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Crysis demo

polycounter lvl 20
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CrazyButcher polycounter lvl 20
actually very international team, and probably only the bank is german, nevertheless the demo is out =)

nvidia mirror is quite fast (they also released new beta drivers for it)

also the modding portal was opened

and some manual stuff for the editor, which also comes with the demo but needs to be installed separately


  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    ahhh .. i want the 200 mb demos back.. without loosing my net-speed smile.gif

    btw.. crysis got an 94% vom germans gamestar.. so i want to be impressed.. (still downloading)
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    The editor is pretty cool. Quite familiar for max/maya users (manipulators are similar etc).

    The game ran quite badly on my 2gig, AMD 64 3800+ dualcore, 7900GT machine, at 1024x768 with all things set to Medium.

    My friend ran it on a core2 duo intel with nvidia 8800 GTX, all settings high, but couldn't run it 1680x1050 because it was too slow.

    Looks very nice though, I love the depth of field.

    Dunno if it was my framerate or the movement itself, but it felt quite jerky and sometimes unresponsive when playing.

    Whole storyline felt like Predator so far :P

    The AI seemed pretty dumb playing on Medium diffuculty, I ran or drove past most of the enemies and they just forget about you after a while.
    For one of the missions I just ran straight into the building where the objective was, didn't shoot any of the guys, and they just wandered around outside, and occasionally one would look through the door and see me, so I shoot the guy, and about 10-20 enemies outside the building just shouted "where is he?!" and just continued walking around rather than finding what happened to their friend who died right in front of them smile.gif

    The cinematic bits are nicely done. And the whole level of detail is very nice (although if you play it on lower settings, which most people will have to, then it starts to fall apart a bit, since the shaders and postprocessing do a lot to make the whole thing look consistent).
    I found on low settings the foliage looks very weak, and even on high settings there's a lot of LOD popping and textures fading in noticeably.
  • CrazyButcher
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    CrazyButcher polycounter lvl 20
    yeah played a bit too now, it runs fine on my machine (but I also dont have high resolution, and most stuff set to medium, cept shader quality to high, 8600 GTS, intel dual). the game does feel a bit "slow" depsite parts where framerate seems to be no issue... and I agree that the issues known from farcry1 remained (lod popping), although the ambient occlusion like effect inside stuff is very cool. lighting and so on is very well done, too.

    all in all very nice technical work, especially like the plant interaction, and the many breakables. but game wise it feels exactly the same like farcry

    the editor beats out the gameplay easily wink.gif
  • Davision3D
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    Davision3D polycounter
    Fun game and the editor is very cool and quite easy to use but i really need a new PC!

    If you want check out the vehicles, they are under Objects - Entity.
    Editing the Player Equiepment can be done by Mission - edit equipment packs and then you have to select Player_Island_full
    I recommend the TACGun! laugh.gif
  • Striff
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    Striff polycounter lvl 18
    The game looks amazing but oh my GOD it runs like CRAP in dx 10.

    If you launch the game in DX 9 (by going to the "games explorer" in vista right clicking on it and click dx 9) it runs MUCH better. Although you don't have all the amazing effects that you do in DX 10 at least it is playable.

    I don't think I will be buying this one until I hear that it is way optimized.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    I'm actually surprised that it runs as poorly as it does on high end rigs to be quite honest, even allowing for the graphical detail. If I remember correctly the Far Cry engine ran pretty well on machines that were around in its day, so you'd think Crytek would be more concerned about performance. Especially since they're trying to sell an engine here, and not just a game. I suspect that having EA as a publisher didn't help them.

    I thought core duo 2 would really help me here, but no, not even on medium settings. The strange thing is, it's not so much that my average framerate is poor. It's actually good at times, but that every few seconds I get a stutter. It's incredibly annoying, and no amount of tweakage fixes it.

    As MoP alluded to, some of the environment work is surprisingly sloppily made. Rocks have inconsistent texel ratios and stretched UV's once you go to medium (and effectively turn off detail maps in doing so). I guess yer average gamer doesn't see that stuff.

