Is coming out tomorrow, anyone going to pick it up?
I have mine paid off, however I don't think I want to wait until 10 am so I'll probably just go to meijer tonight and buy it and play all night

This is also the first Guitar Hero with online play, so that means battles! bahaha!
The guitar hero website ( also has tons of new features including tournaments and tour groups, as well as (of course) leaderboards.
If anyone is interested we can get a Polycount tour group up as well and rock out.
I'm just excited that Killswitch Engage is in there.
My gamertag is leesauce if anyone wants to play later.
and yeah. the metal gives major cramps.
Going now to cancel my GS pre-order and get my cash back since I just called meijer and they say they have some in stock for midnight.
It's gonna be a bitch going through the entire game again tonight but whatever, I want to have dragonforce beaten day one
Kinda pissed because the controller isn't exactly all I hoped for. I love the shape, the buttons are good, strum bar is fine.. but no support for Play & Charge kit? Seriously?
That's not even the worst problem.
My biggest gripe is not only does my blue button choose when it wants to function most of the time, but Star Power is completely random, and usually goes off instantly without my consent or control. Extremely annoying, but at least I won't be trying to 5* everything here like the last games thanks to a little game called Rock Band coming out soon... Either way.. very disappointing and I hope they will work with me to resolve these issues and get me a new guitar, or maybe the problems will clear up themselves.
Fun game though, they did a great job. Except for the social distortion song which is terrible and should not be in the game.
Oh, and the fact that you CANNOT (at least, currently) play The Devil Went Down To Georgia in quick play or co op, which is so bogus I can't even comprehend why unless it's to make another buck off the consumer who already paid for the song.
EDIT: Just did a battle (tom morello) and not even the BACK/SELECT button works (which is supposed to deploy star power)... this is not even cool anymore. at all. unplayable.
Love the videos between the venues in career, those are awesome.
Also, why do the notes and the fretboard look nothing like they did in the demo I got off Live? Is it unlockable or something? I checked in the store and I couldn't find anything to buy that would unlock it. I liked the new look 100x more than the old one.
Also, is it just me or did they do a pretty shitty job on the note charts this time around? It goes out of sync a lot of the time, which makes it really difficult when you're playing to the beat/rhythm of the song but the notes tell you differently. Reminds me of the custom versions of GH2 for PS2 that people made.
Also, where the fuck is Bret Michaels? I heard he even got removed from the PS2/Wii version completely.
Kind of disappointed to be honest.
The notes and fretboard also look exactly like the demo. you are insane.
Bret Michaels is the singer in his own songs.
Main problem I'm having now is beating Dragonforce - Through the Fire and Flames on Expert, because I can't use star power is pretty much impossible. Argh. gonna try again later tonight. I've gotten around 70-80%.
And the fucking online doesn't even work. I tried to join a match about 10 times and each time it would say Connection Failed. It seems that everyone else gets the same error.
Piece of shit.
Also, is it just me or did they do a pretty shitty job on the note charts this time around? It goes out of sync a lot of the time, which makes it really difficult when you're playing to the beat/rhythm of the song but the notes tell you differently. Reminds me of the custom versions of GH2 for PS2 that people made.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think that was probably the benefit of having Harmonix, a game dev studio full of musicians, developing it versus having just about anyone else do it. The founders of Harmonix are grads from MIT, you know. I remember when I was at Liquid we were working on the prototype for what eventually would become GH and has now become Rock Band. They were total sticklers for having the visual queues dead on with the beat of the music. They were a total pain in the ass to work with but I can now see how their attention to detail paid off.
I'm pretty sure with Activision buying Red Octane and taking the reigns on GH we will pretty much see this franchise go the way of Madden; Yearly releases with a steady decline in quality. I'll save my $$ for Rock Band instead.
If this is "Legends" then where is Kieth Richards, Clapton, Eddie Van Halen, Angus Young, Stevie Ray, etc. as playable characters or extra bosses? Oh and we can't get one Hendrix song on the entire "Legends" game?
Those are about my only gripes thus far.
After a while you'll get used to it and can switch up and down the fret buttons without even thinking.
