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I just got jumped



  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    Id like to punch a few of u in the face for sure.
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    The whole palm to nosebone into brain = death thing is a myth. It can't happen. With three on one odds, you're best odds are running. I wouldn't even think of trying to pull a weapon if these guys were already on you. Even a gun. At close range, you may shoot one of them before you are tackled and the weapon is taken away and used against you.

    I teach martial arts, have fought full contact competitions, and have fought three on one before. It's still not pretty even if you're a big tough, well trained fighter. If you're not, no secret dim mak death touch trick will save you. Give up your shit and/or run.

    Avoidance is the best self defense. Around here, it amazes me that I see folks hopping off the bus in a questionable area, just zoning off and bopping along to their Ipod. They are begging to be a target. Avoid bad neighborhoods if you can. If you can't, just make sure you walk down a busy street, and not down some side street where several guys are just hanging out for no good reason.

    If you are stuck in an area where a suspicious person seems to be approaching you, cross the street. If he seems to be following, just take off at a brisk jog, or duck around a corner and take off at a sprint. Who gives a fuck if you just seem to be in a hurry, right? Even if it's not a thug following you, you just get to your destination faster. In any case, keep your head on a swivel and be aware of suspicious people. If you see some, start lining up escape routes and be ready to bolt.
  • Uly
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    Uly polycounter lvl 17
    Fucking sucks. Second what Ryno said.
    But often, the worst part about this shit is the paranoia that can ensue.
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    [ QUOTE ]
    Id like to punch a few of u in the face for sure.

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  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    that is aweful. frown.gif

    worst Ive had is my dad with a knife to his throat in front of me in cape town. I couldnt do anything but pray.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    I wonder how the victim's doing ?
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    Jesus, a discussion about what to do if someone jumps you? ... Everybody, and I mean everybody, is going to do what comes naturally in the moment. Whether that's to leg it, lie down and gibber, go windmilling in, or pull the gun or knife that you casually carry with you (brrrrr), any "advice" is going to get you nowhere when it happens.

    I could be talking absolute bollocks of course, I'm incredibly good at avoiding all trouble and danger
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    That sucks casey. Count your chickens though. You could be a lot worse off. As I'm sure most people here have too at one point or another in their lives, I studied various martial arts back in the UK, and even the toughest, scariest south London street savvy 6th dan uber nutter bastards that I knew will tell you to just fucking run. They avoided any kind of a violent situation at all costs. Of course, in your case a swift punch to the face will have stunned you and hindered your ability to make a swift getaway, but in general that's definitely the best course of action where possible. To just get the fuck away.
    Where I usually go to the movies, a couple of nights ago some kid decided someone else was moving too slowly on the escalator, and following a quick argument promptly shot him dead:


    You just never know what kind of a scumbag you're dealing with. It only takes a split second to make a wrong decision, and its all over, the fat lady is well and truly singing. Glad you're OK.
  • animatr
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    animatr polycounter lvl 18
    damn Daz, that's fucked up. sad article.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Especially if they're affiliated with crime groups...
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    wtf... good to hear your all right.
  • demoncage
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    demoncage polycounter lvl 18
    been there a couple times, never a good feeling. but don't milk that story for too long. try to get jumped or in a fight at least once a month or you won't get laid by drug addicted whores with low self-esteem.

    glad to hear you are alright, relax and heal up.

    p.s. by the way, wasn't trying to be an ass. seriously that sucks. take it easy.
  • greenj2
    That really sucks, but glad to hear you're ok.

    I'd say you made all the right moves given the situation, even if they were just reflex reactions.

    Take it easy bro, you know you've got plenty of mates around Melbourne to talk to if you want to catch up over your long weekend. wink.gif
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    be steven seagal. problem solved.

    glad you weren't seriously maimed
  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
    Totally sucks dude.....

    at least you got of better than Pitch did....
  • aniceto
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    aniceto polycounter lvl 19
    thread too long, didn't read. Sorry if I'm repeating anything

    that sucks a fat one dude.

