started on the jacket. ended up going with extract, pretty cool technique. just a blob right now, making sure everything fits properly, but it was nice to finally have something up top. need to give him a belt.
the suit is lookin great. I agree that the t-shirt looks a little funny. I think if you pull the shirt off of the clavicle area and smooth it out a little it will look more natural. keep up the good work!
thanks for the comments, crits guys. marine and penrod, good crit on the shirt, made the appropriate changes. nothing huge on this update. fit the jacket a bit better and got the lapels going.
Hardcore! I think the collar of the tshirt would hang a little lower, and some folds coming from the bottom would make it pop, as it is tucked in. Just a thought.
those are some nice folds you got going on
keep it up.
remember to have some folds with tigth creases, suits cloth is prety tight and when folded the creases are kinda pinched up
update on the folds. actually kicked the plug out on my machine yesterday so lost a good amount of progress, always deflating. but got back on him today.
coming along nice demoncage. looking forward to seeing him with a diffuse texture.
BTW I used to accidentally turn off my machine at work all the time. the damn switch was right next to my foot (doh)
I think doing a base under the coat helped a lot, he has a really cool sense of weight and style about him now. Cloth folts on the pants are completely awesome, and I like the sleeves a lot too. They seem to fade out/transition pretty awkwardly up torward his shoulder, if I have to crit, especially on his left side. Just not quite as natural and flowing as the pants are.
Thanks Ruz, Sup. Yeah SupRore, have to remember the sholders have pads in them, so there's a bit of stiffness at the top. still, wouldn't be surprised if it still looks off, jacket folds were alot more complicated.
A render of the *final* head model(may do a bit more work on the mouth). didn't pay much attention to the bottom portion of the neck for obvious reasons.
alright, here he is with all the trinkits. belt, pockets, buttons, seams. i will probably try and get a better hand in there along the way but for sanity/momentum's sake i'm calling the high done at this point. i appreciate everyone's feedback in the process as it really pushed me to go further with the model than i would have. thanks, hope you guys dig.
that's very nice! i love it! great folds on the clothes! the jacket could have some big folds on the jacket itself (arms are ok already) and the shoes could use some very subtle folds too, leather (at least that's what i think it is) tends to have typical folds... it could be made out of plastic right now.
great work! keep it up!
your thumb seems rotates too far back.(on the twist axis) mine is like 40 degrees (in maya terms) opposite on the x axis(twist axis)
maybe make the wrist bone stick out more. mine seems to be a great deal bigger than the one you've hinted at.
maybe add some more high frequency details, like skin patterns. looking at my own hands, I can see these long criss-cross type pores/marks. cool start though. this piece is looking very nice.
atm the hand feel a bit to childish imo, now don't get me wrong, I think they look good, just not very "thuggish" maybe lengthen the fingers a bit and make each knuckle/join more pronounced.
thanks all for the crits. animatr, good eye on the thumb, would have missed that. still probably a few degrees off, but i can live with it. did a slight inflate on the whole hand to give it some girth. added a bit of higher frequency stuff as well. things could be improved, but i'm calling his grabbers done. only other thing is to throw a ring on him.
posted some higher rez stuff to the site . 3 pages of renders. scroll for all images on the first 2. let me know what you guys think. does the body look alright w/ the matcap grey material? should i fix the little surface imperfections on the clothing for the head renders?
Taking another closer look with monitor jacked up...I think the pants could now use a little indication of the kneecaps where it should have...but I see almost none, perhaps care to sculpt that out?
pliang, thanks for the crit. actually, these pants fit the character loosely enough that the material would pass over the knee cap with a bit of room. i tried to give a slight fold there, but focused more on the back of the legs as that is where the crease would be.
sectaurs, glad the pants worked out, will check the hands again. might just have to deflate them very slightly.
currently working on left arm folds:
keep it up.
remember to have some folds with tigth creases, suits cloth is prety tight and when folded the creases are kinda pinched up
BTW I used to accidentally turn off my machine at work all the time. the damn switch was right next to my foot (doh)
A render of the *final* head model(may do a bit more work on the mouth). didn't pay much attention to the bottom portion of the neck for obvious reasons.
Thug Mug
great work! keep it up!
here's the in-progress new hand. basically need to finish off the tips and detail the folds in the knuckles:
maybe make the wrist bone stick out more. mine seems to be a great deal bigger than the one you've hinted at.
maybe add some more high frequency details, like skin patterns. looking at my own hands, I can see these long criss-cross type pores/marks. cool start though. this piece is looking very nice.
after all a lot of thugs carry out pretty rough and dirty tasks form time to time.
those pants, though. mmm, mmm!
Other than that, significant improvement.
sectaurs, glad the pants worked out, will check the hands again. might just have to deflate them very slightly.