The trick is to move your fingers down 1 fret button. So for me, my fingers are on red, yellow, blue, and orange. I then use my index finger for green and red. This was how I learned to get the hang of including the 5th button.
After a while you'll get used to it and can switch up and down the fret buttons without even thinking.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah I think my trial and errors were leading me that way, it's a shame all of the button memory from easy and medium will be out of the window, considering my home position was the first 4 buttons.
Oh well just means more practice!
I learned to play with Frets on Fire and Guitar Freaks before giving in and Picking up Guitar Hero II
My arm hurts so much
Any tips?!
I'm picking up the orange button pretty good. After a few issues in tier 1 I shot right up to tier 5 without too many issues on hard mode. Some of the stuff just kicks my ass. I've seen a lot of ppl say this game isn't very kind to newcomers in the franchise, but I'm loving it and toughing it out!
If you get a whammy and a double note, use that on his tremolo picking after your second powerup. if you get anything else, use it to disrupt his power up collecting, then just battle it out until the last minute or two of the song when it starts doing the triple strums again, if you get that far they practically hand feed you power ups, just make sure you get all those (they are pretty easy and come every 6 seconds or so), just fire them off as you get them, by the time one runs out you will have another. That's how I beat him and it works damn well, but you have to be able to get that far for this strategy.
Whammy is bad ass, and it almost took him out alone at the tremelo part
I played GH3 for the first time just now in the break room and did vs battle on Weezer - My name is Jonas. Expert: 456/460 notes!
Much better than GH2's. Good job man
That "Impulse" bonus song is really sweet!
Now I have to get through Hard alone to unlock the last few songs.
I think this is my favorite in terms of songs to play. *scrap the rest, just saw Neversoft didn't have much to do with the PS2 version.*
I fived starred easy, then five starred medium (damn Raining Blood by Slayer gave me fits to five star), and now I'm almost through hard though I haven't 5 starred much. That damn orange button. Oh how I loathe thee!
It's funny how on easy and medium you really get good with quick phrasing, runs, hammer on's and pull off's and then they throw the orange button at you! I'll be doing awesome and then the orange button comes down the screen and I quickly deteriorate to a retarded chimp with no hands! It kinda reminds me of the computer scene in Zoolander.
Cliffs of Dover on hard is possibly the most fun I've had in terms of the note chart. Really catchy, really well done. Even when the notes are going all over the place it just felt so right even on the first play. I'll have to go back and play expert; see if it's overkill or not. I found a few of the songs were just kind of ridiculous with the note spamming. Didn't feel fun or skillful. There's a lot of good ones, though.
The killer bit is the near the end where you're moving between green/yellow red/blue yellow/orange
this was at the entrance to the store. the poor little Rock Band demo kit was stuffed back in an isle of the games section.
Raining Blood by Slayer on easy is a friggin nightmare, nevermind on medium.
Definitely gonna have a hard time adjusting to the orange button, not to mention the higher end medium songs. I cant comfortably hold four fingers on the guitar, so anytime there's a jump from blue to green or something similar my hand just falls apart.
Can't wait to Wednesday
Kiss, Cream, Rolling Stones, Alice Cooper, Black Sabbath, Aerosmith, ZZ Top, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Santana, Eric Johnson, Iron Maiden, Metallica. A few more might even qualify depending on your personal tastes. Can't have all the songs in the game classic rock.
Can't have all the songs in the game classic rock.
[/ QUOTE ]
Doesn't have to be all classic rock, I just find a song like "Ruby" very hard to define as Legendary.
Oh, and don't get me wrong, abso-friggin-lutely having a blast with the game.
Playing through on Expert at the moment and haven't had any real issues and passing everything first go. Until I reached the Aerosmith song. FFS! I don't know why, but I just couldn't get through it. It seemed as though I was getting severely punished for incorrect notes and not rewarded enough for note streaks. I tried a good ten times before I cracked the shits, threw the guitar and pulled the power out of my PS2. Funnily enough, I came back the next day and passed it first go.
The battles are pretty cool, and I also like how most of the songs are the actual originals rather than just covers. I find doing pull-offs/ons are so much easier now that the notes are glowing to indicate where they are possible to do.
Will definitely be picking up a copy on PS2 on release here in Australia.