    Yeah, some of the cinematic stuff is pretty sweet. The feeling I'm left with overall however, is that a) performance needs a ton of work to be considered shippable
    and b) its kind of a shame that they just made farcry again, cos Ive played that game already.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter


    edit: it runs a lot better than ut3 with settings to nealy the same "mid-quality" on my pc
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    I guess the demo has some editor functionality:


    Anyone tried?
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yes the full editor is bundled in the demo, go to the place you installed the game and look in the Sandbox2 Installer folder. Run the installer then you can go to the Bin folder and run the editor from there (the installer doesn't create any shortcuts to it).

    Also, it's cool that they released the mod docs, but putting them on a site with giant, unchangeable framesets is just bloody stupid ... even fullscreen at 1280x1024 my browser chops the right-hand frame's content in half. Pretty much unreadable.

    And yes Daz I get the same thing, it's smooth for a while then every 20-30 secs it freezes or stutters for a second or two, which is quite annoying since you don't really expect it, and it doesn't seem to be caused by anything in particular (like just staring at a blank wall it will still happen, makes no difference if you're in the middle of a complex firefight or not doing anything, it's weird).

    The editor has a fair amount of cool stuff although I've managed to crash it twice already without doing anything particularly complicated or demanding. In fact I had no problems flying around the "island.cry" file with full-on detail and everything, yet when I started making a new level it crashed and froze when just clicking some random buttons. Ah well smile.gif

    Oh yeah and the editor is GREAT if you want to make a map of an island with palm trees and metal huts surrounded by blue water laugh.gif
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]

    Oh yeah and the editor is GREAT if you want to make a map of an island with palm trees and metal huts surrounded by blue water laugh.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So it's the farcry editor + a metal hut tool? Progress!

    Still, using it as a modelviewer might be worth looking into. Will mess around with it once I get a new videocard.
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    Ya, I dunno. My pc is pretty high end, and well. I can run it at highest, but theres no way to enjoy it, it feel very slowww at times. like im in space. No fun. and well when u turn all that sweet shit down, well its just a regular crappy game. Cause the high candy with shooting leaves and shit is the only fun part. Making ma muscle stronger and cloack and shit, well MEH. so ya. a NO go for me! DELETE!
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    yeah, i ain't to impressed either.. and culturally speaking, i don't think I'm part of the target demographic, mah-fuhka.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Heard about this a while back...gonna try it out now.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Per, sounded like you played it run-and-gun sytle? I never had an encounter from 10-pixel distances other than to mark them with my binocs. And I found the suit + weapon menu's to be really easy and fast to use. I can go from Strength to Speed insanely quickly. I guess that comes from being use to the radial-menu style of selection.

    Anyway, I enjoyed it.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    The enemies start shooting at you from such a distance that most of the time you're fighting 10-pixel tall characters. Unsatisfying. Especially with all the vegetation I find myself often just firing in the general direction of things and hoping for the best.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, I got the exact same thing. I played it fairly stealthily for the most part, and then tried some mad run & gunning too.
    Didn't help that I had to play it in 800x600, but most of the time in a firefight half the enemies were quite a long way away, and their hit feedback is rubbish so I didn't know if I'd hit someone, let alone killed them. Ironsights + aiming directly at someone seemed to take a random amount of shots to kill them (between 2 - 20 bullets) with no real indication of where your shots were going or if you were hitting the enemies at all...

    It felt the same in the multiplayer beta version, against human opponents, with any weapon it just didn't feel like you were actually hitting them or doing any damage... pretty much just keep firing in their general direction until they went limp. Not very satisfying. Didn't feel like it required or even allowed much skill with the weapons.

    But yes, the tech and the editor are great. I love their shadowing system.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    maybe germans have a different taste?!
    tested hellgate.. no fun
    tested ut3 .. same procedure as every year (nice lan game)
    tested crysis.. mjam .. smile.gif
    .. hey .. and i can see my own feets laugh.gif

    but on the other hand.. every new game gets a lot of "uuh ohhh ihhh
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah it aligns the text ok but since half of those tutorials contain very large images, it's really hard to read :P
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    I like all the post processing and stuff but my pc cant really handle this. Runs really terribly on medium/high settings and if I just put it on medium or low I may as well play farcry anyway.

    check out the wierdness I got when I selected turn everything to high hehe. Ive only got a 6800GT
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Just started it, seems to take forever even since installing it and I have a dual core processor sitting on a Geeforce 8800 GTS.
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    Played through it on Easy and Delta, and i'd have to second b1ll's opinion - it is a pretty slow, dull bullet trading game with suit gimmick, typical 'world danger' plot with 'oh no aliens invading' mixed in. Half-Life much?

