agree on the environment concept, nice mood and atmosphere. the effect of reflection in that shallow trench of water was pulled off really nicely, though it's obvious in my mind that the reflections aren't accurate...but still an impressive effect. i think the facial anatomy in your concepts and on your untextured model seems more what you should go for. the texture doesn't match the structure of your model, the cheeks are the most glaring issue i see as they extend way too low. looks like an interesting piece, good luck on it.
great stuff!
adjust your brushes to the atmospheric perspective. u'r using the same small brush for something really far and something really close, and the far stuff in this frame really doesn't require much detail anyway. trying going for one color per plane, and use as less brush strokes as you possibly can to.
Fun Buildings! One thing the models (and concept) are lacking is a foundation. A small, stone border around the base of everything will really help it go a long way. You can build these up higher too, if you like. Get crazy with it.
adjust your brushes to the atmospheric perspective. u'r using the same small brush for something really far and something really close, and the far stuff in this frame really doesn't require much detail anyway. trying going for one color per plane, and use as less brush strokes as you possibly can to.
I've got 3D stuff now! it all very wip so crits are a massive help at this stage
Fun Buildings! One thing the models (and concept) are lacking is a foundation. A small, stone border around the base of everything will really help it go a long way. You can build these up higher too, if you like. Get crazy with it.