Just finish the last few little bits of texture into your diffuse and make the skin a little less orange and you'll have a great looking character.
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 17
    No normal map need?

    But I don't understand one thing.
    I never did normal map before, but diffuse and normal don't have same goal, isn't it?
    For exemple Diffuse give life to 3D (sorry this is hard to explain with my english <_<) and normal map is for light render with adding relief on polygon?

    No? I'm false in explication?

    Then if I have good render with diffuse, I can add relief and add new details with normal map?
    For exemple with while a cut scene with a mobile camera, it can be nice to have more detail with light on model.

    Other info I forgot :
    - Polycount is 6550.
    - For wireframe, please wait 5h again, i'm to my compagny for now <_<.
    - You can see old WIP there : http://sama.van.free.fr/community/viewtopic.php?t=24&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
    - I'll show you diffuse too.

    "2. The ethnicity of the face is unclear to me. His eyes seem korean but his chin with the dimple seems european."

    That's funny, at the beginng G3K (gorgonzola 3000) explain me he wants a fusion between Korean and American style.
    For eyes and other things everyones critics I'll try to give best render, I promess.

    Thanks for this help! grin.gif
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    yes! this is small explication !!! laugh.gif
    ur english = very cute

    regardless of the NM u will add, right now ur diffuse makes it looks very ineffective in terms of material and rendering. your older, diffuse-only models were much clearer. in here its only the face and maybe the pants with the long vertical pads that are visually clear. reduce amount of shadows and bright highlights. be more sensitive per material.

    also consider differentiating material colors more, too many radically different materials share the sake haki color.

    you also have some mini-detail random in places. i dont think it works. if u put 1 pixel overlay-detail, u must reach 1 pixel rendering detail (with brush strokes) or it will look out of place. right now ur 1-pix details are more like shadows, low relief, and the highlights are painted with big brush strokes. this relationship should be opposite (if not equal). keep your brush strokes consistent in size all over.

    for suggestion, use the color scheme and natural value contrast of the helmet on the armor of his body, to help clearify what is metal, what is dirty metal, and what is .. not.
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 17
    Then as I said...
    Wireframe + Diffuse



    And an extra...
    On the beginning I did nude character, and I maked all armor parts like "bodypart" method.
    It was a good experience, and I could test lot of new things. crazy.gif

  • Renaud Galand
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    Renaud Galand polycounter lvl 20
    hey, nice one Sama. I can see that you're trying to do something else, which is good !

    My main critic is about the lighting of your diffuse, and that's not the easiest part for sure. atm I've a weird feeling looking at your guy. It looks like you worked on each piece separately, without paying to much attention of the whole thing, we get some areas where the light is obviously on top and on some others where it's not the case. Some parts are also very saturated/lighted and some others not that much, I know that materials aren't reacting to the light the same way, but in your case, it's not working so well to me. A little AO map could definitely help to read the light direction better.
    I guess that you'll go with diffuse-only for this model, so I'd suggest you to avoid black 'n white for highlight and shadows, and maybe some backlight effect well placed here and there to make everything "POP" (c)B1ll.

    Nice work man, keep us updated !
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 17
    If I set self illumiation to 0, active "DX display of Standard Material" and add an omni, it give that :


    Then this night I'll do one little background for this character and an attempt for normal map.
    And after that skinning <_<.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    what per ment is that the most you will acomplish without using a proper workflow to make a normal maped asset is your difuse runed by crazybump or whatever. Even if you sculpt you will loose time since you would have to edit the difuse alot. just finish the difuse of this one and start another char but with normal maps in mind, you wont waste space, and the most you would be learning is how to get frustrated wink.gif
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    yeah honestly you don't need normalmaps, if you really want to create a normalmapped model, you'll have to start it with the workflow in mind.
    Plus your texture has a lot of shading information, which is bad for normalmapping, since most the lighting info is handled by the "normalmap+spec+ingame lighting" combo.

    cool stuff nonetheless
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 17
    Hell, I just see, I didn't post the diffuse -_-.
  • culturedbum
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    culturedbum polycounter lvl 17
    Hey I think this looks great,

    -I agree with most poeple about the boots, and the area on the knee depending on the material it is made of will look weird when animated(as of right now it looks like some sort of plastic to me)

    - I would also recommend a nice lighting bake to make it look more done.

    It looks awesome, have you heard of Benoit Regimbal http://benregimbal.com/ his style is very similar to this. wink.gif
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    I actually thought the skin looked plastic instead...

