On my walk home from the train station tonight, I was jumped 3 guys. Initially I only saw one of them and he had asked me for the time. So I grabbed my phone to check and as I looked up, all I saw was a fist to the face!
The next thing I know, I'm down on the ground and the guy is kicking me, so I start kicking back. I figure, okay, cheapshot but I think I can take this one guy. I went to get up when I was attacked from behind as well. The second guy had me in a headlock and was dragging me backwards while punching my face and yelling at me to give up my phone.
I gave that up and just curled up into a ball and covered my face, copped a few kicked. Then they asked me to give up my backpack which had my iPod in it, my sketchbooks, some clothes, all my drawing gear (markers, pencils, fine liners). I gave that up and then they ran off. I was lucky to be able to get up and walk away. I still had my house/studio/car keys and my wallet and a nice swollen face and bloody nose.
Here's a pic, will take another one tomorrow. I'm sure it'll be more bruised by then.
The pic doesn't really do the pain much justice.

On the bright side... 4 day long weekend :P
Can't wait to see the monstrosity my face will become tomorrow morning, hahaha!
Oh.. and my teeth feel funny.
next time Down , Foward + Punch there asses
man thats really bad what happened. hope you feeel better soon.
Don't bring blades unless you know how to use it without getting your self in trouble.
....not to sound minority..but its good to alway have a knife or something on you in troublish areas.
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You are a cock.
Yeah don't take a knife. If you don't know how to use one it can just back fire on you. Even an expandable baton can be bad news.
No one else was around to witness?
Glad to see you are still alive though. That is what is important. Sometimes these jack ass thugs shoot or stab people over dumb shit.
I'm not a big fan of fighting, so I wouldn't carry a weapon with me. If anything, I think it just asks for trouble.
Jesse, I don't think there was anyone around to witness. Its kind of a shortcut route home where I walk through a bit of a sketchy and lesser travelled area. I'll be sure to walk the main roads from now on.
I am finding more lumps and sore areas all around my face and head. Its so whack, I still can't believe it happened. Its just so surreal and you never think it'll happen to you, until it does.
Just annoyed that I just got a new phone to replace my last one. Looks like I'm getting another one.
About to head off to sleep now (if I can get to sleep).
Thanks once again, guys.
Couple things...
-A swift punch or 'chop' to the throat and you've bought yourself a couple minutes of running time.
-The crotch works too.
Also, get some ice on your face to keep any swelling down.
Go to a doctor, damage from fights/vehicle accidents some times don't show up right away and you may get 'hit' by a new pain in a couple of weeks. There could also be long-term damage, a trip to the doctors is a good thing.
You could always give them the palm uppercut. Where you basically punch the guy on the bottom of his nose in an upward motion, with your palm. I've heard it can actually be fatal though done a specific way, so maybe it's not the best idea. But that would certainly teach that guy a lesson.
All seriousness, I hope somehow the cops are able to find them, and those pricks can at least get what's coming to them, if not get your stuff back too
why does there have to be people that think violence is the answer to everything? ugh.
sorry to hear that man. Glad to hear you're okay aside from a few bruises.
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Haha, and here some of us are giving violent ways to get out of these situations. Albeit, some situations you simply cannot talk your way out of.
sorry to hear about that, caseyjones. It could have been a lot worse, glad to hear you're doing "alright."
next time, dont awnser to something like that by reaching for a sellphone, dont let that bring your guard down. plus when you travel in those conditions, keep an eye open and survey the area
per, well said xD
-If you were to have a baton/pipe/large heavy blunt object on you and were able to 'play the part' one thing that worked for me is to say something like, "You can resta-fucking-sure that if this is happening, right here tonight, I'm taking a couple of you with me." Sounds lame, and corny, but its saved my ass twice already.
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but its good to alway have a knife or something on you in troublish areas
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In the time it takes you to say "Oh hold on mr mugger while I fumble around in my bag for a knife and my note card of cleaver things I should say". You've been whacked on the head and are waking up pantsless in an alley. Hopefully with only a few bruises. Even a novice mugger will whack you on the back of the head before talking to you, these guys sound like beginners. You might want to change up your route because they might be camping the same spot(s). Sorry to hear you got popped in the face, and lost your stuff. I'm glad you're ok tho
Practice with me.
"do you have the time?"
"no, do you have a buck I can barrow I'm hungry"
I love the guys recommending knives and ancient asian pressure point techniques. How many physical confrontations have you guys been in? Even when totally sober, calm and focused you'll be damn lucky to hit the guy exactly how and where you want to. So, when you're lying on the ground with 3 guys coming at you, your pulse racing from the unexpected shock of being knocked down, confused as hell, yeah, that's the perfect moment for using the instant-paralysis jackals-claw technique you saw demonstrated in some manga cartoon.
On top of that, guys who make a living out of knocking people around are most likely going to be far better than you at fighting, and pretty good at picking a target that won't be a match for them.
Not to mention that they have something to fight for, and you don't. Even when you beat a guy up, you are fucked up afterwards. Your hands hurting, clothes all ripped, bleeding, someone gouged your eye out, gonna be on sick leave for 2 weeks, for what?
Just leg it, the guys won't bother to take after you, they'll just find someone else. As for the pussies with the lame advice, I'm going to knock your teeth out. Tomorrow. Behind school. Be there.
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Hopefully this wasn't towards me: Knock to the throat has worked a number of times for me and I wouldn't recommend something that hasn't. And it's only something to do preemptively, before running. Which I also already recommended.
Glad that worked for you Adam but if you really hurt a thug and his buddies are in the bushes expect 3x the force hitting your throat or worse.
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Last I'll say as to not start some sort of quibble.
...and you've bought yourself a couple minutes of running time.
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...And it's only something to do preemptively, before running. Which I also already recommended.
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Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run.
I live in Texas, and personally, if I am carrying my gun with me (and yes it is legal to do so in Texas with a license) I don't think I would hesitate in pulling it on them. Especially if I am with my wife. My family comes before scum like that. And I think calling people "Pussies" for having the mindset that they would DEFEND themselves from people like that is uncalled for.
Just don't jump me on the street, and we'll all be winners!
this is why I don't go outside
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hahahaha, made me laugh!
about that karate tips and weaponery i'd just forget about it unless you are really good at those.
I told my wife we have two totally different ways of looking at life; she thinks everywhere is Mayberry, and I think everywhere is Iraq.
The wife and I were at the pharmacy walking to the car, and some bum walked up and started walking towards us about to ask us something and, before he got to close, I just said, "no". He got all pissy, and said, "well, I'll find someone who DOES give a damn".
The dude may have just wanted the time, or a ride, or some spare change, but I really don't give a shit. Seriously, keep your distance, please, if I don't know you.
It kills me when people ask to see your baby, too. "Oh, she's so beautiful, can I hold her?" Are you fucking retarded?! No, you can't hold her. How 'bout I bite you face off like a mother lion. Jeez.
1) Announce: "That's not a knife. THIS is a knife".
2) Pull out your bowie knife.
if you happen to be some kind of trained fighter or milatary weapons expert.. then try fighting back if you feel like it.. normal people.. just drop the shit and run. its always easy to envision that double back flip dropkick in your head,, but usualy it don't work out so good.
[/ QUOTE ] It's always a nice treat when you disable yourself for your mugger...
Oh hold on while I stretch, here hold this... HEY where are you going with my stuff!? I was going to kick your ass!
Im still for the down , foward+ punch thing myself