    The voice acting is stereotypically hollywood and annoying and also buggy, like saying "ROGER THAT" or "COPY OVER" as soon as that guy speaks to you (lol, nomad the interruptor). The wigger guy was nervingly ugh, the british guy was funny. This all creates a stereotypical dissappointing EA games-like atmosphere

    which, ruins whatever's left in the game


    another tech show game, move along

    on another note, I was met with a nice resetting BSOD when blocking the app from accessing the net. For a single player demo? Geez.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Ok has anyone actually enjoyed the suit powers?

    Ive played a few sections over and over, trying out the different powers and how they can be used and they really suck!

    maximum armour - feels like playing farcry on normal
    maximum cloak - you can sneak into their base, too bad it runs out when your surrounded by enemys
    maximum strength - oh theres someone to punch Im gonna go there and no... he shot me in the head.
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    downloaded it completed it this morning.

    I liked it,but I never played far cry so for me it was acturally soemthing different....or at least the setting was.

    gotta admit I did have a fair bit of fun,not acturally playing the game,more charging jeeps into enermy bases/mowing into groups of soldiers normally taking half a building withme,which is also great fun....had one set-up where I saved it,having flanked a machine-gun nest and sat behind him wondering how to kill him.
    the red barrel next to him = old school fun,particularly with the buildings being as they are.
    Melee = meh.
    suit Strength power,pick up barrel,throw at back of head = no sound....but still orignal if a little dissapointing in practice.

    I felt the death animations were really weak,as per and MoP pointed out,as was kill feedback and the randomness of how long people would take to kill.

    I also don't like the post effects(this sin't just with crysis,but another shooter I played recently had the same probs,and not UT3 since i havent played it yet wink.gif ) and I think its something thats here to stay but I found although I liked the detail,everything during game play turned into a massive mess of pixels after a certain view distance with no AA on....so to counter it I risked putting some AA on it helped abit. Still couldn't make out what was shooting me half the time though.

    will I buy it? Doubt it,but I don't buy many games anymore,may do if the sister likes it and if she buys it ill give it ago.

  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    hmm mixed feelings. those guys faces were excellent..
    I quite like the suit powers, but they werent as fun as the vids led me to believe, the power runs out too fast to really enjoy it. But, it also recharges quite quick so if you do sneak into the enemy base, if you find somwhere you cant be seen you can recharge and cloak again fairly quick.

    Wish there was an easy way to highlight weapons in the grass, I ran out of ammo quick and searching around for dropped guns was a pain

    ran OKish on high settings, didnt get the sudden stuttering mentioned but it did sometimes chug a bit (got a pretty good pc)

    will probably buy it
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Game runs great at medium and high settings for me, but not at full resolution. I have to knock it back to 1152x864 instead of 1680x1050. Though I have to do the same with Bioshock as well. I'm running a Core2Duo E6600 and a BFG 8800GTS OC2.

    As for the game, I liked it. Sure, it doesn't have a massive amount of depth, but it is enjoyable. The AI seems wonky at times, even on the hardest setting. Would be nice if that was fixed before release. At the very least, it's far more open ended than Call of Duty 4.
  • Pedro Amorim
    Vassago i have the same machine like you and run it full screen 1280+1024 with full settings no problem. smile.gif
    what slows down is the AA. which i have disable smile.gif and have it enable thru the nvidia settings smile.gif
    runs fine.
    and i like the game.
    the editor is awesome and takes more memory thatn the game. lulz
  • Striff
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    Striff polycounter lvl 18
    Rooster I felt the same way with trying to find the guns. They should make it so they are highlighted like when you see people in your binoculars.

    I will have to try to enable AA through Nvidia control panel instead of ingame.