    Anyways unless you can clean out the excessive shadows painted in...you just might want to use bump instead.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    I really like the version with the omni light smile.gif hey you could try having a specular colour map, that might give you some more lighting detail to play with. You could highlight the scratches and edges of armour and details. Could work well?
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    That guy needs a really big sword.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Then... I did it...
    G3K show me this old 2D concept he did for inspiration. click

    -Sel Illumition : 100%
    - Polycount : 506.
    - Diffuse : 512x256

  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 17
    Trying to add a background.

  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 17
    So 2nd character of this serie/
    I try to do model with more poly and this time use specular map.
    Polycount : 6000

    Source is from a friend, He draw the 2D concept.
    Gorgonzola 3000 source

    So I just finish this model, If you can give some critics it can be good for continu to do my best.
    Thanks to people they already give critics and help me to give best results.
    So, this is the last run, don't hesitate to be bad with me!

    While you critics, I'll do her a weapon and a little background for final screens.

    Last, I had little problem with directX Display, it gives something strange with opacity render. do you know how to correct the problem with 3dsmax8?
    You can see that on specular screens with the pink drape.

    And last question, I wish to know how many time you'll take for do this model?
    It help me to know if I'm a little slow, because this model give me some difficults and lot of time too...

    Thanks by advance.



  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 17
    ooo.gif are you the artist that made the other awesome model too? great i didn't know that :d
    you sure have improved a lot in such a short time-period!
    great stuff man/woman keep it up!

    EDIT: the uv's could have been better, some seams could have been straightened so that painting would become easier and they could be a little more efficient.
  • Kovac
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    Kovac polycounter lvl 18
    Looks great as already stated by others Sama. For consistency sake I'd try to take what you've learned from this second piece and apply it towards the guy you've modeled earlier... the skin being the one that looks greatly improved in detail.

    That is of course if you plan on putting them into a scene side by side.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    personally, I'd like to see all the textures sharpened up a little... they all have a loose water-colory feel to them. the face on the chick, particularly, looks very blurry and low-rez
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    i like that girl, but man, those feet are teh lose.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I'd say use the spec on the armor but not at all on the flesh - it will give you better material contrast.

    "EDIT: the uv's could have been better, some seams could have been straightened so that painting would become easier and they could be a little more efficient."

    Yeah, but he never listened to that one :P BOOO.
    Nice anyways!
  • artstream
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    artstream polycounter lvl 11
    As was already pointed out, you could have probably laid your UVs out a little bit better. But I really like the texture work. But also as previously said, you may want to rework them a bit more to give a metal feel, because it looks like cloth in some areas.
  • soulstice
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    soulstice polycounter lvl 9
    really awesome model man. keep it up!
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 17
    Japhir : Yes I did the other too and I'm a man smile.gif

    Kovac : Yes, to the end they must be together.
    I'll do some modification to the end because I have a third character to do.
    You can see this next on this link.
    And yes I learned a lot with those characters, It's new for me.

    Sectaurs : Then I added this two pictures in incrustation : A B
    and did again all extralight effects, you can see result on this two next screens :



    For the head I can use my work size version, the result is follow, but I must maybe work a little the hair T_T :
    Personnaly I like the 256 version,this isn't a next gen character for me (I don't know if you can accept that...)


    conte : Yup, I reworked on the feet, look at the last screens on top!

    pior : Roooo I did it <_<.
    Then no specular on flesh, medium spec on cloth (because I begin to like that) and high spec on armor.
    I add little point in eyes and little line on lips laugh.gif ...
    Do you know I can try an attempt in UT3 engine? I only see first movies for built background for now.
    I didn't take time yet for import a characters.

    kaoticvisions : Thanks! look at last screens and tell me if you prefer it!

    soulstice : Thanks! and yup I'll do everything for that!

    UV subject : For this model I had a lot of difficults for that.
    I need to respect body part like the warrior character on top, so every diffult was in fact I have some big Uvs element and don't want cut it.
    For rings arround the left leg, I didn't try to deform it without deformation. so it was difficult too for me to find a solution.
    So I did my best, and if you have some ideas or propositions I take all of them!

    So thanks a lot everyone for your help, I just finish her weapon :
    Weapon design of Gorgonzola 3000


    High Res for Kovac smile.gif
  • GoSsS
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    GoSsS polycounter lvl 14
    "Do you know I can try an attempt in UT3 engine? I only see first movies for built background for now."

    Look on pior's website (tutorial section) u'll see how to import a head in the engine wink.gif i think that it works exactly the same way for the other body parts.

