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ConceptArt.Org Seattle Workshop Instructors List

Hey All! I thought some of you guys might be interested in this:

Internationally imitated, never duplicated--Massive Black Inc. and ConceptArt.Org are at it again. This time we are opening up the floodgates in Seattle this Jan. 4,5,6,7. There has never been an instructor list this unprecendented, put together for one of our workshops, or any other for that matter, in the history of the industry. Four days of creative training and inspiration, and one mind blowing party you won't ever forget, will leave you with enough information and ideas to make it all the way through 2008.

The ConceptArt.Org and Massive Black Inc. International Art and Design Workshop Instructors are:

Moby Francke- Concept Designer -Team Fortress- Valve Software
Lorne Lanning- Founder/CEO Oddworld
J.E. Sawyer- Lead Designer- Obsidian Entertainment
Aleksi-Freelance Concept Artist/Comics/RPG Illustrator
Kenneth Scott- Art Director- id software
Sparth- Senior Concept Artist - id software
Khang Le- Senior Concept Artist- Project Offset
Aaron Lemay- Art Director - Bungie
Marko Djurdjevic-Senior Concept Artist/Cover Illustrator- Marvel
El Coro- Senior Art DIrector Massive Black
Noxizmad-Senior Concept Artist-Massive Black
Jason Chan-Concept Artist-Massive Black
Dan Milligan- Storyboard Artist -300
Wes Burt-Senior Character Artist-Massive Black
Stephan Martiniere- Art Director- Midway
Android-Visionary Artist-Massive Black/ConceptArt.Org
Todd Lockwood-RPG Illustrator
Pete Konig-Concept/Model/Texture/Animation/Sculpture Guru MB/Tippett Studio
Brom-Fine Artist/Illustrator
Michael Hussar-Fine Artist
Kevin Llewellyn-Fine Artist
Shawn Barber-Fine Artist/Illustrator
Daniel Dociu- Art Director- ArenaNet
Jamie Jones-Concept Artist ArenaNet
Matthew Barrett-Concept Artist ArenaNet
Doug Williams-Senior Concept Artist-ArenaNet
SteakTron-Senior Concept Artist-Massive Black
Rich Doble-Senior Concept Artist-Massive Black
Nick Constantine-Senior Concept Artist-Massive Black
Sam Brown-Concept Artist-Massive Black
Carl Dobsky-Concept Artist/Fine Artist/Professor-Massive Black/CA Atelier
James Kei-Senior Concept Artist-Massive Black
Jason Manley-President Massive Black/ConceptArt.Org
Chris Hatala-Animation Director-Massive Black
Kevin Chen-Freelance Concept/Fine Artist/Figure Professor
Anthony Francisco- Lead Concept Artist-Project Offset
Marc Taro Holmes-Senior Concept Artist- Sega
Jason Felix- Senior Concept Artist/Animator Flagship Studios
The Black Frog - Senior Concept Artist/Art Director- Freelance
Mathias Verhasselt - Concept Artist - Blizzard Entertainment
Ian Joyner - Senior 3d Artist - Freelance
Matt Charlesworth - Senior 3D Artist - Radical
Kolby Jukes - Senior 3d Artist - Freelance
Dorje Bellbrook- Concept Artist- Bungie
Isaac Hanaford- Concept Artist - Bungie
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TOP SECRET Design TBA
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TOP SECRET Design TBA
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TOP SECRET Design TBA
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TOP SECRET 3D TBA
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Special Guest TBA

CGSociety's hosting our previous event video (which had a flavor all of it's own) here: http://features.cgsociety.org/story...p?story_id=4003

You can find out more info on the upcoming show here: http://www.conceptart.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=73 (including hotel info, location, tuition info, and the like...)

The workshop website will go live next week with the full program and all the info anyone needs to get out there.

And oh yeah...for those that sign up by Nov. 1. Massive Black is kind to be covering a hundred bucks of your tuition as part of it's sponsorship. Questions can be answered in the conceptart.org forums listed above, in the specific threads related to the questions you have. There is an FAQ up too.

Hope to see you all come January!!

I will update you guys on the rest of the instructors soon.

Jason Manley
Massive Black Inc.


  • adam
    Offline / Send Message
    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Holy crap!