    I also felt like it took WAY to many shots to kill people. Might be because of the fact that I couldn't tell if my shots actually hit the guys because I was lagging so bad.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Well, the game ran ok on my system @ low res with medium settings. I'm going to be building a new rig in a few months anyways so I'm not worried about performance. I enjoyed the gameplay a lot more than I did with th UT3 demo... so my preferences have shifted amazingly to wanting this game and 'meh' my want for the next UT... wtf.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    [ QUOTE ]
    (although if you play it on lower settings, which most people will have to, then it starts to fall apart a bit, since the shaders and postprocessing do a lot to make the whole thing look consistent).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Quite right Mop! I dont really have a good enough computer to play this properly on high and medium or low looks boring. so I decided to see if I could find the thing which gives this game the crysis cinematic look that Ive seen in all the trailers.

    It turns out it is mostly the shaders. The post process effects are noticeable when moving but overall I think the shaders are the big innovation over farcry here.

    It seems that only on high does it actually look any different from other shooting games out there?

    heres a comparison to illustrate.
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 20
    crap, now I have to get a new PC.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    to see if I could find the thing which gives this game the crysis cinematic look that Ive seen in all the trailers. It turns out it is mostly the shaders. The post process effects are noticeable when moving but overall I think the shaders are the big innovation over farcry here.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you're talking about the sky bloom through the trees, that's not a shader, its a post process. The 'big innovation' is probably destructibles, fully dynamic 'non baked' lighting ( removing that from your pipeline is a big deal) and the editor.

    There's something distinctly weird going on for me. Playing the game via the editor gets rid of the stuttering, and I get a big performance boost. I get the stuttering even on low settings in the game. So somethings not quite right. I've heard some people suggesting that turning off wifi fixed it for them, but it didn't for me.
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    I have p4 3.2ghz, 1 gig ddr2 ram, and an 8800gts. Runs on High at 1280x1024 45fps average. I get the occasional stutter, but nothing that deters gameplay, i would bet it's an audio issue, as mine only stutters right before npc loading and their conversations.

    So far, it looks like a great engine, the game, meh it's basically just like every other fps. I've been messing with the editor, and th physics are kinda wonky. Then again I've been working with physx applications for a long time, I may just be biased. I can't wait to get a city level with real destructible skyscrapers etc in it. THAT will make DM interesting. First to take down the buildings crushes the others etc.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    ok played a bit with the settings and i can play in high/1280x800 quit good (no aa)

    p4 3.2
    3 gig ram
    ati x1950pro
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    [ QUOTE ]

    If you're talking about the sky bloom through the trees, that's not a shader, its a post process. The 'big innovation' is probably destructibles, fully dynamic 'non baked' lighting ( removing that from your pipeline is a big deal) and the editor.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    those things are definitely very cool but I just meant in terms of the overall graphical style of this game(just the way it looks to a passerby in a trailer), not the physics and the way it handles the lighting dynamically. Those things effect gameplay and game development and are great innovations in those areas. The bloom was on in all 3 shots but it only appeared really strong when the shaders were set to high for some reason.

    have you guys noticed the funny way in which the plants move? its like they have a wobble-all-over modifier on them hehe. better than nothing I guess.

    Ive finished the demo now and I kinda like the game. really want a new graphics card. but I dont want vista frown.gif
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Specifically what shaders are you seeing that are so highly innovative and give it a unique look? Crytek simply have the shaders and post processes inextricably intertwinded in the graphics settings. But there's nothing particularly fancy going on here shader wise. Pretty standard fare stuff.

    Great, now the game freezes my pc every time I exit it.
  • Kovac
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    Kovac polycounter lvl 18
    Pretty sweet demo all in all for me. Ran alright on my lappy at 1280x720 and everything on medium minus shaders, post processing, and water on high.

    It didn't feel any much different than Farcry, but I certainly loved breaking through the roof to fall in on enemies. By far the most impressive thing to me were the explosions which felt very impacting towards the player.

    I need to actually snoop around the various areas now to see if the exploration factor was any bit close to Farcry or if those pretty cliff faces are just for show...