    Great character anyways. Armor looks really cool, but all the skin parts are too flat and less interesting than the armor part.
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 17
    Eh GoSsS! You there?
    This afternoon I tried some export in the UT3-Editor. I only work with the weapon for now and learn te material workflow.
    I'll try the character later... I already download the basic skeleton, but I want to do my animation, etc...
    Then I need more time X_X

    If You want there is one topic where Pior already gave some links :

    So, last screen for this character, I'll begin another tomorrow!

    The characters are in the Trocadero and look-at the Effel Tower.
    This happened in coming days....


  • artstream
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    artstream polycounter lvl 11
    I definitely like the reworks better. Reads much more like a metal. The weapon design is also cool, although it's not multi-functional (in the regard that she can only hold it one way without cutting herself :-)
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 17
    New challenger, the Warlock guy tongue.gif.

    Then no next gen things, only polygons (4530) and my diffuse (Bottom : 512x512, Top : 512x512, Head : 256x256)

    Concept 2D by Gorgonzola3000 : http://www.little-big-studio.com/G3K/index.php?showimage=7

    I'm actually doing Setup and skinning for final screens, then I can again do some modification on diffuse!

    And last hing, if you have any informations for this thread it can help me, thanks by advance grin.gif :




  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 17
    really cool! hands are huge on the second though! you sure know how to paint your stuff!
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 17
    Oh! Thanks for your comment Japhir !!

    Then last screens for this character, next will be one creature grin.gif

    >> Main Page <<

    (you can click on pictures for best resolution!)

  • MoR
    you very talented artist. I love textures.
    But I have a some advices to you:
    Make highlight on hair more intensive and sharpenes, like at armour.
    put on shallow noise-layer to skin texture
    Add to knee more thinness.
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 17
    Little women for another amator project.
    We realeazed a little demo this last october, and we took 3 month of hollidays... crazy.gif
    Then for start this news years I did a Bitch NPC (really a bitch, yes...)

    Then I'll be glad to have some tips for have best render... Then if you can take your red pen or you crazy brush for me, it could be very nice!!

    - Polycount : 1550
    - Diffuse : 512x512 (self illu 100) (constraint 1 bit alpha -_-)
    - original concept : here

    Thanks by advance! smile.gif



  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    Something seems wrong to me with her head/eyes. Maybe her eyes are to close together or the head is to long. Also, the back of her knee is a little thick in the side view.

    As always, I love your work!
  • Zephir62
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    Zephir62 polycounter lvl 12
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    That guy needs a really big sword.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Then... I did it...
    G3K show me this old 2D concept he did for inspiration. click

    -Sel Illumition : 100%
    - Polycount : 506.
    - Diffuse : 512x256


    [/ QUOTE ]

    utilize your smoothing groups!
  • bounchfx
    really digging your stuff man
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 17
    High poly on DW3 suck >_<. I want my little low poly back! :_:

    Polycount : 1090

  • Johan Carlsson
    I really like the design of the armor pieces from her hips and up :] Her armored leg doesn't really look that appealing to me though. Looks a little too much like a tube with pointy segments. Feet could have a bit more shapes on them aswell, but other than that, I really like the last girl :] Great job!

    Oh, and the design do remind me a little of some of the designs seen in the MMO "The Saga of Ryzom" if you ever played it :]


    Oh, and that last one just popped up! Gotta praise you for his hair, and your other characters hair :) Looks good!
  • Rens
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 17
    Another one!

    - Polycount : 1090
    - Diffuse : 512x512 (self illu 100%)

  • Monochrome
    Looks like the guildwars dude.
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 17
    Hop 3 new little characters!

    Arround 2 days of work by character... I think less... Maybe one.

    Reedit : 3rd character : oh shit haha the beard on the neck is not finish and the polycount is 1020 -__- sorry for that... I'll do that tomorrow T_T



  • AsylumSeaker
    You're a machine, dude. Keep pumpin em out.

    Love the texturing style you have.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Woah LOTS!! Cool to see you're going forward with DC.
    Your latest textures seem to be less clean than your usual ... maybe a case of laptopitude? I noticed this look a few times on textures being worked on laptops, since these screens are s much brighter and used so close.

    Also you might want to ease out the shadow on that boys neck - game shading will take care of that area, giving it enough shape.

    C'est marrant tes derniers modeles rappellent le style Sega/arcade a l'epoque Shenmue et House of the dead...
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 17
    very cool! you ARE a machine :P. all the hands need some palm-meat.
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    I like it a lot! The toes are a bit off, but otherwise good job man.

    /edit - I live in the past, looks like you found the solution to the opacity problems :P
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    very nice work dude, and yeah i was about to say the same thing as pior, reminds me of the old sega arcade/dreamcast age, back then when sonic was still cool
  • kinikuR6
    your texturing skills are awesome! Keep up the great work!
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