    Ive been jumped twice before in my high school years. never again!
    I find the best way to avoid confrontations is to just be aware of your surroundings, watch and listen to the people around you and make deliberate moves to avoid anyone(or any place) that looks sus.
    Anyone that's been to the Belco interchange here in Canberra would recognise the body language people use when they're gearing themselves up for a fight smile.gif

    Another benefit of being aware(and at least appearing to be) is looking like a "hard" target. but its all relative, you just have to look like a harder target than the guy standing next to you wink.gif The worst you could do is walk around with your earphones in and your head down.

    carrying any sort of weapon is illegal here in oz, the most you can get away with is a pen.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Damn, that sucks. Glad to hear you made it out alive.

    When I was younger and living in San Antonio, I used to be the kind of insane person that didn't give a shit about anything and I'd gladly fight or take on anyone who tried to give me shit. One time some asshole tried to pick a fight with a friend and I on the highway on our way to Hooters. We pulled the car over in the middle of the road, got out with no shirts on, and started walking towards his car with big ass hammers. He took off right before we had to break his legs, but now that I look back on the tons and tons of times I've done shit like that, I think to myself, "How the fuck did I not get killed?" Now that I have a girlfriend (who is practically my wife:p) that I really care about, I would advise anyone, including myself, to just take off running or to give in when getting mugged. I have never been mugged myself, but if I did I know theres a good chance that even though I carry weapons with me, this dude has thought it out and probably has his already out or just waiting in an easy to grab spot.

    I have to say though, if I saw the opportunity, I might stab a dude who is trying to jump me. Can't really say though, as that is kind of an impulsive thing.
  • indian_boy
    a friend of mine got mugged on nov 6th.
    in wat ppl think are 'so safe a neighbourhood' [just behind don mills collegiate institute in toronto, if u wanna know]. the guy is pretty tough, and he was wit a friend who can frickin pull off aerials without any forward momentum, or do that other crazy ass shaolin shit... and they were both completely clueless about wat to do.

    so when u DO get jumped, u hardly ever know what to do.
    i remember the 1st time i was attacked, i was lucky to have an 'experienced' friend near me.

    but ey. the ultimate thing:
    at least your alright.
    thats what matters most.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    WHOA! 3 page thread! None of my threads ever get this long! Should get jumped more often!
    Thanks for the all tips/advice/humour, guys. Usually I always look out for what's going on, because it is a bit of a sketchy area. I always look at the shadows cast by the street lights (sometimes they cast a few metres ahead, so I can see if I'm being followed), and when I do cross the road I always look back to see if there's anyone else behind me. But regardless of all that, being attacked side on without having time to react is something I couldn't really be too prepared for. Then just as I was about get the upper hand, I got a second dude attack me.

    Definitely from now on, I'll just be avoiding anyone and everyone on my way home. Regardless of what they want.

    Update of my condition:
    Some of the swelling has gone down, yet around my eye and near my nose has puffed up a fair bit making it really uncomfortable.
    A few bruises have popped up in areas I hadn't even known I got hit in, it seemed like my head and my face was pretty much their target.

    [ QUOTE ]
    You might want to see if the police or your phone service can track your phone by its id #, as I think every phone has one.

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    I have a pre-paid simcard, and a I bought the phone from an online store, so I guess I can't really rely on Vodafone tracking anything down. Which sucks. Though I can probably call Nokia and get them to put out an IMEI block on my phone so it would render it useless.
    Still worth investigating though.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Also, get some ice on your face to keep any swelling down.

    Go to a doctor, damage from fights/vehicle accidents some times don't show up right away and you may get 'hit' by a new pain in a couple of weeks. There could also be long-term damage, a trip to the doctors is a good thing.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I've had ice on it all night, and have more ice on it now. It has kind helped, but I'm sure it'll heal quickly as the days go passed.
    As for seeing a doctor, that's a good point. I might do a visit some time today. Thanks, Adam.

    [ QUOTE ]
    always walk home past the supermarket because its the 'safeway':)

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    HAHAHA! Lame! But funny all the same. It hurts to laugh frown.gif

    [ QUOTE ]
    Totally sucks dude.....

    at least you got of better than Pitch did....

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Hahaha, and thank fuck for that!

