Thanks for taking the time to read this thread, hopefully you can either help me out, learn something yourself, or both. Using the XSI 6 Mod Tool, I'm working on getting my own character into Source's Face Poser so that I will be able to have full facial control and I'm SOOOOO close but not quite there. Basically, my facial control sliders are working but I can't get the head controls to do anything.
The specific controls that don't work are:
head_rightleft, head_updown, and head_tilt.
However these controls do work:
head_forwardback, body_rightleft, and chest_rightleft
To me it seems like all of the above controls would be grouped together and if some of them are working then all of them should be working. Unfortunately, not the case.
My .QC file is basically the same as Male_06 with the exception of this line:
$include ../male_animations_sdk/WeaponAnims_shared_sdk.qci
I got an error with this line so I removed it because I don't plan on using any of the Weapons Animations. It doesn't seem like the head controls would be included in WeaponAnims anyway.
Here's my .QC file in it's entirety: (this forum changed all the quotation marks into " )
Janna for Facial Animation - Eye setup done - facial expressions done
$modelname \Janna_Facial\Janna.mdl
$cdmaterials models\Janna
//start eye/face data
$eyeposition 0 0 70
// head controllers
$attachment "eyes" "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1" 0.0095 -2.0263 67.8878 absolute
$attachment "mouth" "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1" 1.00 -6.30 0.00 rotate 0 -80 -90
$model Skeleton "Janna_reference_facial2.smd"{
eyeball righteye "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1" -1.2835 -2.0263 67.9011 "eyeball_r" 1 4 "pupil_r" 0.63
eyeball lefteye "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1" 1.3026 -2.0263 67.8878 "eyeball_l" 1 -4 "pupil_l" 0.63
eyelid upper_right "Janna_expressions_facial2" lowerer 1 -0.2142 neutral 0 0.2142 raiser 2 0.2686 split 0.1 eyeball righteye
eyelid lower_right "Janna_expressions_facial2" lowerer 3 -0.2732 neutral 0 -0.2251 raiser 4 -0.0782 split 0.1 eyeball righteye
eyelid upper_left "Janna_expressions_facial2" lowerer 1 -0.2142 neutral 0 0.2142 raiser 2 0.2686 split -0.1 eyeball lefteye
eyelid lower_left "Janna_expressions_facial2" lowerer 3 -0.2732 neutral 0 -0.2251 raiser 4 -0.0782 split -0.1 eyeball lefteye
mouth 0 "mouth" "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1" 0 1 0 // mouth illumination
flexfile "Janna_expressions_facial2" {
$include "../standardflex_xsi.qci"
$include "../facerules_xsi.qci"
$include "../bodyrules_xsi.qci"
//end eye/face data
$include "../standardhierarchy.qci"
$alwayscollapse "Janna"
$alwayscollapse "XSISceneRoot"
$proceduralbones "../male.vrd"
$pushd "../male_animations_sdk"
$include "../male_shared_XSI_sdk.qci"
$include "../body_poses_lean.qci"
$include "hitbox.qci"
$include "ragdoll.qci"
Do you see anything wrong with it? Am I missing something that should be in there?
Ok, here's some strange and confusing things I've noticed while working on this problem:
-Why are the head and body controls even part of the flex sliders? It seems that the head movements would be skeletal animation and not vertex animation. I can't even imagine how difficult it would be to create the head movements by manipulating vertex points. Damn near impossible.
-Inside the Model Viewer under the Sequences tab there are several head and body sliders which actually DO work (head_yaw, head_pitch, head_roll). But then when I go into the Sequences tab (or anywhere else really) in Face Poser they're not there. This seems really stupid because Face Poser is where all the work and exportation is done from, where I need those sliders to be. Am I just missing these sliders or are they really not there?
-On the default Half-Life 2 characters the head flex sliders don't work in the Model Viewer but they do work in Face Poser. In Model Viewer they just sit there, doin nothin'. Freakin' lazy flex sliders.
So, can anyone help me out here? Have you gotten the head controllers to work on your own character in Face Poser? Do you know someone who has?
Any and all ideas, solutions, suggestions, examples and general feedback are tremendously appreciated! (if you help me out I will credit you in my project...if it ever gets finished). Thanks a lot for your time, interest, and help!!