  • aesir
    Offline / Send Message
    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    oh god he's found polycount!!

    *to the people who've never gone, I've been to two of them and enjoyed them quite a bit. I think it's worth the money to go to one of them and this one looks to be pretty badass. Its really fun to hang out with a lot of artists and while I wouldn't say I learned a ton (it's really hard to internalize a lot from just a few days for me, although I did pick up some cool tricks) I would say that it is great inspiration and helps put things into focus about how hard you should be working and how your peers do things. I'd say going to one of these is about equivalent to a semester of art classes.

    If you have the time and money, go.

    I really wish I had the money to go because this is probably the best lineup of instructors I've seen. A lot of game related folks I look up to.
  • Jason Manley
    lol...thanks guys. I have been a polycount lurker for a long time. And I normally refrain from promoting stuff here but given this instructor list and the very games centric focus, I thought you all would want to know. This list is full of my games gurus whom I admire a ton, and can imagine many others here do too.


  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    been to the austin and SF ones--both were well worth the money. I'd love to get out there for another--will have to see if I can swing the timeoff/fee.

    great list, manley!
  • okkun
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    okkun polycounter lvl 20
    Hah, Sweet Jason!

    I will come and steal all your secrets wink.gif

    -Joakim (Valkyrie)
  • peppi
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    peppi polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome lineup. Will definitely try to make it to the next Euro one.
  • MoP
    Offline / Send Message
    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Over on CA.org they said they're not gonna have any Euro ones for the foreseeable future because of the poor $ exchange rate. frown.gif
    Looks like an awesome lineup though.
  • peppi
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    peppi polycounter lvl 18
  • Jason Manley
    just added J.E. Sawyer, Lead Designer from Obsidian Entertainment. He adds another dimension to the show and is one of the best in the biz. More to come.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Holy Cow It's like an All Star Game for artists. Wish I was in the Seattle area for this. I do think stimpack is going though.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    hmm, very cool.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Its like the All Stars but concept art...too bad I prolly won't have time to make it there...
  • Vitor
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    Vitor polycounter lvl 18
    uhh wow would really love to go there. I always loved to see past ones photos and videos.

    Hope you guys reconsider on the euro ones =) (plz) hhaha
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    Kenneth Scott, fucking yes! Wish I could make it, but I live a million miles away. I'll go if Im in the US at the time though, or I feel like a holiday (yes, even my holidays would be work related if I took any, I'm that lame).

    I know your going to be one of the speakers at the animfx symposium in Wellington NZ in a few weeks Jason which is awesome. I wanted to come to hear you speak and maybe one or two others, but I'm not really interested in the rest so I'll probably miss it frown.gif Hope you have a good time here though smile.gif
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    Hi Jason! smile.gif Keep rubbing that instructor list in my face, maybe i'll cave in and sell a kidney. :P

    ..damn billion dollar transatlantic flights..
  • Jason Manley
    Edit: Kenneth is back.

    I offered my unborn children to him. I hope he accepts.

  • Jason Manley
    added kolby jukes to help head up the 3d portion of the show.
  • Jason Manley
    Oh man, we are on fire!...just added the esteemed Ian Joyner and Matt Charlesworth to the 3D demonstrating instructors list.
  • I_luv_Pixels
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    I_luv_Pixels polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah i got to meet Kenneth Scott last week at the Dallas sketch group.
    His is a really cool guy!
  • Sa74n
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    Sa74n polycounter lvl 18
    killer line-up. i wish i could afford it frown.gif
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Jason, I hope you don't mind but I wasn't sure of another method to contact you directly so I've sent you a private message through the forums here. Check it out when you've got a minute.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    btw keep in mind there's different kinds of "instructors" not all of these guys are going to be standing there giving lectures... alot of them are just gonna be there hanging out
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    rawkstar, if they're on that list, they instruct.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
  • Jason Manley
    The event structure is built because of the four ways people learn. There is not a one person at a time kind of basic event (we avoid that corporate lecture flavor). All instructors will be either setting example by making art or demonstrating in front of you or doing spoken presentations or acting as a mentor. Each one is doing something unique and valuable. The event is highly structured and at the same time, open enough for the creative chaos that often brings the most interesting parts of the show.