    Per, <3

  • ironbearxl
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    ironbearxl polycounter lvl 18
    Glad you survived, hope they eventually catch those cowards. On the bright side, you now have a reason to buy brand spanking new art supplies. ;D
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18
    Man that sucks, problem with fighting back is he/they might have a blade/gun/"insert weapon here" and make a bad situation even worse.

    Glad to know you're ok, hope you'll have a quick recovery.
  • Smirnoffka
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    Smirnoffka polycounter lvl 17
    Wow, how did I miss this.

    Was it Lebs, Wogs or just ferals?

    Ah fuck em, those cowards have to live with the fact that they have to get 3 guys to punch on an innocent bystander just to make a few bucks. In the end, you have a living because you are talented, and they will just end up in Jail.

    I know the injustice of it all can get to you, but don't get to rilled up. In the end, you have no chance of catching them and renvenge is not as good as it sounds. The world has its own way of dealing with jackasses like this. My guess is they will die of an overdose on the drugs they buy with your money.

    On a completely different note, I'll be in Melbourne mid-late december, would like to catch up for a beer or six. Jackablade and any other Aussies in the area if they are keen too.

    Glad you are okay.

    EDIT: Now you look a bit like the guy in your avatar. ......Maaaaaaybe you should change that, bad omen, dontchaknow.
  • monkeyboy_garth
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    monkeyboy_garth polycounter lvl 9
    Shit, man, that's terrible Casey. Sorry to hear it, but glad that you're not too badly hurt. It's a real shock to the system when stuff like that happens. It's hard to believe that there are people around that could do that. That wouldn't happen in Adelaide wink.gif
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    feel for you man

    I had this happen in bristol, but managed to run off.

    you did the right thing though, not point getting serious for what is essentially just stuff. Stuff can be replaced, you on the other hand, can't.

    Smirnoffka: erm, "wog" is what in Oz?
  • Smirnoffka
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    Smirnoffka polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    That wouldn't happen in Adelaide wink.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Uhhhh.... You guys have the Jokers. Yeah, that would happen.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    hawken, a 'wog' is a term generally used towards people of (but not limited to) a European Ethnic origin. Its kinda hard to explain really, though it has become more of a genre of people. You probably wouldn't get them in Japan I guess. But the best way to understand is to watch the film "The Wog Boy" starring Nick Giannopoulos.

    Smirnoffka, it was a bunch of white guys from what I can remember. I only really saw one dude and it wasn't that clearly either.
    Let us know when you're down in Melbourne, I'm sure we can do a Polycounter meet-up one time.
    As for the avatar, I'll probably just change the avatar to the pic of myself.

    I just managed to get a replacement sim card and some cheap piece of shit Nokia to hold me until I can get a better one. I was surprised to see that I still had all my credit intact and I even got a few texts from last night.
    IPods are getting cheaper too, so that won't be too hard to replace, not sure if I should opt for the 80GB or the 160GB or maybe even get one of those new iPod Touch.

  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    apple are sinking to new lows to get people buying their new iPods
  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    Hey Casey,

    I don't know if its inappropriate to jump into this thread with my own story, but thought i could give you some insight with a shared experience. I got jumped the day before new years last year by 3 guys, they stole my wallet and watch and cell phone, and broke one of my ribs when I tried to fight back.
    I did manage to land a couple good hits on one guys jaw before I ran away. I ended up having someone call the cops and the cops managed to arrest the one guy who happened to have all my stuff (lucky!). The court date was about 2 months ago and he was sentenced to one weekend in jail, and a year and a half of probation, meaning if he gets in trouble with the law at all he will be put in the slammer for a year. I was super pissed about the judge's decision, but I plan on filing a civil suit to try and win some money.
    Since it happened though, I completely changed my life path. I quit my mediocre corporate job and have decided to go back to school and try to become a doctor. Its something that I wanted to do secretly in the back of my head, but was too scared and doubted myself because everyone said its too hard. So far so good, kicking ass and getting As (mostly! :P).