    Core 2 Duo @ 2.0 gighz
    2 gigs ram
    7900 GS
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    I think they are a bit to hard on the polys and the shaders, you should atleast be able to play the game on an avarage new computer, on medium. I really want to test how much you can destroy of the jungle and how you interracted with it. what i saw on the FMX expo in germany looked really cool,
  • CrazyButcher
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    CrazyButcher polycounter lvl 20
    I'd say the screenspace ambient occlusion is the non-standard thing that comes out a lot more if you set "shaders quality" ingame to high. I think Ged meant that setting making the biggest "difference" to the visual look, you can do the other effects on "medium" but once you set "shaders" to high, it certainly looks heaps better.

    also the physics reacting plants are something, I think is not a standard in most games. The rest, motion blur, bloom, physics and so on are of course nothing new. nevertheless the whole package and its editor are nice (that said the whole thing is an evolutionary step to farcry, not revolutionary)
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'd say the screenspace ambient occlusion is the non-standard thing that comes out a lot more if you set "shaders quality" ingame to high. I think Ged meant that setting making the biggest "difference" to the visual look, you can do the other effects on "medium" but once you set "shaders" to high, it certainly looks heaps better.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    aaah so thats what it is in the shaders! sweet! thats exactly what I meant crazybutcher. It really gives the game a different look to everything else Ive played lately and I think it adds to the cinematic realism of it all quite significantly.

    Daz maybe " biggest innovation" werent the right words for this but I just think the game really doesnt look like the trailers/next-gen without shaders on high.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    I finally got around to playing a bit last night, and found it fun and frustrating. I had to empty entire magazines into some people to kill them. They don't seem to have massive amounts of armor, and even when the bullets were obviously hitting them in the head it would often take multiple shots.

    I also managed to entirely bypass blowing up the GPS jammer by simply swimming out to the boat and killing those guys.

    I have to say the thing I think I love the most so far is the random animal life. I loved the turtle on the first beach, the crabs are great too. It adds a lot to have that minor life/movement around.

    Oh, and Mop, I was laughing by time I got to Aztec, because it was so obviously Predator.

    I also saw lots of LOD popping and other graphic glitches.

    No clue what I'm running at though, I just hit play.
  • Cthogua
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    Cthogua polycounter lvl 18
    It seems this, like UT3 does not play well with 64 bit machines. I loaded it on my machine here at work (3.2 Ghz Xeon, 4 Gigs RAM, and a Quadro FX 3450/4000 SDI) and it was unplayably slow, even on medium to low settings. As soon as an enemy appeared on screen it would turn into a 2 or 3fps slideshow. My coworker with a similair set up, but a 32 bit machine ran it smooth as butter. Looks pretty fun to play....to bad I can't :-P

    edit: Looks like I'm a big dummy...turns out there is a "run Crysis 64 bit" option under the entry in the start menu...duh. It worked fine on medium till I encountered the guys right after finding Aztec..then it tanked right back down to 2 or 3 fps...oh well
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Had another run through today...it gets really jittery as the player moves around all the time, got pretty tired of it after an hour....
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    enjoyed a great asshole physics run of the demo here on my work machine. played almost the entire thing using that rusty old stove range you come across while they're giving you tutorial tips, nearly managed not to fire any bullets. can't very well chuck the stove at the machine gunners very easily, though.

    so for stove-based gameplay, 10/10. haven't had this much great stove-related action since Stovetop Psycho Killer (1999).
  • Hito
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    Hito interpolator
    Stove action hahaha, sounds like the gravity gun play in HL2. The only weapon you ever need. Too bad I don't have the computer horsepower to run the game.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Just got a new machine a couple months ago, Intel Core2 Quad 2.4GHz, 2GB ram, Nvidia 8800 GTX. Runs consistently between 45-55 fps, everything on High.

    Managed to capsize the boat that's up on blocks on the beach. Then crashed it up onto the docks, and came out with four arms. Yeah bitches!

    Crysis_2007-10-29_15-50-45-25_th.jpg Crysis_2007-10-29_15-51-14-03_th.jpg Crysis_2007-10-29_15-52-56-04_th.jpg
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    four arms! LOL thats not fair!
  • Ged
    Offline / Send Message
    Ged interpolator
    hey theres a Benchmark_GPU batch file in the Bin32 directory in the Crysis demo. Set your system settings in the game before running it. It loops so just exit the game when its completed at least one loop.

    settings: 800x600, no AA, everything high
    GPU: Geforce 6800GT
    average framerate: 6fps
  • leilei
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    hahhhaa, that was damn funny. I love they guys just walking into you and staring until he does the choke hold.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Eric, your site seems to be running really slowly for me frown.gif
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    First image went slow/timed out... the other two worked fine for me :/
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