    Here are the types of instruction:

    1. organized spoken demonstrations/presentations.
    2. support demonstrations (for example, during the character design presentation by Marko Djurdjevic, there would be guys like Wes Burt, noxizmad, James Kei, Coro Kaufman, Aleksi, Richard Doble etc..., in the same room, doing traditional and projected digital demonstrations simultaneously to support the ongoing discussion. This will all be in clear view for all to see, while the front lecture/demo is going on. We will show many ways of solving problems and creating because there is no one way to do things right. Certain people will find particular artists methods more identifiable. Support demonstrations happen simultaneously...and with a highly organized presentation at it's focus.
    3. Mentoring/Hands on Instruction- A certain portion of the show is dedicated to a more classroom style experience. For example, during the head drawing class, there will be both traditional, digital, and 3d instructors on hand to go around to each person, one by one, and offer tips and tricks to improving their work.
    4. Open demonstration. Some of the instructors work best and get the best results with no real reins holding them down. We have portions of the show which will allow the instructors, and the students, the ability to create according to their own emotions and inspirations. In Fine Art, this is the way the greatest works are created...art for art's sake. For students and professionals, this gives time for people to really make something they want to make, which none of us have enough time to do in this busy world. Some of my favorite pieces of art created at the workshops have been done during these times. Michael Hussar breaking out his oils and painting with William Whitaker, or Black Frog sitting down with Nox and Aleksi on their laptops, surrounded by students creating too....there will be something for everyone at the event.
    5. Round Table Discussion and Moderator/Audience Q&A. This gives the participants a chance to pick the brains of multiple instructors simultaneously around a given set of topics and include visuals too.

    Our structure is built this way because there are four types of learning experiences. We have to cater to all four as everyone learns differently.

    1. Learning by hearing and questioning. ...check
    2. Learning by seeing. ...check
    3. Learning by hearing and seeing. ...check
    4. Learning by doing. ...check

    We want everyone to have an opportunity to learn many things, and find overwhelming inspiration. When the latter hits, we are also providing space for you to create, and pros there to assist in a multitude of areas to ensure it happens.


  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for coming by and posting about this, Jason. I attended the sweaty madness that was the Austin workshop and enjoyed and learned in equal measure.

    For anyone who's got the time in their schedule and the money for it, don't doubt that it'll be worth it. Especially if you're in the area, you owe it to yourself to attend if at all possible.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    I'm probably going to go, lets get a list of polycounters goin, so we could meet up one evening for food and booze!
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    rockstar, may i quote u on kenneth never attending a workshop? wink.gif
    and now i get to meet my childhood hero!
    thank you jason manley, you've answered my request.
  • ebagg
  • Jason Manley
    btw...added four more top dogs (including some 3d gurus for you guys who require such delicious input)...and we are not done yet.

    More to come...
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    God, your a machine. Awesome stuff.
  • Jason Manley
    I'm sleeping three hours a night and an hour nap during the day right now. MB, the CA update, the downloadable content, and the workshop all going on simultaneously. Trying to keep healthy too...so lots to balance. Something tells me come the eighth of Jan I am going to hibernate like a bear.

    I am stoked on the party too btw...though that one is known by about five people on the planet right now. It will be a surprise for even the instructors.

  • Spark
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    Spark polycounter lvl 18
    Glad to hear that you are adding more 3D guys to this awesome list Jason, as I think that sealed the deal for me. Just making sure my schedule is open, and I will be there if everything works out.

    Looks like the wife will let me go (the workshop falls on our anniversary, so had to tread carefully:)) so if you guys need help with anything Jason, let me know.

  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Woot! Myself and about 6 other Threewaver's are going! Hizzah!

    Any Seattleites have couch room for 3 dudes?!
  • Jason Manley
    very nice. there is going to be a ton of talent there...still more names to announce this week.

  • Spark
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    Spark polycounter lvl 18
    Just wanted to see who is all going to the conceptart.org gathering in Jan? As 3 of us from Ensemble will be going, and I wanted to see about a polycount get together if possible. As it sounds like quite a few got together over the Gnomon Workshop. Let me know, and I hope to finally meet a few of you.

  • I_luv_Pixels
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    I_luv_Pixels polycounter lvl 17
    if i can sell a kidney ill be there,,,.lol
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