    I do try and stay out of sketchy looking guys' ways now. I do feel however that I could explode with rage and kill a man with my bare hands, but you never know, he could have backup or a weapon. I also had intense feelings to get revenge, like to stalk the guy and try to hurt him, but then i thought, you know, his life is already awful, my life is so much better, why bother getting involved with this scum trash. So you gotta be careful, stay out of troubles way, and run as fast as you can. You only got one life to live, its not worth losing it over some material possessions.

    I wish you the best and I hope the cops end up catching those douche-bags.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    jesus fucking CHRIST !
  • Mark Dygert
    [ QUOTE ]
    WHOA! 3 page thread! None of my threads ever get this long! Should get jumped more often!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You obviously hired someone to kick your face in just to break the 3 page barrier... laugh.gif

    oh shit steady that's messed up, both your face and the story. Glad to hear you're doing ok now. At least you got your stuff back and some small amount of justice. I doubt you'll get any money from the guy, even if you win the courts are notorious for letting people who don't actually have the cash skate along without paying even small amounts over time. Good thing you didn't track him down and do something because while he might not have much to give you, you can bet your lucky boxers that he would sue your ass in a heart beat, have a case and win. For dead beats the court system is easy to shake for an honest joe not so easy.
  • kipiripi
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    kipiripi polycounter lvl 17
    Sorry to hear that casey.but glad you are ok.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    happy days, chicks dig scars!

    plus, i was wondering where my friend got all his new art supplies and ipod....

    naw, dude that's awful frown.gif got no real advice except try not to be a victim i guess, and if it looks like you're gonna get a pounding, try to make them all scared by taking them all on at once, i know plenty of people who've gotten out of a beating by making the other group think "shit he's crazy to take us all on".

    it's a hit or miss strategy, but if you're gonna get beat anyway, might as well go down fighting eh?

    of course, that only applies if you can see everyone at once frown.gif

    i've been on the recieving end of a similar beating, society blows chunks, so while i can't legally carry a knife with me, i do usually have a rolled up newspaper up my sleeve (thrust with a tightly rolled paper will break ribs...)
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    wow, sorry to hear that! good thing your ok though. Best thing is to run. I had some morons try and gank me back when I lived in la and I ran around a corner and some phat ass cops were luckily chillin in the burger king parking lot. No shame in running if you live to see another day. laugh.gif
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Well I'm back at work and just purchased a replacement iPod, a new sketchbook, mechanical pencil and kneadable eraser. But on my desk I found this book waiting for me with a sticky note saying "Hope you're feeling better Dude! heart symbol Pitch + John".
    HAHAHA, assholes!

  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Hopefully the iPod those guys mugged from you was a replaced obsolete model lol.

    Anyways glad you're getting back on track.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Sorry that happened, glad it didn't get worse. Man some people are scum, they will get what's coming to them.
  • HandSandwich
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    HandSandwich polycounter lvl 19
    Man, fuck these guys! I been jumped before and over a goddamn dollar. I say we round up a posse and roll out! Oh yeah, glad to see you're safe, man. And with your wallet no less blush.gif
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    Glad to hear you're alright, I'm hoping there isn't anything too irreplaceable in the sketchbooks. As for the other stuff, if you have any information on the phone they stole, you may be able to get the phone company to permanently deactivate it. Hope the doctor's visit goes well also.
  • Slipstream
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    Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
    Damn, that's sucks dude. Hope you're feeling better soon
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    All Polcounters should now try and travel in packs to avoid these issues...I personally think it's the fair way to go.
  • Rob Galanakis
    You should level up before heading into dangerous areas. I hope you didn't lose your XP.

    I lived in a very sketchy area back East before I moved to beautiful Redmond, and commuted to college in Crooklyn... I'm always ready to give a swift crotch kick or throat punch and high-tail it whenever I feel even mildly threatened or think I'm about to be approached by anyone in an uncrowded area and/or late at night... oh well, live and learn. At least the muggers in Brooklyn are nice about it, just walk up behind you/jump out in front of you with a knife, tell you to give them your wallet and pockets, take whatever and run off (and surprisingly often even leave your wallet after taking your cash)... know a dozen people mugged around my alma mater but no one jumped. Just unlucky dude. Nothing you can do, you did the right thing. Feel better.
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